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wolf   Member
have soul , seek happiness i write because it feels good
M   Member
california    A collection of works from my restless mind. All pieces come from my heart and soul, please be kind and not infringe on my writings. …
Zemyachis   Member
Lottie   Member
Limbo    Tick. Tock.
Aspen   Member
i haven't slept for days so i've had all of this time
Fi   Member
Sarah   Member
Greenville, sc    My life is messy but I’ll choose to love it anyway. I’m here to vent.
JDK   Member
36/M/Japan    “It occurs to me that our survival may depend upon our talking to one another.” ― Dan Simmons, Hyperion
Madeysin   Member
Pa    I like the rugged blue ribbon, around your neck, And the way mud feels dry on your face. Being content knowing God gives me the …
Dallas Phoenix
Dallas Phoenix   Member
Omega Centauri    Don't take things to seriously...
robin   Member
scientists shocked!!black hole achieves sentience; writes shitty poems
camps   Member
anywhere but here    the abstract thoughts of a wandering soul
Jacob Christopher
Jacob Christopher   Member
Buffalo, NY    All works ©Jacob Christopher unless noted otherwise. Honestly, if you have to steal my words be my fucking guest; I'll just create more and you …
E   Member
Bus Poet Stop
Bus Poet Stop   Member
on a bus near you...    eye am a recording devicespecial filters of my own prejudice. eye live in various bus stops where punctuation of life moments need not be, are …
woelita   Member
hybrid between an over-caffeinated college student and a drunk-again self-proclaimed Artiste (You can leave without going anywhere for a really long time. Like magic.)
Joe Satkowski
Joe Satkowski   Member
United States
Jake Austin
Jake Austin   Member
Colorado    "If you ever speak to me in Spanish please use the formal 'usted'"
NV   Member
19/Cisgender/find me at a cemetery.    does growing up count as childhood trauma
Miranda Renea
Miranda Renea   Member
25/F    I'm a minimalist inspired by nature and the vastness of the universe. I try to spread positivity and evoke thought.
L T Winter
L T Winter   Member
M/United Kingdom    ... The Pessimist ... “I see now that the story isn’t about us; it’s about what it means to bother to know someone, which is …
Atypnoc   Member
Richland    What you want to hear Is that which you most fear. I create what I destroy. many of my poems are also in musical format, …
Frisk   Member
30/Non-binary    "do you know w here you go when the s t a t i c c l o s e s in."
Kaitlyn Marie
Kaitlyn Marie   Member
Hartford, Ohio    Kaitlyn Marie
coyote   Member
the past    just say we're not walking backwards, kid.
JC Moyao
JC Moyao   Member
Atlanta    Poor me, poor me, pour me another drink
dZang Roller
dZang Roller   Member
EW,NH    Mom and Dad had sex and I guess I won the lottery or whatever
yas   Member
authentic   Member

— The End —