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  Apr 2022 ConnectHook
Alyssa Underwood
“Why seek the Living One among the dead?“
asked angels to a few who‘d watched the Lord
be crucified—His blood and life outpoured,
“He is not here! He‘s risen as He said!“
In days before these women wept in grief
as Jesus‘ lifeless body, wrapped in shroud,
lay buried, guarded, sealed from Paschal crowd,
but by God‘s plan entombment would be brief!
His slaying served full payment for the debt
incurred against Himself by mankind‘s sin.
His raising proved His sacrifice the win
to satisfy God‘s wrath, my debts forget!
Because Christ Jesus died but ever lives,
the sin of all who trust Him God forgives!
  Mar 2022 ConnectHook
Rich Hues
That broken gait,                
That croo-
       Ked spine,
The insanity
We seek in rhyme
Is no poetic quest,                
          No Holy Grail
But a Quasimodic
               Fairy tale
And freedom from                     
The *******'s curse:
The ugly form
That is...
Blank verse.
A ditty about the dotty.
  Mar 2022 ConnectHook
Don Bouchard
Father in Heaven, Giver of breath,
I am tainted by my prideful lust,
Wearied as I run toward death.
Kneeling knowing "dust to dust."
Were I to beg you slay the wicked,
My death I'd call for you to give.
Lord, hear the cry of one so wretched,
Tortured now, who begs to live.
Despite my wretchedness, I know
Surrender as I see your Image pressed.
Make whole this desperate soul,
Lift me to live in holy rest.

ConnectHook Mar 2022
It's stunning and brave:
Some man thinks he's a woman.
Give that quing a keen!
Richard Levine the great swimmer is absolutely FABULOUS and needs more gold medals.
  Mar 2022 ConnectHook
Yo,Mr Putin

(from da *****-boys)

Yo, Mr Putin, I'm sending you a present.
It's just a bunch o'herbs, to smoke;
they'll make yer less unpleasant.

Smoke 'em in de evening,
to really chill yo brain.
They'll blow away the nasty thoughts,
you have about Ukraine.

I'm sure you're gonna like 'em,
it's the Rasta, in yo blood;
we may be cousins, way back.
You should join us, in the 'hood!

You can't deny it Vladimir,
there's really no disputin';
your ancestors are same as mine
-we've all heard of Ras-Putin.

Briz 8/4/14
ConnectHook Mar 2022
It's "devastating"
and it's "heartbreaking" . . .

refugees surging,

cities exploding,

as I watch re-runs

of the George Soros show.
It is right to question
what the majority accept unquestioningly
from global corporate media...
ConnectHook Mar 2022
You put in leader
We take out leader
You take out government
We put in government
They put in troops
You take out troops

Tanks to put in.
In Amerika, you trash Putin.
In Russia, you put in trash.

Is funny joke.
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