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 Sep 2023
Dhaval Naik
I am here,
With all my ears,
To hear,
about all your fears
So dear,
Call me and I will be near..
Whether it be tears
Or stories full of cheers..
Wondering whether Earth is a sphere?
Or your obsession with that "Disney Deer."
Insecurities about how you appear
Or what's gonna happen this year?
All your doubts, I will clear,
I will be here,
With all my ears,
To hear,
about all your fears...
 Nov 2021
Dhaval Naik
Broken, shattered from inside
crushed into million parts
My heart cries
Smiling outside
Depressed inside
With every moment that pass
A part of me dies
No friends to talk
No relatives to call
Getting tough from everywhere
But still hanging in there,
A part of me dies,
Still I choose to fight.
 Nov 2019
Dhaval Naik
Then, my life was in heaps,
And i struggled to sleep.

Now I've found peace,
My mind is able to breathe
Such a sigh of relief..

Now I have a place to explore,
Where no door is closed anymore.
No longer does anxiety freezes my core.

All I say poetry,
You have given me a platform to roar..
so so, thankful
that i have found a passion to adore.
 Apr 2015
Dhaval Naik
Yes, it was there only for you,
It was silent but not for you.

A grief that you never understood,
which was my silent love only for you.....
Silence have words unheard.
But sometimes silence speak much more than anything...
 Apr 2015
Soham Naik
There is nothing.
Its the only thing that i see..
I have conceived emptiness..
In trying to be someoneelse..

The busiest road in oneself..
is the path of thoughts.
because that’s where people often get lost.
So i’ve  tried to visit it less.

There is that chaos.
Which can’t be heard..
But i feel it inside my head.
N now i perceive it like a nerd..

The fear of not being cared.
haunts me day and night..
The only moment i meet myself..
is when i am outside..!!

Now this shell asks for rawness.
As it has seen much fakeness..
The heart aches out a song..
when it sees nothingness..!!
 Apr 2015
Soham Naik
Lost again i walk through the wild..
World goes bizarre through my thoughts..
Cuz its so loud in the head..
But u can’t hear me until i let you..
Borrowed the thought which is still due…
Now when i see it again..
It stares back at me in pain..
The throwback to the memories is taking a toll on me..
Drowning in the sea of blur visions is me..

I stand on the edge of the thorn which wants to leave me..
And to bear that pain i agree..
Cuz that’s how it is..
The minutest part of my body is ceased..
The goodbyes were the only thought that met me..
And took away a part of me..
The louder is the silence now..
I’ve succeded to hang on to the edge of words somehow..
The words are a mere illusion..
Now i see them with perfection…
The world look at me in sheer disdain..
Walking through all this lost again..!!
 Apr 2015
Soham Naik
I am committed to myself so strongly that i can’t let go off myself..
I am bound to the memories,the soul cries out for help..
No matter wherever i go..
But the memories follow..
I want to get rid of them..
Frustration takes all over the flame..
Ice melts under the tree..
and sets the water free..
I seek for a way out of myself..
Just to be..
For a while I want to loose myself..
And be like sea..
The insider has slowly died..
As a cloud caught my eye..
Now he is set free..
Flying high up in the sky..
Like a bee..
N he attained peace..!!
 Apr 2015
Soham Naik
The visions i saw in the dream..
Pleasantly sitting,with eyes so keen..
Flying above the thought..
Firmly holding that rewad..
Always searching for something..
He grew restless..
Pacing up the life..
dodging the death..
Saw a bird,that flew off the coast..
Leaving peace behind..
Felt a blue noise..
With wind kissing on the wings..
Surpassed the dark bridge..
Covered in fog..
Sat there in belief..
Again flew off the leaf…!!
 Apr 2015
Soham Naik
There goes the ship,
The ship full of emotions,hope and pride.
Now when i dug deep into the water,
I see him floating in paradise..
His eyes whispering loudly,
Lost in the darkness,
Finding myself proudly..
I sat near the tomb,
Looking at the stone..
That crawled its way upto me..
Resited the story which was never told before..
I got it all and found myself on the shore..
Shouting at me was the sand..
And I could hear the silence..
Calling out to me in pain,
Trying to be my friend..
And I didn’t respond,
She went away quickly and never looked back..
Now when i call out to silence,
She doesn’t show..
The only thing i hear now is her echo..!!
 Apr 2015
Dhaval Naik
Faded and lying on the ground,
was a leaf.
A leaf of love.
A leaf of inspiration.
It was a leaf of spring.

Flowing with the air,
was a leaf.
A leaf of gold.
A leaf of soul.
It was a leaf of spring.

Lying dead in the morning light,
was a leaf.
A leaf of spring.
 Apr 2015
Dhaval Naik
If I could fly, I would live a life of a bird.
If I could fly, I would go and sleep on one of the cloud.
If I could fly, I would go and touch the glorious rainbow.
If I could fly, I would flow with the air.
If I could fly, I would roam the whole world.
If I could fly, I would go to the heaven,
And bring my loving ones,
who are no longer with me.
I wish I could fly....
(In the memory of my grand mother)
 Jan 2015
Dhaval Naik
A young boy wanted to fly,
spreading his arms jumped to the sky.

Though he knew he would fall,
but thinking otherwise-
better failing than not tried at all.
 Jan 2015
Dhaval Naik
My life is like a journey,
a journey to sky,
a long and a very long journey,
a journey of mine to the sky.
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