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 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Static amare,
Wherein art thou?
To sticketh around and careth.....

Staunch lover,
For wherein art thou?
To loveth me? And not another......

Singular saccharine,
For wherein art thou?
To giveth realism, not just a dream....

Resolute angel,
For wherein art thou?
For in ourn own web of amour', to get tangled!!!

Requisite yearning's,
Shalt thou cometh?
Mine soul is burning..... .

Profound all,
Shalt thou ever arriveth after all??

Genre of seraphim,
Dost thou heareth me?
To be as me to be open and not hush, hush, Mum!!!!

Genteel chronic,

I needeth catharsis,
As assuaging of antibiotic!!!!

Merger marriage,
Thy scarcity is much
Yet still the purest touch
I reacheth mine hand's for....
Immutable I wanteth thee,
Though tis,
There art none....

So I retract as I bleedeth....
For noone just good writing ():
 Jul 2015
Mohd Arshad
The night-hunters,
In different directions,
Set out on hunting journey
In the LED light, spilling out;
No use of rope, no bullet, no sword,
Save the trick to jump upon in silence
To snare the prey between their knife-teeth and
Rip apart it to gallop down their throats at instant!
Notes (optional)
 Jul 2015
She believes in happy things
Invisible beings with fairy wings
Fluttery butterflies make her dance
An endless game of happenstance
Eyes of wonder, transparent soul
The world is cruel but she doesn't know...

She greets me with smiles from ear to ear
To hold her heart I solemnly swear
Gentle touch soothes the soul
In her presence I turn to gold
She holds my restless heart at bay
As she executes her innocent ways...

Her plans get lost in the making
A pouty face when she's faking
Empty cups of invisible tea
Cartoon bandages when she bleeds
Shelves filled with eyes that stare
She loves her tattered teddy bear...

Crayon drawing of sunny skies
She draws me with big wide eyes
Read me a story, she hands me a book
It's past her bedtime but she gives me that look
I tuck her in and read her asleep
And pray my love she'll always keep...
Traveler Tim Jun 30, 2015
 Jul 2015
Rare but Relevant
There's this poet who makes me smile
We are still sort of like strangers
I don't know his smile
Or the sound of his laugh
But I do know a simple hello in my inbox can brighten my day
It may not mean much to you
But I can't remember the last time I smiled
And my eyes smiled as well
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
mine de tendre bavures la chute de la déchirure que les années goutte de vie de la mine, reine de rêve de, ne peut pas une réalité que nous faisons dans la vie ourn? dans lequel il n'y a pas de douleur, ni les conflits, mais un trésor que nous mettons la main de ourn dans tous les temps, nous devons une tranche de eachother amour !!! Que fais mienne l'aorte haveth en magasin oh acknowledger de la mine aimer sort ..... ce sort à l'enfer de poète oh lonesome ...... ( french tongue)

(English translate)

Mine tender smudged tear's fall as years drop from mine life, queen of dream's, can't a reality we make in ourn life? wherein there's no pain nor strife, but a treasure chest we put ourn hand's into every time we need a slice of eachother's amour!!! What dost mine aorta haveth in store oh loving acknowledger of mine spell!???..... this spell oh lonesome poet's hell......
Hopeful dreams... Though I'm a realist lol
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Waterfall eyes
A good comfort before
Mine beddy bye time....
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
I'm not any poet but I have notice this all miserable people inside  for some reason have to hurt good people who don't deserve to be hurt at all? Why is that? Why hurt innocent people from your own *******? Don't know I can't answer this one Maby someone else can?
This is for those who like trying to hurt or point finger at my ex or others I'm close with on here being bullied or mess with
Not gonna take that **** from others especially to my people
 Jul 2015
Mohd Arshad
The little vampire
Sprang from the wall;
The innocent squirrel in her mouth,
Flapping, flapping, flapping, flapping!
Notes (optional)
 Jul 2015
Tommy Jackson
To coin to nickle
From all the memorandum papers to chop
And decide and decide what is your dated fate
 Jul 2015
Tommy Jackson
Making a riot in a Gothic city
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
This goes for all who are picking on my now ex girlfriend please for me stop messing with her like serious you guys are lamos thank you much your freind Jake kesstler muler
Got people bullying my ex girl and making profiles to spy on her and whatever else than talking to her as such like she is someone else yeah well how bout you all write me personally there are lots of lies being spread on here some know better but some are plainly psychotic as me and others do see there are alot of fakes here with fake profiles but you wanna say she's fake now you will have to put up with my **** not going to let this fly you got issue with her you are a gonner to me and as her ex man I can tell you she's far from fake your the  fake one's, funny how you all can say she's fake yet wit no proof to back up your ******* other than someone me and my ex and few others know are spreading this lie its OK karma is a *****, also you all lost an amazing poet in this place because I can't even get hold of him because I know he's hurt from someone talking behind his back like others are doing to my ex so if you wanna be safe stop being a bullshitter and spreading lies for those who are lying themselves  and for people saying she's got another profile half of you have other profiles so before you point your hypocrite fingers point them back in own eye socket didint wanna do this but one of you already made good friend leave here due from your **** talking behind his back now don't wanna see ex girl friend leave will be hott if you do that so kindly back off
Thank you
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