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 Dec 2018
you have become
your own idol,
you believe
in your own imaginary perfect...
 Dec 2018
She's in the clouds,
Heavy and dark,
Waiting to
Fall like rain.....
 Dec 2018
Lady Elle
I have made you bleed
I have made you sweat
I have made you starve
I have made you ache

I have put you in the mud
I have put you in the ring
I have put you in the crossfire of heartbreak and misunderstanding

I have picked and prodded you like a foreign beast
I have roughed you up like a schoolyard bully
I have carelessly clutched & betrayed your touch

And, yet, toxically, you stay
You open eyes each morning
You rise
You move  
You work

You build things & restore tragedy
You absorb and give
You release
You force air inside your lungs
You put it there, even on the days I don't feel
You deserve to breathe

I am imperfect, as you very well know
But for what you have done
I look in the mirror
And desire to be

 Nov 2018
Josh Cooper
Here is my hand, shaking
And you're the reason for my sanity lost.
Now I know...
Some poems need not be written
Some poems just need to be Loved...
Touched, and Ringed and Kissed.
              Need to be taken home...                             And carved in the sacredness that kisses life in my body, mind and soul.
And read over and over and over again.
And always...
 Nov 2018
Keith Wilson
Satellites fly high  in the sky
and so do we
 Nov 2018
Jas Agaji
Man's eyes are laced with stereotypical eyelids.
His belief is based on what he sees because he let his eyes lead.
It seemed he could see through the heart but the appearance was where his eyes laid.
We all have different perception of a particular thing.
 Nov 2018
Sally A Bayan
Maybe, we're just walking...or working,
merely going through our daily grind,
suddenly, the unexpected pops up,
something hard to ignore...we react...

when circumstances call for it,
mothers and fathers become doctors,
other times, to  plumbers, or carpenters,
even ministers of the church...

some folks, after their nine to five stints, mingle with despondent
souls, like prisoners... reach out to them,
as priests or trusted friends do......
some swim, or paddle through floodwaters
to give food and supplies to flood victims,
others cross through fires to save lives,
others care for orphaned, or abandoned kids...
nurses, doctors,  even ordinary citizens,
walk the extra those lost in their
own find themselves back.
............................the list never ends...

"mysteries" always unfold before us,
their purposes are incomprehensible, but,
they turn us into healers, therapists, carers,
we, at times become miracle workers...

even cold-hearted people were born
with seeds of love embedded within them
in some mysterious ways, the willingness
to change hats occurs, when the need arises...


Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
October 29, 2018
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