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 Feb 2018
Lauren Faith
Water has both the power of life
And of death

It is a gentle wave washing up on shore
And the beginning of all life

We cannot live without it
It holds the chemical balance within me

And yet in one surging wave
It can destroy everything in its path

~you were my glass of water, and are my tsunami
 Feb 2018
Lauren Faith
Just like the winter solstice
You just make my days brighter
The sun shines more headily
Coffee tastes better

But just like the summer solstice
When u walk away
The nights for darker and colder
The dread of icy roads ahead.

But the in between
The spring and autumn solstice
Were full of fun and adventurous night
Where we didnt have a care in the world about the light and dark
Solstice love remorse missing spring fall summer winter
 Feb 2018
Lauren Faith
I always wanted to run free as a wild horse
And never let anyone rein me in,
Then you grabbed me by the hand and ran beside me.
The adventures, stories and late nights
Never did I feel so alive as when I was.

You never tried to slow me down,
You let me run free and you ran with me,
But life out ran us baby, and pulled you with it.
For once in my life I actually wanted to be roped in

Never will I admit that someone tamed me
But honey you did the impossible.
You took my running drive and taintd the green fields.
The then vivid green grass is now a dull lifeless yellow.

I just want to run free in the heartland once again,
But now I see that having a partner to run with
Will always make things brighter.
Not tamed but together.
Running free.

— The End —