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 Oct 2014
Unrequited Love
The most **** thing about a guy has nothing to do with his clothes, hair or eye colour.

It's in the way he looks at you with longing, when you finally find out he wants you just as badly as you want him.

When he pulls you so close to him that there is literally no space between you, because he can't stand the thought of there being any.      

When he kisses you, so that it feels as if he is stealing the air from your lungs, and for those few seconds you forget what air even is.
When all thoughts go out the window and its just him, with you,in the most simple way possible.

Now that is the definition of ****.
Pure passion is ecstacy...
 Oct 2014
"One extra dry martini please. Oh hey wait! Make that two. And keep them comin"

She slid a hundred dollar bill across the table the way she slid the knife across my throat. Hesitant but then full force. No matter how many martinis that bartender slid across that counter, she always looked like she could use another. No matter how long ago she finished her cigarette, she could smoke another. She took everything beautiful in her life with a grimace but killed me with a smile. Her lips haunt my dreams. And her hands grip my throat. Maybe one day she'll finally get drunk enough to tell me all the things she's too scared to say sober.
 Oct 2014
Bethany Duvall
Poetry is not just a mess of words thrown together to tell a story about the boy you adore .Poetry is the letters that ****** a reader's sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Poetry is supposed to make you feel something as deeply as you love the dark haired boy with knobby knees, as you love your grandmother on her deathbed, and as you much as you love the feel of someone else's dumpling lips against your own. Poetry holds your heart up among the angels or drags your sensitivity down below dark waves of pain.

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