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 Apr 2015
The three dots at the end of your sentences...
Unspoken, "I love you's"
They never get old...
 Apr 2015
Kathy Dehaven
The main thing I want,

                                      Is for someone to ask, "Are you ok?"

Me too say "i'm fine, just tired."

                                     And for them to look me dead in the eye, hug me tight, and say, " I know your not."
 Apr 2015
moss on the rocks
fed by the stream passing over
 Apr 2015
Don't give up,
Even It is hard to get back up,
To listen through the hurt,
The beats of your heart.
 Apr 2015
Joyful Sadness
she says she's unlovable
but i know it's not true
because when she says she loves me
i can't help but to say i love her too
 Apr 2015
You killed her.
You may not realize
what you've done.
You may not've killed
her physically, but emotionally
she's gone.
In life, One can sink, swim, or tread water.
All are requisite to learn the nature of any.

Indeed, some manage to surf,
but One who cannot tread water
shall inexorably drown.

The choice is yours:
humble thyself or be humbled.
Beware the undertow.
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