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 Oct 2016
Karina Norris-Veirs
Into the wild
is where she roams
Path unseen
Destination unknown
Following hearts desire
Leading her to
Blessed inner fire
Trees do sway
As she spares not a glance
at the lights play
The grasses bending
To her will
Forest creatures
Gaze standing still
For never a sight they have beheld
This woman running free
Here in the wild
 Oct 2016
Ghost Writer 3
Purple, the color for strong women
My mother boldly says,
I am not sure what she means
But she isn’t completely right in the head
The look in her eyes  when she is distressed
When panic takes over, taking her breath

Again I take this, I turn it about me
Writing some more sad poetry
While she speaks some nonsense
Another day she runs away from the cops
I pretend it isn’t real, a cloud of vape in my head
But it is digging like a drill, all that is said

One, two, three, elementary
Tears roll down,
The same way they do from pine trees
Thundering clouds, lightning
Bursting in this shell, my head
Purple, the color for strong women
But I am gray instead.
My mother is very sick, loosing her mental health. Today she was sent to the hospital again, around this same time last year the same thing happened. Sometimes it feels like things will get better, but then they get worst. Writing is my therapy, I hope this poem hits someone home.
 Oct 2016
Michael Murphy
Move out
Move on

Find another place to live

I'm done with you
Yes we're through

I have nothing else to give

Pack up
Get out

Hatred has no home with me

Hear me shout
In your empty room

For love has set me free

My heart
Now free of hatred

Now has room enough
It's true

Peace has filled my emptiness
Since I said

I'm done with you
Just thinking that we need to let go of negative thoughts so we are ready to love. I don't watch the news anymore
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