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 Nov 2018
Lora Lee
Under the weight
of loneliness
I wear the universe
like a cloak,
pressed around me,  pinned
holding me close in
its wild womb
gathering up the shards
of warm fire laughter
and voices
that weave into bones
rising in chants
pinnacles gently rocking
into a frenzy
of dark lunar dance

and my
inner moon rises
it's spackled lights
like penetrating eyes
wrapping me in its
blanket of
Just an intense moment in time that passed
 Nov 2018
A Simillacrum
Come to think of it,
I've strung a string of selfish lovers,
since the first lover to covet my heart.

Enter the present,
I'm of the morose understanding,
the cutthroat waters of the waking world. . .

Temper the mind to take,
raze, and ****.

Temper the heart to quake.

at the fulfillment
of practical demand.


on bended knee,
in dream,

for love for free.
 Nov 2018
Skylar Kunaris
Teeth encased in bone dry wood.
Mouth stuffed full of chalk.
My lips tremble, trying to speak.
A sharp absence of sound permeates.
The silence carries as if on a breeze
airborne and terrifying.

A moment lasts forever.
Stretching until it can't,
greedily devouring time like a
famished serpent.

The overpowering stillness,
soon to tear and release like a
thick skinned balloon.
rhythms of black birds ; black jack ; flap jack stream of consciousness

these recollections ; another time eighteen hundred eighteen hundred …

i wish i wrote like others with words of wonder full syllables, bells ringing, you know.
on what is or is not,

reflection on life,

and what is not.


ourselves back to front.

or not.
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