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 Mar 2014
Pushing Daisies
In my diluted youth,
I used to believe,
our world was perfect.

Spending so many nights,
dreaming with my eyes open,
imagining the impossible,
and creating a parallel universe,
in which I was his to hold..

But like everything else,
my thoughts were
ultimately flawed.

My heart had written its own story,
*a fiction.
 Mar 2014
Brendan Thomas
With my thoughts
In the dark
Of the night

Dreams now take flight

I dream of tomorrow
And of days long since past
I sit in the dark
Alone here at last

I once wanted peace
And quiet within
Now I know loneliness
And quiet within

I want sunlight
And warmth from another
Chaos and laughter
I want my true lover
 Mar 2014
Nat Lipstadt
for her

no special expertise claimed,
if anything, les contraries,
my non-expertise,
but nothing forbids
my heart from trying
red crossing,
rebuilding just this young one

build from the corners in,
like one starts a jigsaw puzzle,
the human, moving parts,
thus harder,
but eminently doable

the corners are straight edged, linear,
easier to spot, easier to start,
but for you to find them within,
go outside, and window winnow in
you will know them as your
truest words

pick the picture
of you,
you know
you must pick,
the puzzle picture
of you

that favorite one
when completed,
will, though cracked,
as jigsaw puzzles
by nature wont,
as all humans
are wont,
will be the one
that brings smiles
first, foremost

she asks:
"Where are these edges that define me,
help me to construct and the where to begin?"*

after sixty years more on this planet,
have been torn apart,
reconstructed, deconstructed,
more then ten finger and ten toe times
this I know,
there is but one beauty
in this crueled worn
every day weary-world,
it is you,
you words that betray
Beautiful You
oh so well

you see I have your picture,
you see I have your words,
deconstructed, reconstructed,
I love your picture,
I love your words,
start with me, start at the corners,
show me the pieces,
tho the world see the ex
I see the in
the shiny new
true sides, so beautiful,
wake knowing that
not just me dearest Chalsey,
I have found your chalice,
and  your grail,
and I say,
this is just one man,
this can be where you start,

this then be your mirror,
let us from the corners in,
from the eyes that penetrate,
accept that this is not debatable,
this is my poem where I do not lie,
this is my piece of you,
from inside of me
my straight edge piece was
born in your beautiful words,
and I say,
can you, see a voice,
can you, touch a voice,
no one can

but I can

your voice is transcendent,
it is the cover photo of a glossy mag,
this is the photo, the puzzle I see,
and heart each and every word
Sorry I took so long

Read this poet, this woman, this woman's beauty
in her every word
 Mar 2014
Poetic T
In my white room i stand
thoughts of madness abound.
My reality diffrent from yours
as I'm your angel of death,
granted many wishes, I have
sent them all to a better place.

Screams of joy they gave me
with there last breath, in there
reality victims they are called
and the sreams I heard, were
screams of their death choked
out of them until there was no
more breath at all.

But in my reality i now stand in
my heaven, which is white all
around as the voices said i would
end, in my jacket i stand listening
to my vocies my only friends.
 Mar 2014
I was born with a brain that takes hurtful words to heart which turned my world into a disordered mess
I cannot dig my way out of this chaos
I am trapped in my own skin
 Mar 2014
i lay here in pain
waiting to find a way
to ask if you'll ever leave.
people often do,
and some say that you
would not mind forgetting
your feelings after awhile.
how am i supposed to believe
"i love you's" when you can
pull away ever so quickly?
the twinkle in your eyes
makes me believe in our future
but stories often told of the past
remind me that i am only a person
worth leaving.
 Mar 2014
Kalon R
Is it bad that I want to experience heartbreak? I want to fall deeply in love just to see how they would shatter me. I want to depend on that person like oxygen and have them cut off until I turn blue. I want them to destroy my very hope for life, because in the darkness blooms the light that shines the brightest  and shows the way. I believe that I could never reach my highest without first going through the low. I believe I will never be able to make a women happy until I know what's it's like to be miserable.
Out of the ash of heartbreak a Phoenix who blooms brighter than the sun will rise once more. For as Christians we are called to die to know real love, so why would the rules change for love? Don't we have to have nothing to be able to know exactly what we deserve? Don't we have to go through much adversity to know the slightest sight of triumph? You cut your hair to make it grow, and forest fires bloom beauty, why would love be any different?
Late Night thoughts
 Mar 2014
She will lose herself in a book
and find herself in poetry

She thinks that religion is a sacrilege
and that long showers are sacred

She makes love when she's tired
and never tires of making love

She is irreverent in her humor
and pious in her gravity

She is diligent in completing her work
and ambitious of her quest for leisure

She is the personification of romanticism
and the embodiment of compassion

She exists harmoniously in my mind
 Mar 2014
Thank you for breaking me
And making me
A better me

Thank you for hurting me
And making me
A stronger me

Thank you for shooting me
And making me

Thank you for burning me
And making me
This is an older poem. Things have changed since then. But this poem is highly relative to a lot of people and I liked it well enough so I posted it.
 Mar 2014
Quentin Briscoe
I want our words to make love....
Let us wine and dine in pen...
Ill kiss you from the page...
We'll create no biblical sins...

So poetic
that my physical is pathetic
I mean I fumble words around you..
But when I create, I'm no fool

Subdue you...
underneath you..
I'll ***** you...
Make your feet move..

Give you shakespear cues...
Show you which way to play...
As I write out scenes of love
That last for hours into days...

I'm no genius Just a lover
That gets off to syllables
I passion write in purple
Cause the red is full of bulls...

Let our I's Collide
As we make human i Ts
Saving Graces for our diner
for in each other we both feed..

I'm sure to say I do
If you read a little deeper...
But don't read too fast
cuz I'm know to be a sleeper...

Silence is my killer
Verbal language is my gun
As I have no set targets
go on killing sprees for fun..

Im a ******
Leave women lifeless in bedrooms
Bathrooms, car seats, tee pees and Breakrooms...
Let us have a pow wow...

For I'll empty life into you...
Birth a new prince...
All in the way he touched you..
While leaving no finger prints..

Let Our words..
make Love....
Feel Death...
and Receive Life...

For I Created this to tell you
I want your soul tonight...
but every time you'll read this
You'll know that love is Write...
 Mar 2014
Dustin Matthews
I get lost in her
No other way to describe
Pure serenity
© All Rights Reserved - Dustin
 Mar 2014
Pushing Daisies
Hansel could not see the breadcrumbs,
Gretel was left on her own,
Following the winding trail,
That lead her far away for home.

With only one pair if eyes,
The lurking witch could pass,
Grabbing Gretel with such force,
Her young heart smashed like glass.

— The End —