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 Apr 2015
River Moon Willow
I kissed the mist of leftover blood on my tongue when you sang
How sweetly your voice did sound against the rain
Against the thunder
Against your mother
How dare you!
To still bring about silent thunder
Quiet against the grain of your skin
Even then still so soft
I continue to ponder
About the thought of sancuary
Something so sacred and legendary
I could fall to my knees
If I had any
Let the light that is leading reign
Embrace true victory
 Apr 2015
Rare but Relevant
I strive for a great escape.
 Apr 2015
Francie Lynch
In Heaven,
Human love
Divine distilling.
Teach a child to beg--
And he will grow with self-pity.
For his self only.

Teach a child to live with dreams--
And he will spring up like a tree.
Nurtured by the world's challenges...
For himself.
For others.
A random thought while watching street children begging on the footbrige.

Train up a child in the way he should
go; so even when he grows old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

I miss my J12 students...
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