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 Sep 2018
You planted roses in my heart
     Now I am overgrown
With these thorns in my lungs
     And petals blooming out my eyes
The only reason my head is held high
     Is because of the stems in my throat
And still you bring me bouquets
     And still I pluck away
He loves me...
     He loves me not...
He loves me....
     He loves me not.
 Sep 2018
What could I say that would change your mind?
Would it be easier to tie a string to the moon and pull it to earth?
Still I speak into the unknown
My own voice, in solitude, returns to me
Though not as it was when she left
I have had days where words have bubbled out of my mouth as quickly as the regrets could follow
Days also, where not a word could be pulled; by any hand or persuasion, through teeth gnashing in my mouth

Silence she is a queen
Though she does not always sit upon her throne

It seems my mind, these days, has to many pages, but none to turn them like wheels in a stream
This ache in me eats away at rest and resolution
Soon she will go hungry
And I can feed her naught but contempt and dry, empty, hopes
Oh that you would come to me
In any hour of the sun
Find me as I am
And speak to me as such;
One whom you have missed in the abundance of a field, flooded in Spring, only so that the bounty of the harvest would be overflowing

Find no fault in me
As I find no lack in you
 Sep 2018
and maybe we all

fall back into what we were

while still

to whom we think we are now

and maybe it is all in

but that is okay

because things done in the struggle of

may be worth more recognition

that those
                         in the light
                                             of day

what you cannot see changing

has no

on the value of that change
 Sep 2018
I think in a way our words read us, just as much as we read them

It would be as if our souls looked into a mirror, and nodded, saying, "this is understanding myself, this is knowing other people"

And maybe that is how our hearts see the stars, and taste a kiss, through the mutterings over our mind, overgrown into pages and poems
Thank you for reading this, bless you and your words.
 Sep 2018
I will patiently explain my love to you for every day the sun dances with the moon
 Sep 2018
She is breathless in wonder
At all that lay before
Green may be more than a color
And blue more than a shade of sky
For how can you reduce such beauty
To a color and a scheme of land
Could you not say it is how you felt
When you looked upon such a thing
You would never want
To tear your eyes away
Even when the storms
Came down to visit the mountains
You would see the beauty in the anger
And be breathless all the same
 Sep 2018
What could break my soul but this
The unnumbered skies
Still, free pouring, moments
Riddled with the thoughts
Of God himself
These thoughts are timeless
And these hopes - endless
As the days of the maker himself
Such that I could taste eternity

Let burn my soul dry
And whisper my ashes into the beyond
An abyss barren of kings, and quiet, and shame

You are everything
To my nothingness
Like an ocean, forever raging its waves
Upon shore,
And soulless cliffs of desolation alike

Still no saltyness could compare
To that which we soaked our sheets with,
Secrets wrought in moonlight
To kiss yesterday's memories
As though we knew
They were dreams in passing
Dreams ever present
And dreams moving on
 Sep 2018
my eyes have walked places with me that my feet could never carry me
 Sep 2018
And maybe the world doesn't need more souls fiery flames
But gentle candle hearts and kisses of kindness
 Sep 2018
We are made up of just little tastes of almost tomorrows
To many yesterdays still trying to hold on
So take this for what it is
A moment always reached for
But never touched
As pure as a thing can be
When you lay dreaming
Next to me
 Sep 2018
I matched the look in his steel colored eyes with my own gaze of determination

The angel Uriel descended in but a thousand broken moments woven together with the distinction of bliss

And he bade unto me in my slipping consciousness...

I could not tear my eyes way even for an eon, the sight to my eyes was a breathe to my lungs - as is a beat is to my heart, to be everything at once,in turn to the nothing I was but a lifetime ago

Could you kiss my soul?
In the way music breaks my heart
Could you sing a song at the footsteps of the eternal himself

His ways
, higher

I think I take too much, you say I take too little, still you give as generously as you have before

What is this
That I would bare
My soul to you
With solemness, your eyes
Find me in the dark
Still you see me as I am
But a child
A fragile candle wish
Blown among the known
And wretches of night
To weep with the mindless

How can I return unchanged
To that which bore me
It leaves me in anguish
That which knew me
It let's me go
To those who see, but know too little
Reach with tendrils of hope and fire

Further still you lead me
Through loneliness I am not alone
 Sep 2018
The Liar
He whispers
Through the seams of my pillow
With his rasping voice
Like taught threads

The anxiousness
Beads on my forehead
And prayers
Slip through my teeth
Like water
Through a clenched fist

The Liar
He says to my dreams
That he will be with me
Like a woman
Who lays beside you
While the sun passes
On into tomorrow's light

His whispers
Are crystals
Of salt and sand
It fills my mind
Such as hollow spaces
Are meant to hold
Like a mother her child
In the days of its youth

Clutch as I could
To days that stretch
Into weeks and wonder
Rather than these moments
A fleeting feather
Falling, fallen, lost in fields

My soul a sunflower
Wilted in time
The Liar
He comes to me
Plucks a petal
pick away
He picks again
Dry and husky
Like a voice worn
By years of smoke
And tobacco kisses
Plucking still
Am I a field?

The Liar
He wraps
His hands around my throat
The Liar
He walks
Between worlds
Fingers hooked
In the heel of my shoe
He is my shadow
Though not the same
Petals and promises

The Liar he takes
What cannot be given
Thoughts never spoken
Before they are plucked
From my tongue
Still curled behind my teeth
 Sep 2018
I have an old soul
And a young heart
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