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 Nov 2014
Miss Havisham
I see from the third floor windows,
Sparrows gathering around the post feeder.
Crows, ravens, and an occasional stray Jackdaw,
Gather around, waiting to feast upon fresh carrion.
A thousand blackbirds, with their red wing patch,
Swoop down into the gardens by the fountain.
I stare out the window watching the sights,
Never being disturbed in tranquility.

 Nov 2014
There are as many ways to love
as there are people in this world,
and just as many ways to say
'I love you';

But there is only one way
to be in love -
only one way
to be true.
 Nov 2014
A poet in love
is like an arsonist
With a match in his hand.
 Nov 2014
Tiffany Marie
I was made by you
created by you
born from you
loved by you
now I'm with you
been with you
stuck to you
just like glue
made by you
kissed by you
always with you
Poem made by:Tiffany Gold
I thought of this as an amazing Love type poem please comment and like
 Nov 2014
Beebz The Queen
I'm a poet lost in a world of words
Searching and hoping for poetry unheard

I'm an artist who paints a newer kind of art
With a bigger vocabulary and broken heart

I'm a doctor, trying to self diagnose
To find a cure to this heart ache that no one knows

I'm a farmer trying to plant new seeds
Or maybe a gardener removing old weeds

Either way, regardless of who I may be
I'm just trying hard not to repeat poetry
 Nov 2014
Beebz The Queen
I long more than anything
To live deep under the sea
To have the blankets of salt water
Completely suround me

To be able to live
With a dolphin heart
And be totally playful
Cause i know its my part

To make others smile
Whenever they see me play
Cause God gave me the gift
To make anyone's day

I want  a dolphin heart
But not a dolphins mind
I long for a playful spirit
And i long to be kind

But i wish to be courageous
And i want to be daring and brave
So a lion's soul i wish for too
Because those are my gifts that God gave

I wish to be a leader
Because Christ has called me
So a dolphins heart and a lion's soul
Is who im meant to be
Yet again a poem for my friend
 Nov 2014
Anna Pavoncello
I sing sad songs to soothe my pains,
And curse the evening when it rains.
I wallow low in self-pity.
Forced to bear suburban streets,
Feel fear where arid country meets
With paranoia in the city.

Stereotypes sadden, cynicisms break
What friendships I still stand to make
In this, my schooling’s final tool.
Emotionless, a way to make me smile,
At friends with whom I should reconcile,
  With hope, not looking like a fool.

— The End —