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I didn't know
I told her so,
she asked again
I replied
the same.

Where do we go when we die?
she asked,
obviously beyond the sky where
angels fly and cherubs sing
and everything you ever wanted
will be waiting for you,

is that true? she asked,
would I lie to you?
I replied,
she seemed satisfied
and went back to sleep.
 Jul 2019
Mary Gay Kearns
Some gals just want men to give them babies
And clean the gutters.

Love Mary xxxx
 Jul 2019
Ashwin Kumar
Being a recruiter is never easy
Hours and hours of research
To identify the right people
Followed by a truckload of calls
Every time a candidate says no
It is you, who loses
The client piles on the pressure
Your boss keeps on nagging you
Like a fly that constantly buzzes around your table
While you are having lunch
Your confidence collapses
Like a house of cards
When you pick up the phone
Your hands shake
Your face is filled with drops of sweat
Your heart beats faster than ever
You hastily key in ten digits
As you click on 'Dial'
You wait with bated breath
Counting from one to twenty
As your call is received
You mumble and stammer
The other person snaps "Wrong number"
And bangs the phone
You smack yourself on the forehead
How could you make such a silly mistake?
As you dial the right number
You summon every last ounce of your courage
As the candidate answers
In a bored and haughty voice
You introduce yourself in a suave manner
As you take him through the job
Your smooth talk is interrupted
With a rude "Not interested. Thank you"
This opens the floodgates
For more and more rejections
Until you are left, with nothing to do
But to pick up the pieces of your broken heart
Being a recruiter is never easy
Poem to vent my frustration and stress while working on a Recruitment mandate for the position of Relationship Manager.
I never thought, in a million years
I’d be wiping away all your tears
The very tears that come from fears
Fears instilled in your mind from doubt
Doubt in your mind from silence
Silence from my lack of willingness to share
I caused you to cry
I caused those tears
I caused the doubt
I caused the fear
And yet you continue to love me
I’ve never known love like this
I don’t understand
I don’t doubt for a moment that you love me
I know that now
But I just don’t understand what you are
Don't you dare say it
but then he does
"Your boyfriend"
 Jul 2019
Ryan O'Leary
Spring has come, buds
on the trees getting ready
for leafy canopies to protect
the egg sitters from sun and
rain. Birds have turned this
aspect of their lives into a fine
art. Imagine the hypothetical
if you will permit, this same
scenario put into practice by
the Westminster Brexiters !
Thinking it's time to bail out
get the next train and hang
on the rail,
doubt I'll get a seat and
no doubt the Westminster
crew will.

they are acting like krill
as if they're immune,
but soon
they'll be the migrants
eaten by whales
or Ireland,
I wonder and
think it's time to bail out.
 Jul 2019
Ryan O'Leary
 Jul 2019
Crushing news today
from five thousand miles away,
feeling helpless, needless to say
could you please sends some prayers my way
 Jul 2019
I just want to be with you
in the kitchen of our apartment
dancing to Shakira
in the early morning
while cooking breakfast
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