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 Jan 2016
Vicki Cheek
You smile
as you mentally
slip on your disguise.

You smile
as you look deeply
into their trusting eyes.

You smile
as you put into words
all the things they want to hear.

You smile
with a voice
that sounds so incredibly sincere.

You smile
while reveling in the fact
that they do not have a clue.

You smile
because you know
that they do not see the malevolent you.

You smile
so clever, so witty
in addition, you pour on the charm.

You smile
since you have them convinced
that you mean them no harm.

You smile
and begin to lose sight
of what is reality and what is a lie.

You smile
at your power
to always make them cry.

You smile
as you continue to play
not caring that it is a sick, twisted little game.

You smile
knowing that when you are through
you will not even remember their name.

You smile
as you realize
that you own them body and soul.

You smile
at their ignorance thinking to yourself
“You fool, how could you not know?”

You smile
as you continue *******
every bit of life out of them.

You smile
as you zoom in on and start stalking
your next impending victim.

You smile
as you move on
feeling no guilt or remorse and certainly without a care.

You smile
as you take all your ill-gotten gains
with you back to your lair.

You smile
with conceit and arrogance,
“This is a game I always win.”

You smile
and laugh aloud assured,
that you will get away with it again.

You smile ……….
 Jan 2016
A swift blade descending
An onyx pit of despair
The strong hold on your heart
A stark contrast to living
Funny, what I think of when I'm at the orthodontist. I get so anxious during those and dentist visits... even when they're not for me. Heh...
 Jan 2016
We tell people to be themselves
Yet we judge them when they're being themselves
 Jan 2016
Soham Chakraborty
They told me she died.
So I woke up in the graveyard of my dead dreams,
Took up my trusted shovel,
And like a good old country lad,
Decided to dig her up.

They told me she died.
But I knew they had to be wrong.
Why, there she lay, as unattainable as ever,
Smiling smugly from her coffin,
Mocking me with her fake omniscience.
For Death, may be a great leveller,
And make sceptre and crown
Just tumble down,
But not so her beauty.

They told me she died.
But how could i believe them,
After knowing her wicked wit of Solomon.
With which all her life,
She didn't let death so much as touch her beauty,
For she hid it so deep within,
Veiled beneath the layers of toughness
And faded tee’s,
That even a soldier camouflaging her scarlet skin,
Would be put to shame.

They told me she died.
But they didn't bury her beside me.
But by another man’s side.
Because he was man enough to ask
What i should’ve,
And now she lies buried,
As his bride.
 Jan 2016
Your hatred runs deep
Pure and untainted
Hands over me
Eyes closed senses heightened

A lock and a key
No doors to open
Breath in my ear
A question unspoken

A chance encounter
A twist of fate
A hand upon my neck

Trust and lies
Bruises and scars
Questions never ending

Hope and trust
Rage a must
A cycle
Our doom impending

— The End —