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 Sep 2018
I am yours in memory
And I am willfully bound inside
Every kiss that you bestow
Upon the top of my head,
nestled into my hair
On the sides of my face,
and my forehead
Pressed to the back of my hand,
and placed in my heart,
with all of your love

I feel a fool and I do not care
I would taste each day in a bite, as long as it tastes of you
This is a dream and you are my sleep
You give me rest and helpfulness
It swells in my chest
And bubbles out of my mouth
Like a brook swelling in Spring

**** these hands that they would ever let you go
Curse these eyes if they would ever look away
I cling to you like the edge of a cliff
I look to you like the sun on the horizon

Would the birds let me join their song in the quiet of the sun rising in the morning to scatter darkness and dew alike from the skirts of the earth

Would the stars give me but two twinkles, each for an eye so that when I look at you, you can see the lightness of my heart dripping out my eyes

Would the moon bathe me in dreams and fill your head with all the beautiful thoughts of you I hold in my heart

Would you love me for every day that I love you because then we will never run out, like water roaring over the falls to chase the rocks down the stream

I see you in the world, and I hope you can find me in your heart
 Sep 2018
light up the walls of my paper thin soul
such that I would burn out
would you be more careful
if my fuse was shorter than it is now

this fuse; she has been blown
out of water and reality alike
many a time, and many a time again
when consent was but a dying lie

and this she calls her dying art
to live each day as if a few had never happened
as if such shadows did not cling to her heels
like every memory was a not a venomous snake

if you bit into her memories
they would not taste like your own
the are unfamiliar in their rendering
and foolish in their aftertaste

the lingering scent of midnight tears
and a thousand scars, each handmade
wrought into her body and the backs of her eyes alike
only some will heal, and only some fade

others, like your own eyes
you forgot they are their
until you turn to the glass
and find only your soul looking back

what could you shut out
if you had a door in your mind
some nights would you lock it
like you lock away me in your life

to stow away like voyagers on a ship
not a care to where it would go
only that it takes you far and it takes you from
all that you have known and that has forced its memory upon you

silent and serpentine these dreams pass
through my shoulders and across my cheeks
into the hollowness of my head
to writhe in agony in a dying light

and still these lights they flicker in the wind
would that you would close the window
but still my soul shivers in anticipation
of the knife to my heart, oh Ceaser's ghost hear me

would you even hear the depth of my scream
as it calls to you in the shadows of my mind
here I hold you, twixt hand and sternum
such that you would ever cling to me

I am but a fool, secure in my own folly
and that which I stand upon is treacherous
the closing of my eyes will not steady my legs
and stamina oh she has abandoned us long ago

I am weak in all but that I have done before
the anxiousness of my bones is a crutch and I crumble
like the walls of a tower without a foundation
and such is this I stand upon

soon I too shall fall into the earth
her waters shall reach me in the end of days
and pull me out, to be one with wind and waves
oh a memory sunk to the abyss

such is this
a candle heart
and a paper thin dream
just enough life
to ignite a soul

burning out
among the stars
 Sep 2018
I lay myself to rest every night
Inside my memories of you sleeping next to me
Hoping that you will fill the empty space that is left behind
All these memories gather together like storm clouds in your wake
And I am left with such
A head to full
And a heart to empty
To have any rest at all

I wish that you were here to hold me tight
Or even that I could cling to you
Something to anchor me in the ungodly hours of the night
I have naught but dreams and they are such a tragedy
When you are such a beautiful thought and not to bad in reality

These sheets twist and twine around me
Such as our bodies used to do
I would even take the quiet of your breathing
In place of these haunting dreams creeping in my ears
I writhe in my sleep, almost like I am seeking
For a someone or a something that is not there
If I had three wishes I would ask for such
My hand to be held in yours
For sleep as sweet as the dew on the grass in the morning
And that I would wake up next to you just as I fell asleep so many nights

So little it may seem, and little it may be
I just want to sleep with you next to me
 Sep 2018
she is everything you ever loved
but no one you ever wanted
 Sep 2018
you have been in my head long enough to find your way to my dreams
maybe soon you will find a way to my heart

please stay


 Sep 2018
My mind in its lazy moments
Always finds its way back
To the thought of you

While some would trade
Their soul through bars
For just a handful of cigarettes

And other lost stars
Fall from the sky
To give the earth just one kiss

Yet many still run a ragged race
Through streets of memories
Only to rest forever in the cold dirt

I cannot help but ponder
That maybe like how trees try to graze the sky
You would let me grow with you

And such as dew kisses the grass at dawn
You would greet me in the morning
What a sweet sentiment is this

Like a shooting star
Running through the heavens
Such as this, I run to you
 Sep 2018
I lay awake
And I wish it was to question the wonders of the world
You are one of many thoughts orbiting my consciousness
Though clouded by one hundred and seventy eight bad decisions that I have made before
They wind themselves around my wrists
Tightening only when I think I have made myself free
What a fool am I
What a fool I am
 Sep 2018
The itch is back
Yet the promises remain the same

help me

 Sep 2018
is romanticizing my own personal pain a coping mechanism
 Sep 2018
she has slowly folded herself
as an individual
into the soul-less night
that has been her only companion
for so many a night

such is this
that we become
that which we fear most
that which holds are secrets
and nothing else as dear

as she whispers her secrets
into the night
an always listening friend
she asks only for such
that she would be as patient
with herself
as the night has been with her
and that she would be as overwhelmed
as it has been to her
with all its love
dark as it be

love me as much
as you will never leave me
 Sep 2018
If I had a petal for every time that I was sad then I would live in a forest full of flowers
 Sep 2018
I have a bad habit
of allowing those that my heart beats for
to break it
 Sep 2018
I can go back years in my mind
and still
that changes nothing for today

I am such as I have never been before
and still
she is not enough

For to me all things
even dreams and death
are tangible

And such that I could touch
life and love alike
but the world spins in it's own way

I retrograde in my emotions
and there is no center
to loss and losing

My only comfort is this, you
and still I cling
knuckles white and bleeding

There is none and nothing to surround me
Still my body chokes
On air fouled with memories

And dreams
oh nightmares
that they would leave their scars and go

But the world and whims of life
are not as such
and such I should have known

Fools live and die
and I am still afraid
of life and death at once

The coffin of my mind is unburied
and such these memories renew
a soul tired in its journeying

This is now still
a day to remember
though many I still forget

For time passes like water
through this life
and on into the next

These scars I carry
though the weight not the same
still I feel its presence

Let me pass
just as I am
in the shadows of the overgrown

Into that which calls me
by my own name
in the dying light of the stars

This day is still only a rising
that will set into the past
and I will let you go

As I have done so many before
such is the way of the world
still she spins, in fields of flowers
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