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 Mar 2016
Olivia Kent
I met you making movies.
We made them on the sand.
Drama and artistry moulded wonderfully 'tween our hands.
We cast out ropes to catch sweethearts.
Making movies.
Raptures art.
Throw roses round the fireplace.
Dress the mantle with perfect lace.
Captured cherries.
Fed with grapes and wine.
Love may be mine.
I shall not whinge nor ever whine.
 Feb 2016
You wanted a butterfly
But only peeped in
On a mere caterpillar
Unsure on the process
  Of using wings
And when she did
You gazed upon her lovingly
Your butterfly lips ******* on her skin like mandarin oranges
Next spring you'll go away
To find another butterfly
In her cocoon is where she will **stay
 Jan 2016
Francie Lynch
Next to a mother,
Near a father,
Beside and behind
Every parent,
There's a teacher.
 Oct 2015
Richard j Heby
Take my hand, my stupid jokes, and mix in
your unfettered passion, which hastens me,
raging and ready to kiss. Time like a thin
sea, is running to the cold ocean, free

of premonition, heavy with waiting
an extra second, to think over my
attitude and confidence. Then, kissing
and forgetting any thing or thought more.

Go with me in the black canoe. We won’t
drown, but we might fall, because the ocean—
your ocean, is not made of water. Loaned
sorrows are due soon, so cut commotion

in half and use one part to love me when
it hurts, and the other to hate me again.
 Oct 2015
Ambitious and cheerful
She smiles
And fills our days
With giggles
And contagious laughter

But as you look into her eyes
Her beautiful brown eyes
A bird stripped from its wings
Yearning to be free
Free from all the sorrows
Sorrows of today
And maybe of tomorrow

She's a warrior
Who never gives up
A sonnet
Beautiful and graceful
A diamond in the rough
Waiting for the perfect time to shine

She's my inspiration
My reason to look forward to the day
My partner in crime
My **best friend
I love you H ❤
 Oct 2015
She draws Crayola green meadows
in which she frolics and laughs
snuggling up to her
imaginary daddy whom she colors
in unstraight multi-hued stripes
accessorized by a large
unselfish heart in brick red
proudly erupting from his chest.
Her sepia brown-blob puppy is
rediculously happy,
just like her
holding the perfect father
she has always dreamed he is.
Together they stare at
blue construction paper skies
and cotton ball clouds
discovering sailing ships,
famous people heads,
and all the animals they will see
on the day he comes
to take her to the zoo.


He labors intently within the lines
coloring subdivided spaces
in one direction just the way
he would teach her
if she were here.
Pressing into the bold
outline on a tiger tail
he hears her giggle in his thoughts.

He closes the book
each page fully given life
placing it on the teetering pile of
earlier masterpieces
filed beside his desk
where he and his daughter stored
the art they created
on regular dates they never had.
He rises on the ritual of completion
toward his omnipresent closet
full of stacked and redundant "if onlys",
each one shaped as
a 64-count box
purchased and purchased again
with every book
he intended to share
on their next wax pencil excursion.
On his toes,
one more "if only" goes to the top.

He still colors.

She still dreams.


An Orange/Red sun drew itself
out of the bleacher tiered palate
and hung high betwixt
her cottonball clouds
29 years from the start.
Daddy holds his daughter in deep embrace
while a secret artiste' paints
a tiny translucent drop
on her quivering cheek.
The diligence of construction-paper prayers
are answered in the evidence that
there is no crayon for clear...
it is a tear,
and we are really here.

(I love you my precious girl, with every color in the box :-))
 Oct 2015
I remember the day you hugged me with all your might,
Indescribable feelings and emotions subside; thing’s that I really cannot hide.
It was during that night when I also hugged you tight,
turning back time is all that I can feel inside.

If you only knew the day you left me all alone,
the dreams you dreamt for me to all vanished.
Everything was shattered, my paths became dim and everything was broken.
But the memories you have left to us; we always cherish.

I can feel you, I can sense you, you are everywhere.
The moment when we were together, the moment we loved each other,
The journey you have not finished, I will start building somewhere,
And carry all your words of wisdom, today, tomorrow until forever!

May you be happy as you are with our God Almighty.
This sonnet is for you, I will love you till Eternity!
 Sep 2015
Sam Stone Grenier
The door opens with an awful creak.
        In the glass knelt the little gold men;
                Staring intently at the dark pupils of the light.
                            Red is a powerful color.
                You can make out the notes.
        It was Beethoven who wandered the tile floor;
A silvery ghost is lost in the moonlight.
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