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Antonio Fonseca
Guatemala    I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive man who's a reader before a writer. I believe everyone has a story to be told and …
Singapore    I saw the moon divorce the sky tonight; this remedy is worse than the disease.
Adam Latham
Stoke-on-Trent    I am absolutely hopeless at writing about myself but I'll give it a go. My name is Adam, I'm thirty eight years old, and I …
Angelica Marie Franco
NJ/Ohio    I write so that I can listen
Maggie Emmett
Adelaide South Australia    I'm a writer, poet and editor. I work for Poetry & Art Oz, producing poetry performances in Art Galleries. I write on subjects reflecting my …
The Masked Sleepyz
Honolulu, HI    I really hate bio's...youll know me better by what I write, but if you really want to know...a small town kid that wants to find …
Chris Smith Dark Poet Soul
Hemel Hempstead    Poet and short story writer. My short stories are mainly horror. I was attacked in 1997 and my left leg badly burnt which led me …
F    //i post sporadically at best
WRITING is my passion .... My way of uttering my emotion .. Through dis I indulge into madness My way of letting out my bitterest …
Washington    Born in Russia, raised in Hawaii, moved to Washington, found true friendship.
Josiah Wilson
Indiana    Make Happy
25/F/Building galaxies within    I've been here since 2014. I was 14 then. Now I'm 25, back here posting more. Come follow my journey :)
Victoria Ruth
Dark Paradise    "She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like when you're swimming and you want to put your feet down on something …
Jo de Guzman
Dvo Phil    I’m like an unsealed mystery box, myterious in some ways, but I reveal bits of me vaguely. unsealed, but no one dared to open me. …
Sally A Bayan
F/Manila, Philippines    As I See Myself Right Now, Content........settled here thankful........I'm no longer there yet...glad........I'd been there... ^^^ I Am Filled With Gratitude... ^^^ Sally
Daylight 4U2C
everywhere    I am who I am. I do what I do. I live by my morals. I am me, not you. I try to be loud, …
kat lykke
AA, DK   
My words may not always be eloquent, but they are true. Writing to purge my soul rather than to please another is cathartic. Enjoy my …

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