Full of emptiness
Dry of tears,
Tired of not being able to sleep,
Wide-awake for so many years.
Spent, emotionally,
Too exhausted to know what to do,
Over-anxious, constantly,
Time ticking away;
Peace of mind is well overdue.
Struggling to keep her sanity,
She bears an overloaded mind,
Toxic vibes and verbal pollution
Is all that she is able to find.
Triggers all around her,
Purity, in her world, ceases to exist,
But still, with great effort,
Her aching soul continues to survive,
She tirelessly chooses to persist.
She loves life,
As painfully hard as it can be,
Of the constant battles,
She's beyond grateful to be alive -
To breathe, to feel, to hear, and to see.
By Lady R.F. (C)2017