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 Feb 2017
The sewer stink of street trash
marries the scent of desire
veiled in crimson shadows
reflected on the damp pavement

Thoughts silenced by the gasp
of nylons being shredded by possibility
Teeth grip then slip
on the sweat of a humid night

Fireball burns sweet
as night lands on the flesh in city soot
a grit that makes every movement
a sanguinary promise
forged on the edge of pain

Owned. Taken. Willed.
Filled with primal intoxication
that turns warm city nights
into shameless memories
wrapped in the stink of street trash
 Jan 2017
all the love in your eyes
the pleasure
the deep magic of your sighs
unspoken but magical
all the morning stars awakened
this love I kissed
those lips
those sighs I heard
the tenderest moments
in your arms
I sighed too
made me desire
you all the more
 Jan 2017
by the window
I stood yesterday
her to come back
I prayed to see
her on the horizon
i waited from
to sundown
and never caught a glimpse
I stand today again
at the window crying
 Jan 2017
Mohd Arshad
With no point
Arrow will distract itself
 Jan 2017
Mohd Arshad
Being alone is having one eye.
 Jan 2017
Mohd Arshad
Compromise with talent is cowardice
 Jan 2017
I warned him I was poison,
That my womb spouted lava,
That there was fire between my legs
And it spared no visitor,
Yet he laughed, the fool,
And the proud, vain loon,
Did not pause a moment before
Barging in unwanted,
Like he had, into ninety-nine
other forbidden heavens,
Eager to add a tale more of dominance,
To the ninety-nine others
He would proudly tell,
Only to emerge- consumed,
scorched, devoured by my fumes.
Hadn't I told him I was hell?
It is always in one's silence,
that all is usually revealed for you to see.

Silence is not deafening,
it speaks volumes
that can only be heard
by an attentive soul.
 Dec 2016
Tonight I talked with God
It had been quite some time

I really wasn't sure why
Then I realized the talks ended
When I began imagining my own end
Because why acknowledge the creator
If I thought his work was ****
I refused to commit  

I refused to talk to a God
That might hear my prayer
Something shallow
While souls are extinguished
Wars are waged on innocents
And their prayers sure as hell
Weren't heard

But Tonight I talked with God
I'd given up on waiting
On place-holder euphemisms
"God isn't surprised"
"This happened for a reason"
"You just need to pray more"
"God shuts a door...
"He'll open a window"
**** your window
The only reason that window exists
Is so people like me can jump
Right out of your life

Tonight I talked with God
I yelled
I screamed
I cried
And asked for reasons why
I said it was okay to be alone
If he would just get off his throne
Every once in a while
And meet me in this ******* pile
Of suffering that I find myself in
 Dec 2016
I'm convinced
Heaven and Hell don't exist

Not like I thought they did

I've experienced Heaven
An innocent first kiss
Holding a new life
An unrelenting friend

I've experienced Hell
A malignant lie
A body broken
Unbearable pain

Heaven and Hell are not places
we go
We experience them everyday
 Dec 2016
Never really mastered the art of intrigue,
I sometimes wish I had that skill,
Of treading light,
Of being the diva
Surrounded by a mist of aura,
Controlled in laughter,
Calculatedly revealing,
Measuredly unraveling
Her inner self.
I stomp in love,
I bare it all in love,
I laugh with abandon,
I shout with animation,
I cry in immoderation,
I never really learnt to leave
Anything for the imagination,
And it's the greatest gamble,
The toughest game,
To tear your heart out and
hold it in your palm,
And show it to them,
Look, this is how I beat,
Not many can deal
with someone this real.
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