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 Jul 2017
Swasti Jain
The race has begun
It demands to run
Run until death.
Some crawl
Some walk
And some run.
They run not to win
They run to beat others.
Those who crawl
Are called learners
Those who run
Are called winners
Losing has no scope.
Some lost hope
Some lost way
Some lost zeal
And some are in disgrace.
Who are they?
What are they doing?
They are walking dead.
This race is life
The track has stages
It transforms people
Many are not meant
To be a part of it
Society has norms
Exclusion is the punishment
What separates those people?
They are walking dead.
Zeal, passion, love and war
Mere words in dictionary
With no emotions left
They are walking dead.
#strive #love #hope #war #walkingdead #heartandsoul
And so,
That year,
The rain
Had forgotten to fall,

Winter slept-through its season,
It didn't hear Autumn's
Wake-up call.

Winter was oblivious
To the Earth's changing position
With regard to the sun,

This was made completely obvious
When the likes of Spring
Prematurely sprung.

Winter's time
Was well and truly
Over and done,

Was over
Before it had even begun.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
This piece is all that's left from my memory,
I accidentally deleted the original poem I had written.
I guess, the poem, as beautiful as it was,
was like that winter, it was over before it even begun!

I hate the feeling when I lose a poem - it's so sad.
With elegance,
A Wordsmith interprets
In the exquisite,
Timeless language
Of poetry,

Delicately composing
Beautiful words
Into elaborate sonatas,
Each rendition A graceful,
Classical symphony.

With beauty and intensity,
Full of raw emotions,

Each wordsmith
Extracts their most inner-feelings
And intricately converts them
Into rhythmical compositions.

And this
Is the only fluent language
Their soul is able to speak...

Each sonata they release,
With wings,
Is individually mastered,
Impeccable, and unique.

May each Wordsmith
Never miss a beat,

And continue writing,
With poetic justice,
Their heart's rhythm
On every sheet.


By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to the Wordsmiths of our world;
May you never miss a beat and continue writing your heart's rhythm on your sheet.

 Jul 2017
Cheryl Ann Warner
In a galaxy far away
in time we will see
The world we live in
in  time this will be
Climb into summertime
I'm in the future

Going through time
      I lite a candle
I have a handle on this
In time, in time

My tears will dry
   I know your gone
you were special to come

In time my tears will dry
     I'll never know why?
In time
In time
In time

Love everyday
Don't worry about someday
everyday, everyday

Every day
Every day
Love every day
Today is the day

In this time this will be
     The past made me see
I lite a candle for you
I finally have a handle on this
Love everyday
In time,
 Jul 2017
Valsa George
In my yard stands a tree
tall and sturdy
lone like a hermit,
regal like an empress
her roots dug deep
her branches touching the heavens
peeking behind the skies veil
She has a coy dalliance with the Wind
Sometimes he comes tickling
her tender parts, whispering
sweet nothings in her ear
Overall she is still
like waters without ripples

She stands upright
brooding over the saga of struggle
from a sapling to a towering giant
Indeed a tryst with destiny!

Under the summer sky
braving the smarting beams
she remained uncomplaining.
Below the thundering clouds
bearing a thousand needle ******
she stayed nonchalant.
When the wind swept across
bending her branches in all directions
she stood on firm feet unwavering.

She tells a tale of struggle and survival
She had stood there before I was born
Now she displays every scar and every stripe
on her knotted bark as a proud trophy

Sometimes I feel her pain
when wet and dripping in pouring rain
or scorched in the sun’s fiery rage
Yet she holds an umbrella over all
who come to her in sun and rain
This is a poem to highlight the beauty of trees and to show how they are important to each one of us.... Also the need to be like trees giving shade and shelter to others, holding an umbrella over many heads!
Words are floating in the air like
Dragonflies in summer.
They reflect on placid waters
Only ruffled by the silver fins of tiny fish.
They dangle ripe and tantalizing
From the brambles growing by the train tracks.
They soar and cartwheel in the azure sky.

Words are lurking in the shadowed places
In the forests of emotion, and the dells
Where sunshine is a seldom visitor.
They tumble like a child’s balloon
Down waterfalls of jubilation.
They pounce like kittens from the top of cabinets.
They curl up in a mother’s lap.

Words can be illusive as a chimera
So difficult to capture in a pen,
And once ensconced, impossible to lure back out.
Words are currency to purchase immortality -
To bargain with the vicissitudes of life
And bandage wounds of disappointment.
They build a wall and often hide behind it.

Words are letters rearranged a million times.
The songs of living, loving, laughing life.
They can be the voice of brilliant minds,
The moans of breaking hearts and souls,
The sigh that sounds the same in every tongue,
The cry to God when all else fails,
The one true tool that separates us from the Apes.
I often get lost in dense thickets of words.
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