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 Jul 2017
When life feels suspended by a delicate thread
Change is inevitable
I sometimes feel stifled
Tightly constricted
Like a chrysalis
Struggling against transformation
I oppose the transition
And need more time to adapt
A butterfly tapped against my window
Like change asking to come in
If I can comply with Grace
Maybe I too can transcend
And withstand the butterfly effect
She is more
than what meets the eye,

She is a pending rainbow
that's hiding behind the clouds
in the sky.

She is a warm pocket
in a cold, deep ocean,

She is a virtual art form,
She is poetry in motion.

She is thunder and lightning
in a perfect blue horizon,

She is a delicate wildflower
growing in a plush green field,
one that is mesmerising.

She is an unexpected smile
on a lonely day,

She is instant relief
when things aren't going
your way.

She is a suprising hint of sweetness
when you are expecting
something sour,

She is a timeless friend,
She is an immortal flower.

She is more
than what meets the eye,

She is a breath of fresh mountain air, causing one to exhale a relieving sigh.

She is full of substance,
empathy, wisdom and kindness,

She contains infinite layers
of universes beneath her skin,
all of which are unrecognisable
to the naked eyes that suffer from "metaphorical" blindness.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to my daughter, Amanda. F ***
 Jul 2017
Amanda F
She carries the secrets of the cosmos in her eyes of light,
And tells tales of the constellations every forthcoming night.
With love that promises the sea,
And thoughts that churn the tides.
With a wild rush of grace she'll paint your world
The colours of her mind.
To fathom what she is beyond the subtle and kind,
Do you dare disturb the universe beneath her skin?
Oh wonder what you'll find.*

- A.F
Dedicated to my dearest Mum, Lady R.F. who is and always will be my favourite and ultimate universe to get lost in. I love you forever.
Let's us Live, even while slowly dying here on the earth.
Let us Love , even while we are slowly dying here friend.
For no matter what, we are all slowly dying in this life.
Because no one Lives forever, no not one person here.
So while we are slowly dying , let us allow God to use us.
To help those whom see no hope here on this barren planet.
That draws no hope, because they know not our God.
For only he can bring us true Hope while we are slowly dying.
So let our Life bear witness to the True Hope through Christ.
Let our Sorrow build within us a true Testimony of real Love.
The Love that is unconditional one without any strings attach.
Let our Actions speak much Louder than any of our words.
They bring with them the baggage of men
the lost children attempting pathetically
to recreate the aura of time long gone.

If you discount the roughness of skin
travel past the thick hedge of beard
penetrate the silt on the eroded eyes
you can delayer the hardened coats
and get to see  faces barely recognizable.

Some were once too close to be missed
their names and all
but most you could hardly recall
and it agonizes your thought
were they in the same class or not.

You smile till your jaws ache
fetching stories from the blue
dazzlingly colored and half true
for they are all in the mood
to joyfully succumb to falsehood.

You could tell from the body language
who's  in the backburner
and who on the front page.

Forty years break and make men
but they feign happiness
to be united again.
I don't need stars from the night-sky,
I don't need the moon,

I don't need any sunshine in my pocket,
All I need is you--my auspicious, priceless fortune.

I don't need precious diamonds that sparkle,
I don't need 24-carat gold,

I don't need luxury and extravagance,
All I need is your hand, to forever hold.

I don't need material belongings,
I don't need anything that money can buy,

I don't need cash in my wallet,
All I need is your unconditional love, forever - not a single day shy.

This is all I ever wanted,
This is all I'll ever need,

To be the undying love of your life, infinitely,
This is what I desire,
This is what I need from life,
to succeed.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Jul 2017
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of summer shines;
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade'
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
       So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
       So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
that fair thou ow'st; the beauty that is yours
thou wand'rest; you wander
Stars very rarely
Hang-out alone,

A perfect night sky
Lets this be known.

They come together
Forming a spectacular

Shining magnificently bright
In a festive celebration.

Gently glowing undertones
Of a perfect moon,

Allow each individual star's quality
To be extraordinarily exhumed.

A perfect,
Starry evening
Sadly comes to an end,

As dusk turns to dawn;
With it,
The sun it sends.

By Lady R.F.(C)2017
 Jul 2017
Allyson Walsh
picturesque scene
toothy grin
caught in a dream
highly addictive sin

please pull me in
hands on hips
warm breath and skin
the moon and its eclipse

a hand to hold
chilling breeze
my heart to mold
both minds at ease
For CW

MLHLND - Clothes Off
 Jul 2017
Melanie Anne Paulos
umbrellas in bloom
a city rushes like
water down to the bay
my hands sit still
on the coffee table
cupping my drink
watching the canopy
of covered swarms
make their way to
it reminds me of
the schools of fish
i used to watch
race around at the aquarium
there will be one
that seems a little
                      or                             out of place
in the way
they move
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