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 Sep 2016
Sometimes a fatted pig will wander off from the pen and find his way to the pond on the edge of the property.  If it’s dark or foggy, he may fall in and sink to the bottom.  Only later when his carcass has filled with methane and mucous will he float to the surface.  You’ll know he’s been in the water for a while when you see the bloat, the blisters oozing, and the skin sloughing off in large sheets.  Don’t go there.  It might reflect poorly on you.

Ok.  So you didn’t listen.  You went ahead and fetched a stick and poked.   And you were taken aback by just  how easily it slid through his tissues, like the time when that pigeon alighted on your hand, and you were startled by how it weighed almost nothing at all.  So to see what might come of it, you wiggled the stick, and suddenly what was left of the liver and kidneys popped up onto the surface and spit a stream of water into your mouth. They drifted towards you and away again, like your lost toy sailboat, the one that got off the string and floated down the rapids in Lucerne.  Over the falls it went, under the covered bridge, and that was the end.

Of course you still eat blood sausage.  Why wouldn't you?  The texture is rubbery but the taste is well ….. like metallic on your tongue.   But this blood will not wash away your sins.  It’s more like Pepsi Cola, or maybe Mountain Dew.
 Aug 2016
Debbie Taylor
From the
   very first
   we take our
very first

   is a part of life
   is inevitable
run run run
   is all we do
      run run run
   all the way
 Jan 2016
You sit up with a start
form outlined by the afterglow, or is that the sunrise?
We've been in bed for years it seems
and you're still unaware of me watching, listening
to the silent sobs and scratchy breaths
of the dream daemons that live in your lenses and tug your eyes cross and blind.

You've seen me unclothed, but I've seen you naked.
And you are beautiful.
@@@ instead, a torturous present is all that is offered and all that's been left for Robert.
&&& alone. feeling forgotten and bitter, Robert walks away from the gold and fire, across the snow and ash covered wheat field.
&&& possessed by an otherworldly sadness and immeasurable loneliness, Robert loses his humanity.
&&& in an event infinitely lonely in its probability, the universes washes Robert with fire, stripping him of his humanity. Granting him something superhuman.
&&& passenger with her parents Julia sees the transformation, the slow ropes of flame and the heavy clouds burning Robert's core.
&&& Julia senses something profound has happened, but keeps the revelation to herself. Julia's parents see nothing.
&&& Julia is driven away.
))) preface closes.
 Oct 2015
My father, who loved and understood me
once said I was a round peg
trying to fit into a square hole.
I have spent the rest of my life
trying to understand who what I am.
 Oct 2015
Rhet Toombs
Y el dolor sigue ahí
Ahora ido
Tuya eternos
 Sep 2015
Rhet Toombs
The most unholy of nights
A hibernation from servitude
You send him to decrease the pain within
 Sep 2015
Rhet Toombs
Still to be seen
Awakening a deceased compromise
Mirrored prey
Driven by enveloped creation
Fever consummation
Visions of your childhood home underwater
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