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 Sep 2022
I feel like The time travelers wife.
I feel your glory in this place
In that field and forest my souls wanders seeking thee
Your promises keep you present in spirit I see you in every tree
In every beautiful treasure found
by my enemy and unearthed
I see all your love manifested
A lifetime as many before
SE siente tu Gloria en todo Lugar.
Something amazing has been happenening
Something sad has been wiped out, erased remembered no more.

All is forgiven as if nothing bad ever happened, vacated with prejudice.
Your glory is felt in every place I go.

All the supernatural is being re-activated
2*Twin oaks Blvd master bedroom parroted stain-
-curse is wiped out

oh Addonai Jireh is manifesting truth
The dream has blessed the
tree lovers are redeemed their innocence proven
Something supernatural is manifested here today
Shaddai, Rdd/JPC Elohim, Jireh
So I adore Yawhe and He too manifest
himself to me
If I call on to you too beloved Elohim You'll manifest yourself
in my speech, in my thoughts.
I've sought Rafa he is manifesting
I up to Jireh and
he becomes present

Yahweh I am part of him, Rddjpc-BbaAsg
He's a prayer in church to God
remembered as something very dear and precious
Our names are written in the book of life
Jaweh Jireh Addonai Rafa Shaddai
Manifest yourselves here and now, I love you.
By- Karijinbba
Bible inspired repost.
 Aug 2022
Stephen E Yocum
We mere mortals too often forget who is actually
in charge on this spinning spaceship, we call Earth.
We are but passengers, ungrateful ones at that, we
use up, litter and destroy, we foul the very air we
breathe, our excrement and discarded waste clogs
and pollutes the oceans, creeks and rivers.
We callously **** other living creatures for sport
mounting their heads as trophies on our walls.
Not because we are hungry.

We are the only creatures on earth that make war
on and **** our own kind. Flawed, evil or just stupid?
Perhaps all these labels apply.

For our wasteful transgressions Nature will one day
purge us from the planet and we will deserve that
retribution. A dire and stark reality, but one need
only look around to see the direction things are going.
There are no lifeboats on this ship and no deity above
to save us.

And in the end the streams will again run clear, and the
air will be fit to breath. The green things will flourish,
and the small creatures of wing and four legs will once
again, rule the days. Humankind will be purged from
the earth, leaving nothing of any merit behind to mark
our passing. As if we never existed.
Scary? I certainly hope so.
Scary Enough to wake us
all up, reverse our abuse of
our ecosystem, save mankind
and the planet? Time will tell.
 Aug 2022
knock-knock knock
Asg=bba aa.
knack knack
who is this patpatpatpat
twin soul knocked  
Twin soul continues knocking
true love is eternal
It has no begining no end
it's never too late
nor too soon
Patpatpat you are here
with me round the clock
nine clocks better
than three
and a half clocks
I love Kemah boat
I can't own it I wore it  
I did wear your T- shirt
Just a grandparent missing
her real tree of life.
By: Karijinbba.
 Oct 2021
I took           
upon the moon  
to be my aide.    

As the stars.     
failed to show;    
by the raucousness
of city lights.    

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