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 Jun 2021
I: Down the mississippi I will go, past blushing steamboats and river banks and green mud, past algae pools, with turtles bobbing at the surface. I will march forth past crop circles, golden fields and everything worn down in Nebraska even the abandoned parks, nuclear mind fields, wastelands of pollution and industry (and don’t worry, there’s beauty too) like so many leaves I never knew there were so many oak trees that grew despite the steaming summer haze and the chomping ivy vines. I never knew the Southern forests were as thick as the Amazon.

Actias luna resides in the moss, an elated fairy, resting on hickory tree branches long enough to continue it’s periless flight.
I will carry myself, I will push through forest, prairie, city and not look back because
I won’t become a ghost in a foreign land. I won’t be there long enough to be remembered, or immortalized. I will not leave my metal plates or my stove behind because they can’t fit in a wagon I am
walking alone, not barefoot but I may as well be. I want to be in contact with the land, and I imagine

in this new land, we make do with what we have, and we are happy enough for the time being. we are comfortable in the waiting time.

A love poem is this ode, an explanation perhaps (to my mother) why I do not talk enough, why I stare out the dark windows as we peck at salmon, why all my words come out at once and too fast for my own tongue.

I have been imagining the open landscapes for a long time now, I have been picturing the Californian sky at night, I have been dreaming of Spanish moss and grape vines, I have been contemplating how blue, pink, and white clouds can exist in the same sky (maybe we can, too).

In this journey, this amalgamation of past and future, (as always), I’m brought back to the tide. Repetition, frothy salty cold repetition. Something not controlled by me, which I am not even a part of. The tide reminds me that we are not creatures of Earth; we are Earth’s creatures.

When I cross the border between land and sea, I will be free. I am a wanderer at heart, and will never stop moving or changing. This is the only promise I can give you, and you must cup it in your hands and keep it close to your heart, save it for a rainy day. We will all find our homes, one day.
very very rough piece im working on
 Jun 2021
And my head may rest
Where the ocean kisses the sand
And you may find me
Between my heart
And your hand

Your hand that grips mine
And I'm safe down on the shore
The ocean calls for my soul
But my heart cries for you more

Will you take the place
Of the waves beneath my feet
Take the moon and her tide
As my independence, gently retreats
I'm leaving my home by the sea, to move 5hours away with my fiance.... I'm sad to be leaving the coast. It saved my life.... But I must try new things. This is my first adult relationship and I'm 44 years old!!!
 Jun 2021
Barbara R Maxwell
It is an early summer’s day
The sun is out in full force
The sky is bright blue
There are a few white clouds scattered through the sky like a thin white veil
There is a slight breeze - cool to the skin
You are sitting in a field of wild flowers
They are all colors
Like a rainbow
They move gently to the breeze
As you sit  
A cloud of butterflies and hummingbirds surround you
They are all colors -- purple, blue, yellow, red, and gold
As you put out your hands, they light onto your hand before flying away
Then, in the distance one of the birds  appears
It is emerald green with a touch of pink
It flies close to you
It is so small it could fit in the palm of your hand
As you look at it, its movements slow down so you can see the wings beat
You are mesmerized
Your heart starts beating at the same rhythm
As you close your eyes and listen to the breeze the hummingbird
touches your face gently with a kiss before flying away
You feel calm and pure bliss
As if you touched heaven
 Jun 2021
vienna bombardieri
Luscinian voices in the thicket of a midnight waltz
single male birds singing from a point of solitude  
closing down on city sounds inside a forest vault  
the sound of their vocals, nightingale's prelude      

calling in mates with whistles, trills  and sounds
sending messages of longing from across the throng  
listening from cup-shaped nests, eager to be found  
they wind up feeling drawn by their melodious song  

she, awake as the dawn and free as a bird in the sky  
he, as cuffed to her beauty as  the wings on her back  
they mate on a branch as soft as a nightingale's sigh  
away from the songsters, who are trying but lack

luscinian voices singing softly of dawn's pure glory
while two nightingales share a life, and love story.    

June 11, 2021
 Jun 2021
Emily Miller
I’m tired again,
And I’m not looking for invigoration.
I don’t want someone to make me feel young
I don’t want a shot of energy,
Unexpected adventure,
I want a soft place to land,
A pillow for my head,
Someone to caress my shoulders while I find a dreamy burrow to lay my mind down for sleep,
I want
 Jun 2021
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
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