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 Apr 2016
Julie Butler
I'm not a child
woman I'm
this wanting thing between
two arms
shaped like a body
I've been alive with the breeze for
centuries, darling

my love wasn't being made to make you feel foolish
you can't learn from that
wash your hands now, it's midnight
out the window
I wonder
what you wanted
and hold the whiskey in my mouth
singing be mine
for the company
cause I don't want to be ashamed to love you

& I'm tired.
Tired of sleeping after sweet dreams /
I'm sitting up now because you know I can't sleep  
who wants to sleep after a beg like that
I'm not built to be listless
I'm built for better, I'm strong
& you're
the 4pm sun in October
you're the reason I whistle in a hundred colors
It's a beautiful torture to miss a hand so much
to wear rings for the memory of fingers and to crave a cheek, not only for it's mouth but because feeling you allows me to breathe easy
 Oct 2015
Love waits around the corners of the house-
playing hide and seek-
ready to jump out and into my mouth.
- a cup of tea, and cigarette betwixt lips
the fresh air newly delivered into my mind
pouring through the open window invisible-
with all the tannin and nicotine on my tongue
-you can see it moving through the trees
-the oxygen of love found out, watching
while changed into the words of a poem
the little I need to keep on going, sighs deep.
 Feb 2015
Luca Abate
Her eyes are the most beautiful things here
They start to fill up with tear
But only when I'm around her
So It's best I leave my dear

© Luca Abate

— The End —