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from the void
the mountain speaks
the beat goes on
in these desolate peaks

moss covered stacks
of sea floor and mantle
embrace and fold
in metamorphic tangle

stunted fir clings
graying roots exposed
a rocky, barren life
is all this sapling knows

snowcapped elderberry
scale the crevice
where bear and wind
make raucous passage

avalanche chutes
gracefully recline
in verdant shades
to the waterline

lie in the meadow
to calm the chatter
make still the noise
to blunt the clatter

upon the coming
of soft night
undress this silence
angel mine

*I came to a point where I needed solitude and just stop the machine of 'thinking' and 'enjoying' what they call 'living,' I just wanted to lie in the grass and look at the clouds.

-Jack Kerouac
Just got back from our annual fishing trip in the North Cascades of Washington state.  From a remote campground on the lake, one can hike steep Desolation Peak to the fire lookout where Jack Kerouac spent 63 days as a fire spotter in 1956.   His experiences there were inspiration for the classic "Desolation Angels".  My reference to "the void" arises from Kerouac's comment about the mountain looming largest in his view from the lookout - Mt. Hozomeen - which he described as "the void".   Little has changed since 1956, still remote, still amazingly beautiful.  I've yet to hike to the lookout (too busy catching rainbows, trout that is!) but it's on my "must do" list.
Oh, my beloved, have you thought of this:
How in the years to come unscrupulous Time,
More cruel than Death, will tear you from my kiss,
And make you old, and leave me in my prime?
How you and I, who scale together yet
A little while the sweet, immortal height
No pilgrim may remember or forget,
As sure as the world turns, some granite night
Shall lie awake and know the gracious flame
Gone out forever on the mutual stone;
And call to mind that on the day you came
I was a child, and you a hero grown?—
And the night pass, and the strange morning break
Upon our anguish for each other’s sake!
Unable to breath
In this darkness called night
Blackness above and beneath
I seek the light

Unable to sleep
I see nothing with eyes wide shut
Night terrors seep
Too frozen to get up

Unable to dream
Sooth my pain with your face
Instead I can't believe
I am in a lonely place

Unable to move on
As memories flood my soul
But accepting that your gone
I am alone

Never mind... tomorrow is a new day  x
 Apr 2016 Christopher Lowe
Makeup caked face cover scars rotting with regret
Scarlet lips purse, forever frozen in a pouted grin
Always for the audience, always the next show
For the crowd to keep cheering, new tricks in store.

Heart laden with dreams unlived, a life unloved
Body twisting at whims of the gaping throng
Underneath cries a lost soul, begs to be set free
Forever stuck in clumsy shoes, dancing for money.

Removing blond wig, at blessed end of last hour
Shredded dignity held together by the will to go on
Smiling front cascades away and slips down
Such is the story of the sad party clown
Dressed to please
Everything I am
Is underneath your skin

I know you're out there somewhere
You and the howling wind

You're the Devil's inspiration
My most beautiful sin
Here the pines blush
in the cloud's embrace
the sky comes low
falls for earth's face

the winds kiss
long lines of wood
fog weaves dense
peace of solitude

Here the curves
meanders blind
on magical turns
stumbles mind

all inner demons
the high lands slay
on angel's wings
you fall love's prey.
I love you, Bhutan.
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