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 Oct 2014
Joe Cole
What is the best description of you?
I've lost the words to describe
What is the best way to thank you?
I've lost the right words to use

What is the best description of me?
You say you've lost the words to describe
What is the best way to thank me?
You say you've lost the right words to use

What is the best description of me?
You will re find the words to describe
What is the best way to thank me?
Well just use the words in your heart

Rina and Joe
 Sep 2014
Sharina Saad
How easy it is with words
Lovers can be strangers
Friends can be enemies
Families torn apart
Words can be the sweetest
Words can be the most disastrous
a dangerous weapon
against those
whom you  love ..
those whom you care..
careful with the choice of words...
never underestimate the power...
 Sep 2014
Babu kandula
Words ---
As the context
The fillers
I mean the
Words play a
Different role

To show something
To hide something

To quit
To sign up again

Words that sound same
But have different meaning

Making no noise

Expression of thanks to a deity
Hunt and **** for food
be careful
With the words
They have hidden
Two or more meanings
 Sep 2014
Pins in a haystack
Needles in the cushion
A knack knick whack-a-patty
Push n tha' tooshin

Waggle wiggle bumpin thump
hungry hippos roast a ****
Candy apple, hide-n-seek
Count to ten, you best not peek

Wormy wiggle, rigga ma roll
rat-rug boat-tug sac-de-Cul
Almost done, have words with fun
Yup giddy yup giddy, "Run Forrest Run!!!"
Joe Cole Challenge
Having Fun with Words!
 Sep 2014
Mr Berg
Woven in the matrix lacework of your words
the stark absence of love
Not just the word
I could live with that
But you (I guess we) are devoid of that affection
If only it were just a word
that needed to be written down
or occasionally whispered as we fall asleep
Joe Coles challenge "words"
 Sep 2014
we as poets,
are like birds....
in the sky.
soaring against,
the backdrop of
nature's grandeur

while aloft, we espy,
beauty and sorrow
and all the stuff....
that living life makes,
and falls forgotten,
in-between the cracks,
of just.... being.

from which,
we as poets,
glean .....
words and phrases,
that cause us to,
ponder, wonder
and cogitate.

those whispers of love.
sighing, breaths and sorrows
thoughts of futures blest,
of now, i am impressed
and yester's hollow,
and yet to be put to rest.

and bring them home,
with loving care,
to nidificate....
to interweave what we
see, hear and feel... & know
into the nesting chamber
for our wordlove....
                       for our poem
the one...
not quite yet ready to....
                                 take flight.
 Sep 2014
Simplicity in three little words
That I regurgitate so profusely
Words as free as soaring birds
Used by the brave and the mighty.

Three little words that two bodies would declare
Every so often when the heart so desires
Whispered lightly like the wind in your hair
Or shouted out loud like brimstone and fires.

These three little words shouldn't be taken very lightly
For in it lies the power to move, most regal a mountain
Squander not its meaning, until you have proven worthy
Misuse it not, until you've known for certain.

First word refers to the being of self
Third one suggests the existence of another
Middle binds the two like nails to a shelf
Middle defines the two as they're made for each other.

I've used these words many a time in the past
Then I know not, of it's sacred binding potency
I've learnt now through time that they would last
I've learnt this through a hidden path of discovery.

Now it's value stares me right in the eyes
Piercing through my mind, body and heart
Baring itself, shedding it's cloak of disguise
First time in my life, I saw a brand new start.

I am neither brave, nor am I mighty
I have felt it so great, I know it to be true
These words resonate with conviction within me
Clear echoes from my heart, it said, "I love you".
Reposted for Joe Cole's 'Words' Challenge
 Sep 2014
Shaded Lamp
Our labyrinthine of language
simultaneously dividing - unifying.
Able of conjuring mellifluous daydreams
halcyon memories and dulcet tones.
Remarkably flexible in creative hands
yet inefficient, insignificant compared to touch.
Blooming equally as well in light and shade.
Every rose bush has it thorns.
Beware to remove them before offering a bouquet
as no one likes a *****.
For Mr. Coles "Word" challlenge
 Sep 2014



Notes (optional):    I read.  I listened.  I composed what might resemble a word.  And then realized, that the innermost attribute of a word is wordless wrapped in word-ness.  All I could think to say, is all I could feel in silence.  I. I. I.
 Sep 2014
Words carefully chosen
also have the greatest

Catherine Jarvis
(C) September 2014
I have made a decision.
I must write for the glory of The Lord.
the times are very dire
I must be about The Lord's business.
Thank you for continuing to read!

I add this also for Joe Cole's prompt.
 Sep 2014
Robert Blankenship
There was once a man who worked
Who used neither hammer nor chisel nor clay
Yet, worked from mornings early hours
Till evenings close of day

Creating works of art
For his fellow man to see
A legacy to leave behind
For all of eternity

His tool is the rounded wood
That holds the darkened lead
This is the tool he chose
To create the words we've read

He would work and mold and shape
His art into a ryme
As he etched it upon the paper
To be read by all through time

These works of art he made
Held meaning as he would sow them
And when his piece was done
He called his art a poem
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