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  Oct 2020 ConnectHook
a m a n d a
does anyone else
k n o w they lose
entire poems?

a whole world imagined,
words stream suddenly
come together

s o m e h o w reading
your own mind story
almost as if
an observer.

a glimpse of understanding,
an ( ((awareness)) )

and it is only
together but for
the moment of

immediately the structure frays
the words come a p a r t
| scramble back up |
and it is

i have imagined
and lost
entire lifetimes.

births and deaths.

ways to be
and ways to

noticed and appreciated
and listened and described
and understood
in b r i e f
of clarity.

there is nothing to be done,
except wait attentively
and with excitement
for the next loss.
  Oct 2020 ConnectHook
Kurt Philip Behm
Animals think,
and animals react

Animals sleep,
and animals attack

Animals eat,
and animals mate

Animals fly,
and animals wait

Animals feel,
and animals cry

Animals sicken,
and animals die

Animals come,
and animals go

Animals watch,
and animals know

Animals stalk,
and animals deceive

But animals lack faith
—and cannot believe

(Dreamsleep: October, 2020)
ConnectHook Oct 2020
Que suenen las trompetas
un don para el presidente:
La salsa lo hará grande
y elevará su mente.

Escuchen el tumbao:
compártanlo libremente—
y que él gane en noviembre
sin tumulto ni incidente.
ConnectHook Oct 2020

Nein, nein, das is nicht der Einsatzgruppen
(Nor the Schutzstaffel, sure as shootin' . . . )

We understand that it's all you've got, see?
Labeling your neighbors **** . . .

As dumb as what real Nazis do:
Calling everyone else a Jew.

That Orange Man is bad; and how.
Eclipsing ******, Stalin, Mao . . .

But you, on the other hand, are worse—
And quite as bad as this, my verse.
Just admit that you are a sinner  
and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you
for your rebellion and error.
  Oct 2020 ConnectHook
Ariana Solo
You don't become wiser with age

You become wiser with the more people you engage

ConnectHook Oct 2020
Grosskreutz chased him, intending to harm.
Kyle Rittenhouse sounded alarm;
Then surrounded by danger,
Engaged with that stranger
Who needed a shot in the arm.

Joey Rosenbaum handled it well,
Though he’s no longer present to tell;
And his threat: Shoot me ******
Elicits a snigger
From demons and devils in hell.

The third idiot, Huber by name
Used his skateboard to bludgeon. For shame!
Mr. Rittenhouse shot—
And that skater-dude got
A delicious hot slice of the same.
KENOSHA it’s great to be here tonight !
We love you all,
Such a wild audience...
Are you ready to ROCK ?

(Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber,
and Gage Grosskreutz were 🤡)
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Sandino ni aprobaría de ustedes.
Leo su destino en las paredes.
Sus días ya están contados.
Dios existe.
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