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All your lies have wounded me.
What was mine is no longer
"Just married" said the shattered windshield
I jumped then changed my mind
He left and didn't come back.
When all we hear are the empty promises and lies,
that leave behind broken hearts and shattered lives.
When trust is gone and hope is lost,
what are we fighting for and who really pays the cost.
When you tell us you're sorry and you do it again,
Why do we believe you, why do we keep giving in.
When we finally realize we made a mistake,
it's too late, we've sealed our fate
 Mar 2015
Vanessa Gatley
I can't walk and I've never been in this kind of situation before so it *****...
 Mar 2015
Vanessa Gatley
This scares me a lot
  Never had it done
  I rather be in a different position
Than being only 1 legged
Scared urgent requesting guys except receiving you
 Mar 2015
Vanessa Gatley
You finally broke
  how u feel now
  better that I don't have any feeling
   Towards u
  I wonder though like what would be the point
  Of being friends this point
     I wanted to be more
   I guess I was stupid for believing myself it would be
     More 1 day...
      Looking @ you might drive me crazy
      I've helped u too much that's
          The problem
 Feb 2015
this is me saying
that i don't care how i am
treated, i love you.
 Feb 2015
weeks ago i was beautiful because you owned me.

tonight i am beautiful because you don't know what you're missing.

tonight i will kiss someone
and you will no longer be the only one who has tasted the liqueur of my lips
or perceived the garden that sleeps around my neck like a jewel.

tonight, another man will sample the variety of decedent wonders
that you took from me
the crystals
and ripping
the satin

someone more gentle than you
will receive
the glory that i have to bestow
the power and pulsating, vibrating music in my walk
in the sway of my full hips

what you're missing.
 Jan 2015
Amber Bowen
I'm not sure what to do on these lonesome nights
When you won't notice me, or even acknowledge my very existence
I try to convince myself that you have a logical reason why
But I fail to see it each time I'm able to make any form of contact with you

"Let me know if I'm ever bothering you, I always feel as though I am."
"Nah, that's impossible. You don't annoy nor bother me."

I believe you, I truly do
Up until you resume ignoring me
On these bitter lonesome nights
Ah.. I suppose I'm venting, yet again.
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