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 Feb 2016
Keith Manzano
when I said I love you,
remember that it's true.
When I said I trusted you,
Remember that I still do.
When I said I hated you,
I hope you know it's not true.
Remember when I got mad at you?
Because you said you loved me,
You said you trusted me.
But at the end,
You said you hated me also.
You hated me for something I didn't do.
Though you hurt me,
Know that I still love you.
But now........
*I am letting you go.
 Feb 2016
I've lost you over a thousand times
In this dreaming mind of mine
Missing you in subtle ways
Counting numbers and passing days
I wish you the best yet, hope the worst
Hope you're not truly happy, being with her
But I know you wouldn't waste your time
In worthless words and meaningless lines
I hope you find
A place back home
A cozy place
To call your own
I know its over
Though I hate to say
Everything's felt so empty
Since you've been away
 Feb 2016
Keith Manzano
If only you cared for me,
I would not be the way I am.
If only you loved me.
I would not be feeling this way.

— The End —