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ruby stains Dec 2014
she was like those /light-
up sketchers/ {or a} <pair> of
worn out h e e l y  . s;
keď bola číslo jedna : if she was number one in javanese form
  Dec 2014 ruby stains
CE Thompson
There are two kinds of blond.  Theres the subtle blond, with the dark highlights curling around yellowy strands of hair lain out like grain on a late summer day, baking in the heat of the sun and swaying in the Southern breeze.  Most tale this blond and own it like a miser would their gold.  They just can't let it go, no matter the personal cost, and every time they see it, it takes their breath away.
Not this blond.
This blond got you asking questions.  It's a cloud and a blade all in one.  It's an icy frost piercing through to the warmth underneath your skin.  Its got claws in you now, crawling up your spine, in your back.  Your mind tells you it just cant be real, its too different, too perfect.  But its got the heart in you racing wildly, a roller coaster that ends at reality and starts up again when you announce impossibility.  No way, no way, no way.  The blond of yesterday is today's satin sheets, and you can feel it dragging you closer and closer to bed, that pesky little ******* in your ribs, around your lungs.  Light as feathers you think as you feel yourself floating and falling in rapture in the mystery of it all.  The snow outside's got you questioning if you'll ever see that brightest white again in this storm.  Not this blond.  It's a once in a lifetime opportunity and it's shining right in front of you like bitter cold diamonds.  But **** you think it comforts like a dove. So hope and stay silent, so this get rich quick scheme falls into place, synchronizing with the purest, most blinds white you've ever known.
ruby stains Dec 2014
[eyes gazing out beneath heavy lids]
i've done that a lot lately, walking
[mind twenty-odd miles away]
into doors that haven't been opened
[feet move faster than my head]
yet, fingers clenched around a ****
[nose hits first; check for blood]
that's only been halfway turned.
[won't happen again, sweartofuckinggod]
lokan lori ọrọ : mind over matter in yoruba form
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