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 Aug 2014
John Stevens
I will leave this tent for the mansion
That is built for me over there.
I will close the door..
Be welcomed evermore.
Where the Saints have gathered on the shore.
I will praise the name of my Savior
On the day this tent is taken down.
I will praise the name of Jesus
When He calls
To take me to the room He prepared.
Do you hear the rushing in the wind
It’s the wings of angels coming near.
They are coming for me..
To carry me home.
To my savior where I shall ever be.
I hear the voice of my Savior calling
Call my name as I fly through the door.
All the Saints are there with
My Mother and my Father.
I am home now… I see His face now.
Hallelujah to my Jesus
Hallelujah to His name
Hallelujah to my Savior
I am home now.. I see His face now.
Praise His name for evermore
Praise His wonderful name.
Praise the name of Jesus
I am home now. I see His face now

(Ends with light drumbeat)
9-24-2003 Finished
© 12-01-02 John L. Stevens
There is a melody running through my
mind every time I read this. I need to get
it down on paper before it goes away.
Grace to live righteous,
Grace to love neighbour
And enemy and my cross
To bear: give me, O Saviour,

In a world where many people
Often use God's name to act evil.
 Aug 2014
John Stevens
I sit outside the jail house, this Sunday afternoon.
I watch the parade of people, going in and out so soon.
The visits here, come and gone. Time swiftly passes on.
The sadness shows on each face for the one which they belong.

The mother walks with their child, quietly through the door
To see a father not coming home, for many days or more.
They sit and wait so patiently for their short time to be
For twenty minutes on the phone, their “daddy” they will see.

So close are they but yet so far, no touching through the pane.
Fingers spread, hearts are breaking, their future down the drain.
The question on the little lips, will daddy come home now?
Soon, we hope, my dear child, maybe next week, somehow.

The parents come to visit him, with thoughts of shattered dreams.
The hopes they had for many years, are gone, so it seems.
They put on a smile, push back fears, to keep alive some hope.
They wonder “why, what went wrong, how will we ever cope?”

The pain inflected, bad decisions, when drugs have taken hold.
Ruined lives of those around them, the broken promise told.
His family grieves the senselessness, of life’s potential lost.
Hope now seems a fleeting dream, the family pays the cost.

Then comes a chance from the judge, “six months” he did say.
“To turn your life around for those who care for you, today.
A broken promise turns months to years, so get it right this time.
Don’t let them down, keep hope alive, as from this hole you climb.”

A broken life, a shattered dream, seems lost in the eyes of man.
When darkness falls, and hope is gone, when all has hit the fan.
God can mend the broken life, He turns darkness into light.
Forgiveness comes to those who ask, through grace and mercy’s might.

For those who choose to dream a dream of a better life to see.
Those who choose to change their hearts, the chains fall off, they’re free.
They turn their back and walk away from the old life to sever.
Redemption is a choice away, where lives are changed forever.
© 02-13-05 John Stevens
 Aug 2014
John Stevens
I was Broken
You Mended me.

I was near Death
You gave me Peace.     (1980)

I was Lost
You Found me.

I was Lonely
You gave me Comfort.

I was Hopeless
You gave me Hope.

I was Hungry
You gave me Fulfillment.

I was Wayward
You Sheltered me.

I was Happy
You gave me Exceeding Joy

For others: Can I do anything less?
Thank YOU.
(c) 11-17-2010
Man is not the light
or the source of light.
We only reflect.
If you have been wronged by love;
Another love will right you.
If you have been let down by love;
Love it is again that will raise you.

If you have been jilted by bitter love;
Sweeter love will surely find you.
If you have been hurt by old love;
Believe a new love will heal you.
Aimed and shot at an ant;
But I hit and killed an elephant.
 Jun 2014
John Stevens
The little girl stood, with cone in hand. The ice cream on the ground.
The tears welled up in her eyes, as people stood around.
Tears fell like rain, her heart was breaking, she didn’t know what to do.
Then through the tears, saw Momma kneeling… Saying, “Momma’s here for you.”

Momma said to the ice cream man “Another ice cream please.”
“Stack it high and pack it tight.” “We’ve got things to do and see.”
The little girl melted into her arms The sorrow turned to joy.
When Momma’s near, all is better For Momma’s little girl.

Oh, Momma loves you Brenna Girl, forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Him He will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find me waiting there.
I’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get there .

The little girl grew to a fine young lady. The time went by so fast.
She learned of things not of this world. The things that will always last.
You could see Momma and the young lady, Walking side by side through life.
When things got tough they called on Him, To help them through the strife.

Oh, Momma loves you Brenna Girl Forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Him He will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find me waiting there.
I’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get there.

Momma cried when Brenna died. As they lowered her in the ground.
Tears welled up, in her eyes As people stood around.
Tears fell like rain, her heart was breaking. She knew just what to do.
So she looked up high to see the Father And heard “Brenna’s here for you.”

Brenna loves you Momma Dear Forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Me I will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find her waiting here.
She’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get here

Oh, Momma loves you Brenna Girl Forever and always.
When things get tough, I’ll call on Him to lead me through the maze.
When I get to Heaven, a few years from now. I’ll find you waiting there.
You’ll be kneeling right next to Jesus While waiting for me to get there.

Good night sweet Princess. See you in the morning

(c) 04-07-2012
Brenna sustained a brain injury 2010.  She died 6 months ago, at home after a struggle, in the arms of her mother.  Her mother is coping with the use of a blog.  Her story is at:
 Jun 2014
John Stevens
I was lost in this world from doing my will,
My need was great, impossible to fill.
Then someone told me of Your love divine,
How You came to earth to save mankind.
I called Your name Lord, not knowing the cross.
Would You be there, for me - the lost?
Would I be worthy to call Your name?
The deeds I had done, had caused You shame.
Your forgave me Father as I knelt to pray
I gave you my life that glorious day
For in desperation I had reached for you,
Oh love divine, I found You so true.
With love and forgiveness You died on that tree
Your grace and mercy, is abundant and free.
Oh precious gift, from God above.
You waited for me with arms of Love.
You were there, oh Lord, waiting for me,
With arms open wide for all to see.
You lifted me up from my deep, dark sin,
And gave me peace, such peace, within.
I sought Your touch for the love I’d missed
From the times of doing, what I thought best.
I sought Your presence to receive Your love,
And found such joy, God’s gift from above.
Your love covered me, in all my need,
I saw the cross where You did bleed.
I felt Your love growing deep within.
Your touch cleansed me from where I’d been.
You cleansed my soul from inside to out
By Your love divine, I have no doubt.
Your love surrounds me, all my days,
As I walk with You, learn your ways.
Lord, I call your name, now knowing the Cross
You are always there, for me - the lost.
You make me worthy to call Your name,
So the deeds I do, won’t cause You shame.
© 2-13-2000
John L. Stevens
 Jun 2014
John Stevens
When the curtain draws closed on my mind
And leaves my body alone.
Think of the times we were together,
The times we talked on the phone.
Remember the times we would walk on the beach.
Hand in hand always in reach.
The moments we shared - together each day.
The love we shared in every way.

Though the hours get long that make up a day.
While you are sitting with me in your caring way.
Remember the times we would take a long walk.
We would get an ice cream, just sit and talk.
Remember. Remember for me.
Remember the seasons of flowers in bloom.
We’d walk through the meadow, nature’s room.
We’d hunt down asparagus along a fence row.
Bring home a bunch and fix it just so.

Remember at Christmas the lights on the tree.
The gifts for the children from you and me.
The smells of the season that filled the air.
The laughter and joy of people who care.
Remember. Remember for me.
Remember the moments our thoughts would blend.
No spoken word between us would send.
The thoughts of love and things to be.
Would cross the distance ‘tween you and me.

Tell me over and over again,
Of the things we use to do and when,
Times of laughter and times of fun
We had together, under the sun.
Remember. Remember for me.
When the curtain draws closed on my mind.
And leaves my body alone.
Think of the times we were together,
The times we talked on the phone.

As yesterday’s memories caress your soul.
Close your eyes, imagine us whole.
Where some day we will be together again
Where memories won’t fade, we will again begin.
Remember. Remember for me.
Please see a friend of mine's web page honoring his wife who died of ALZ

© (4-20-03) John L. Stevens
When I drive my verily dear life
To the end of the road and meet
At last death's cul-de-sac;

Whither will I turn my wheels:
To the right or to the left;
To 'lasting light or darkness?
'Twixt night and morning
is eternity of hope
in suffering.
 Jun 2014
John Stevens
Life is but a weary road
      You hear some people say.
      You hear the moan and groan from them
      As they travel along their way.
      Always complain and gripe of things
      And take for granted life.
      No thanks they give to God above
      But go to Him in strife.
      They know not Love and Patience
      And understanding within.
      For Love and Patience passed them by
      And they're troubled deep within.
      'Tis Love that makes a man's life grow
      And a woman's life grow too.
      My inspiration and this Love
      Comes from only You.
      I've given love and in return
      God's given you to me.
      To love and cherish every hour
      And give myself to thee.
      The happiness of knowing you
      The knowledge of your love.
      Brings joy and peace within my heart
      And a smile from above.
       - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Written 1966 but still is true in 2003
      Love ya Babe.

      And in 2018
      And in 2019...
      And ....  forever.
Will an eligible bloke happier be if he
Marries a ranking *ele like Miss Universe
With all her glory and graces, and 'cause
Of marriage mirth? Will a sheila pretty
An unbroken regalement have for a dream
Prince Charming--the fairy man of her whim?

Will the soul be jolly for the sophomore
More than for the frosh rapture of success
Had in the Ivy League of cosmic business,
When the heart cut a caper and an encore
Of hilarity requests of narrowed life--
To have constant binge in lieu of strive?

What man is wholly from trouble free, whose
Being be to sadness inured? Within, the
Spokes do sometimes snap at the rotary
Wheels of serenity, and chaos is let loose.
What thus can stay the pillars of pleasure in
A plagued world is above this little noggin.
*ele, in my native language Yoruba--which is spoken in the western part of Nigeria, Benin Republic and some other parts of West Africa and reaching to the Caribbean countries-- means a lovely girl.

Except if the meaning and translation had been lost in transist in other places but surely not in western Nigeria.
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