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 Jul 2014
When every bone in your body aches to be relieved through death, When it hurts to breathe, when the thoughts and ideations of self harm cut you deeper than any blade could and the thought of suicide is one of hope not fear, when the burdens you bear are so heavy you feel them weigh every inch of you down, when you wake up with regret that you made it through another night, when you feel like you're drowning in the millions of tears that have parted from your eyes, and yet you march on anyway, you throw away the pills, you put down the blade, you pick up that fork of food and you eat, you don't turn to a bottle or drugs, you dig deep within yourself for the fight you swore you had run out of months ago and you carry on with life, that is the rawest and most admirable strength there is.
For* you I don't write verse.

With you I con-verse.
We find happiness in others
that we don't find in ourselves.
 Jul 2014
SG Holter
After the smoke clears
I survey the damage.

Or rather the lack

My eyes have grown.
My mouth narrowed.

I'm all ears; all hands

I've learned to appreciate
A hug from my father,

Felt just how well
My mother knows my pain

Without a single drop of hint.
Silence. Ah, the silence.

To do what-, when-, however I want.
The freedom of a King Size alone.

My God, the things I gained
In the fire.
 Jul 2014
love isn't a transaction.
 Jul 2014
Babu kandula
People with highly
Spiritual knowledge
Where called "Baba" or "Sadhu"
In our country
But for easy money
Many are disguising themselves
Behaving like they are
Spiritual leaders and sometimes
They call themselves as God.
Cheating people
Became their Routine
Innocent and ill people think
They can heal them.
They offer money to those so called
Fake "Sadhu's"
Many cases are registered
What we all can do is
Just believe God and ourselves
We can get inspiration and help
But not miracles from a person
For miracles we have to work
Please remember this
It mainly happens in rural areas
And unfortunately in some urban areas
In our country
Hoping for a change
 Jun 2014
Don't measure your self-worth by someone's opinions.

*© Pax
a quote, learned experienced. One of the things that I need to remind myself. You are worthy for your own good not for their own taste.
Poetry is not about rhythm like the heartbeat of a baby
Neither about display of grandiose words from an old treasure chest
Poetry is not constructed by three pairs of spider's spinnerets
Neither made by sticky saliva of termites

It is a choice of a hand connected to the veins of the heart
It is a chance of finding a warm spot
It is a change of fate
No one can say that your poem is the worst.... as long as you have the heart to express, influence and touch the heart of the readers... you can be the BEST :)
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