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 Jun 2015
CA Guilfoyle
In the garden a bird, a flower
gold the edge, gold the dawn that hovers
a song of summer, a tiny sparrow perched
long upon the woody yarrow, that musky fills the air
a redolent warmly breeze brushes by the maple trees
caressing sweet the singing leaves and breathes the air of heaven
in the gold of a halcyon summer
beyond the hills of sage, grey plumes  
a stark blue sky cloudless looms
and sings with birds in lilting waves high above the field
they break the silence in a world transformed
a song - void of man's ordinary words.
 Jun 2015
Arlo Disarray
You may live in the depths of my imagination
Or perhaps it's I who live inside of yours
I would ask, but I'm afraid of confrontation
And I'm terrified to look behind closed doors

And these doors, well it just seems like there are millions
And I'm not sure which is the right one to choose
There could be so many terrifying things that fill them
And knowing my luck, I would likely lose

So I just hop around from star to star in space, now
Yes, although they're hot, I do enjoy the burn
And I eventually reach Jupiter somehow
Floating through its clouds to reach Saturn

Eventually you'll miss me and I'll fall back
The gravity will reach me from below
I could be wrong, and I could just fade to black
And the answers to these things, I'll never know
 Jun 2015
David Hall
If I a wayward traveler
were to rest my weary bones,
I fear I’d quickly find my name
in a garden full of stones.

So I continue trudging onward,
without regard for my direction.
Eyes forever pointed downward
by the fear of my detection.

Carrying the bags of follow travelers
despite their ever growing weight.
My steps harried ever onward
by the fear I might be late.

I can’t see my destination
but I have faith to keep me strong.
I can’t let my pace be slowed
by the fear that I am wrong.

I can’t say I quite recall
even the way this journey started
but I must have held some purpose
on that day I first departed.

So I continue trudging onward
without regard for my confusion.
This journey is about so much more
than my self-involved delusions.

If I a wayward traveler
were to rest my weary bones,
I fear I’d quickly find my name
in a garden full of stones.
 Jun 2015
LJ Chaplin
Inject me,
Pierce the skin
And it let it merge
With blood cells and
Press your lips against mine
And slip the pill onto my tongue,
Don't pull away until each grain
Stacks of cash
From selling love in bottles,
IV drips,
Losing our minds as we
Become entangled in unconsciousness.

But when I wake up you're gone.
Sweaty palms,
The fear of relinquishing control,
Or even losing my mind?
We become addicted to the visions
In our head,
The dreams we steal from dark corners
Of the brain
When we are intoxicated,
Yet with each passing of time
We rely on what numbs the pain
Of what we lost.

— The End —