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 Apr 2020 Corra Hayre
Jun Lit
Squabbles over scrabble,
Dictionary over google.
Gadgets settle,
Lovers quarrel.
Millenior is coined from Millennials and Seniors - arbitrarily somewhere between ages 50 and 65 or older - LOL
Breathless, dizzying. A pain there. Ouch ! Why do my feet hurt? Pebbles ! This climbing to the top. Narrow, could it be any worse? Oxygen, so abruptly scarce. Darkness, pierces the gleaming light. What's that sound? Shussh, merry people alight. Laughter? But a scared child cries. Melancholy? This ascent to the top. The views? Absurd and surreal torpor. The top. Finally, I have arrived. Yet, Desolate. Fearful. Impending doom. Sandals, where are my sandals? I feel unclad. This outrageous wind, cutting me up. Dissected, operated. An angst is born. Go away, not today. An escape ensues. Haste, a quick descent. As my sandals call. And I beckon, and I beckon. 👣
"Lie beneath the galaxy in a cathedral silence,
Stay up till the Sun dives behind arid eminence."

Out there in the seething cold sun,
The glint blinding all that I could see,
Light headed, drowsy for a lack of air,
Disconnected from all that to me dear,
And disconcerted of all that came prior,
Or was about to ensue..
I found myself ✓
First two lines credit to the original author. The rest is an original follow up to the same ..
I know this feeling,
this terrible emotions within me
You only get inspired to pen down when you feel pain;
The beast within, beautifies the writings
and my uncontrollable tears becomes the ink
but I have defeated this,
I have found a way to escape this prison;
Tis only by looking around
every blessed day i wake,
in the hot sun and disastrous rain,
to see and feel the beauty
the Almighty has made
 Apr 2020 Corra Hayre
an idea
 Apr 2020 Corra Hayre
I had a dream
that someday
my screams
will sway
the people’s choice
but not by the waves
of my voice
but of my turns of phrases

— The End —