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  Dec 2014 ruby stains
CE Thompson
Because we are MUCH too loud these days, aren't we
  Dec 2014 ruby stains
CE Thompson
"oh honey, will you please, for just one year,
keep your mouth shut?  we're with family, it's
you know?"
its a classic
ruby stains Dec 2014
how my heart wish'd to/
along with those that sat wispily[wispy as the barren trees that thin out toward the unforgiving east; shan't i venture there, rest my weary soul]
beneath dusty lofts of liquid gold
[it shone brighter than the stars above, the gold did, and it blind'd me quite so]and compress'd waves of bitter contempt.
[their lives were good, the lives of the wealthy: they died young and wild, lungs choking and burning on year-old ale and *** and their lovers laying desolately at their selfish sides. and yet, they hold the right to say they lived, to say they took life by the throat and tugged.]
en être **** : far cry in french form
ruby stains Dec 2014
yes, that's the one that's
spinning; but it's not the one
i pulled{motors w h e e z e}.
ventilatori a soffitto : ceiling fans in italian form.
ruby stains Dec 2014
she was leaning against the rim of the golden gate bridge, the cars whizzing past her and tossing her dark hair up around her upturned face. a cigarette was hanging past her lips, her lipstick leaving ::
ruby stains. she glanced over at you [caught your eye, is what she did], pulled the cigarette from her lips, and

gave you a

s.mile(all teeth, no light

behind those eyes). you turned away

{quick} after that.
prohlídka : sight-seeing in czech form
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