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Nov 2022 · 274
Rock Bottom
Chloe London Nov 2022
Feeling the cold, hard slab of rock against my bare feet,
I look up to seek light,
But there's nothing but darkness,

Affliction fills my entire being.

I fall to my knees and lay in my despair,
I am alone.
The realisation declares war on my thoughts,
Without hesitation, I surrender and admit defeat.
As the white flag waves me away,
I begin to crawl,
Searching, longing to find strength,
I need to get up,
But my body is weak, almost lifeless.
It's a fight I never had a chance of winning.
This poem is based on my true feelings as I go through what feels like one of the most painful times in my life.
Jul 2017 · 430
Just 'cause
Chloe London Jul 2017
Water bottles
Kept at his bedside like the empty memories that he keeps "just cause"

The red curtains, just like his heart, drape across the sleeve of his jacket.
They help to keep the world out
Cause red is said to attract the bull, right?
The last thing he needs is another blow to the head from an angry animal
Yet that is all he craves

The feeling of his warm, rough finger tips tracing my skin almost tells the story of an ex lover
She was gentle but firm
It was obvious that she had been worked and that was taking it's toll on her
On him

In the midst of this
The hairs on his arms danced their way across to mine
As if moving to the rythm of my breathing
Our bodies merged in to a new song
The sound of his heart and mine began to blend in harmony
He begins to forget the lyrics to his old favourite song

The heart
Time is said to heal it
But the empty look in his eyes can't possibly hide the pain that still lies within his
The eyes are the windows to the soul
But for me,
He sees no point in the frames

The tears
 that drag themselves down his face begin to appear
when he unfurls her name from his lips
As if they thought they would never be freed

It's 2am and the rain is shouting at the window
Begging to be let in
It's been so long since he was vulnerable to someone
The idea of his clothes sticking to his body seems to terrify him
"I will never let anything cling to me or get close to me again."

The bellowing silence created an elephant in the room

No matter how many times the question is asked
There is the same answer
"I'm fine"
But are you?
When the only time you feel safe is behind the the red curtain
Next to the water bottles
Kept at the bedside
like the empty memories that you keep
"Just cause".
Apr 2015 · 623
Chloe London Apr 2015
But this is me, and I'm sat thinking on my balcony of how when I make a typo and it replaces it with a different word, that maybe that word is meant to be replaced and I'm meant to live my life the complete opposite way, like it needs to be replaced with the opposite.
I'm sat with trees facing this wooden chair, each branch swaying at a different time in the delicate winds of Turkey, Kemer, and how each branch sways for a reason, not because of the wind -
Maybe the wind is a voice, and it orders each branch to sway at a certain time, whispering in their ear and ordering them to do so.
It's strange isn't it? The way the mind works, the way that mine does at least.
I believe that nothing of nature happens because of nature, just the the swaying of a tree branch doesn't sway because of the wind.
I believe in spirits and what not, I believe that they are in everyone, everything.
I believe that we are a Sim of a spirit that some may call God, a product of him and his doings or "creations".
I believe that some how, a spirit is in each individual living thing, whether it be a human, animal or plant.
I believe that when something moves, it is a sign, when a stranger smiles, it is a sign, when the wind turns the page of a book it is is sign - it is a sign the the spirit of the wind is telling us that we need to turn to the next page in our lives, to live and breathe the next chapter, to appreciate and love what we are next to discover.
Call me crazy, but I believe that right now I am narrating my life, my mind, leaving out no detail to add to the over working imagination, the fast pacing thoughts that strike the mind and the feelings that touch the soul.
I believe that the life I am living has already been out lived and has expired, leaving me to only think that I have lived and loved and experienced such a life that I have already once lived.
Afterlife? I think not.
I believe that the after life is only true in a sense that we get multiple chances to narrate our lives, just like Chinese whispers, each time it changes slightly, therefor giving the illusion of a new life and explaining all happenings of de ja vu.
We are made up of atoms, many many items which makes us, us. But we all share from the same atom pool, therefor we are all a part of eachother, and when one says that they don't understand another... They do, but they are not using the power inside that they have to dig deeper and realise.
We all share from the same atom pool, therefor we all have a part of people like Anne Frank and Martin Luther King inside us.
What we all have in common?
A hope for freedom
A right to fight for it.
That's what we need, just freedom, some living, breathing spirit to allow us live our lives the way we wish.
But we are held, we are held by society and their opinions.
There's a man with black skin and his hood up, is he a ****?
But that's the problem, just because someone may or not fit a certain stereotype, doesn't mean we have the right to force it upon them.
If we have the freedom to belittle and stereotype, then they have the freedom to do as they please and prove us right or wrong within our accusations.
Call me crazy, but I believe in life itself, and there is more to a tree branch swaying in the wind.
This may be a little all over the place. I wrote it last year while on holiday.
Feb 2015 · 363
Chloe London Feb 2015
It's like we're all holding a piece of something that's broken,
and my piece is just too heavy for me,
soon enough it's just going to crush me.
I wish someone would save me...
Dec 2014 · 509
The Battle Within
Chloe London Dec 2014
I still see her
She is everywhere
She lies between each word of the books I read

Her breath ripples between each whistle of the wind

Her words are the thing strangling me each time I dare to speak

She is the gleam in his eyes when we argue
She is the strength in every punch I throw and every slap I launch.
She is the tone in my voice,
in what I say when I choke from being bitter and agitated

She is everywhere.

She is the blade that I keep locked away in the box
She is the thin piece of torture that gets right under my skin

She is the thought before and after every meal
She is the knife cutting through before every agonising bite
She is the sweet and sour substance that balances on my spoon,
Filling me up with insults and low self worth

She is the feeling I get when I am intoxicated
Sick, dizzy, angry

She is in every step I take, the dreaded trip to my every destination

She is in every rain drop, the splatting of the water are my feelings as she has my heart in her hands

She is in me,
In every rumble of my stomach,
In every thought that rattles in my head
In every word that I speak
In every blink of my eyes

In every smile that I fake
In every breath I take
She is there,
She is forever within me,
She is everywhere.
Dec 2014 · 406
A 2 Faced Conscience
Chloe London Dec 2014
(I can't explain
It's stupid really...)

*(But I can hear her)

(I don't know, I just hear her voice.) *

it's like,
it echoes through my body
...Or something.

(No, it's like)

(Look I'm trying to explain)

I sit late at night hoping that I can sleep
But then I come realise how that is almost impossible.

(Do you understand?)

The piercing sound of her words flowing into me feels like a million knives stabbing through my back

But at first,
When the words start to enter my mind,
It's almost as though they scratch along the surface,
as if they're daring to plunge in to me
... but they're waiting for the perfect opportunity
To, to make sure that I'm as fragile as I can be, and I'm pinned to the floor ready for the slicing

(Yes, that's it
I'm insane, I know
But thats what it feels like)

She's just picking at me for now
But soon she will have torn me apart and I will be nothing but broken bones and torn flesh

(Can you hear me?
I'm sorry)

She takes over my head as my breathing becomes a lot faster and heavier
It's like she's ripping out my heart and there's nothing I can do about it

(Now listen)*

I'm practically dead in a sense, because I'm not living
I am just plain and simply... alive

This poem is quite dark for me, but i tried to express the way I feel and how my mind works. This poem shows how the mind speaks back to your thoughts. The lines in brackets show my replies to the comments that my mind speaks back with. A very messy poem indeed
Nov 2014 · 374
The Power of Love
Chloe London Nov 2014
I can't even begin to explain this feeling that I have,
It's too strong.
Is strong even the word, who knows?
Maybe there needs to be a new word,
A word that will finally describe exactly what I feel for you.
But for now this will have to do.

It's like I'm constantly wrapped up,
Not in a way that I'm smothered and choking,
But in a way that I feel safe, warm and protected.

Your arms act like a barrier when you throw them around me, and they rest on my hips, It gives me a feeling of security, like I never need to worry about a thing when you're around.

It's like we're chained together at sea, and as soon as the waves crash against us and drag you down, I go right down with you.
We're one and if you're down or sad, I feel a deep ache inside of me too.
You need to carry on sailing with me.

It's as though this was always meant to be,
Me, you, and the underestimated power of love.
We are forever entwined together by this... This feeling. I still can't describe it.

Love is a very complicated concept at our life stage, but as we grow older, there are more signs that'll be shown which will open up our eyes to it's true meaning.

There is no such thing as this longing ache for a feeling of love and contentment anymore,
I've found it,
I've found it with you,
It's a different kind of ache,
I feel it every night,
I long for you to lay by my side.
But you will one day,
With your lips pressed against my forehead,
And my tired arms draped across your chest.

I will one day look up at you,
And whisper these very important words; My lover, my best friend, my soul mate,
My heart belongs to you,
I love you,
Truly, madly, deeply
May 2014 · 411
'Tis The Season To Be Sorry
Chloe London May 2014
You know the fear in losing your own mind is far from gradual at pace, when the outernet deems to be far more displeasing each time you look out of the window. Yes, it's spring and yes the sun is shining, but staying in bed feels like the undoubtably right choice, when in reality, the gliding of the butterflies that you witness will one day become just a faint memory, cause let's face it, we all die a little inside when winter comes...
But for the butterflies, it's a little more personal.
Apr 2014 · 372
My Hero
Chloe London Apr 2014
Not at any one time
Had I thought there would be a light at the end of the tunnel,

Never had I thought that I would find a key to unlock so many doors - so many solutions to my troubles,

I would never have thought I'd grow so tall to see over the plot of darkness that blinded me,

And then there was you.

When I met you, you carried me, you lifted me up so high that the darkness could no longer lurk at eye level,
It could no longer latch on to my leg as you clasped my fragile body and pulled me free from the dark's grasp, it's fingertips sliding off the soles of my feet.

At that point I was breathless,
As you ripped every last ache and pain that I was feeling, right from my heart, and watched as it broke into a million pieces, as sharp as shards of glass, painful and dangerous.

But it was gone,
Just like that.
The darkness had seemed so difficult to remove,
Yet the slightest of effort was made as your angelic hands lifted me away from all danger,

It's as if you're a saint in disguise,
As if we were destined to fall in love as soon as my eyes met yours,
From that moment on,
I knew that you were the light at the end of my tunnel,
The key to my doors,
The height of growth to my freedom of the dark - my saviour.
The answer to all of my questions
My reason to love,to live, to hold on,
The reason that I believe true love still exists.
Apr 2014 · 458
Oh Ed
Chloe London Apr 2014
I'm laid here with a full stomach
Clawing at it as I feel it digesting inside of me.
It screams freedom,
Begging for me to release it
I hold it back and choke on my words

I must stay strong
I must stay strong

Soon enough the guilt tickles the back of my throat
And I throw up a thousand words.

I am isolated
I am a failure
I am

I scream back
"I will never ever be enough for anyone!"
ED - Eating Disorder
Apr 2014 · 560
Chloe London Apr 2014
And I fell in love with the poison
I drew from your lips
I was mesmerised by the way it made me feel
It has now taken over my mind and body
I have the urge to ****
Apr 2014 · 483
One Mind of The Living Dead
Chloe London Apr 2014
It's been 16 hours, and the voices are beginning to quieten.
My stomach feels empty
but I feel proud and victorious.
As I begin to search through her pictures,
my heart drops.

She is so thin
So perfect

And look at me
I'm so fat
I'm so worthless!

The voices appear once again,
Repeating what I'd just recently chanted to myself.
Only, they are louder,
More vicious in a sense.

Now I feel the pains in my stomach grow more and more
They are so loud
But never did they once overpower the sharp voice of my demon that lived in my head.

After only glancing at my favourite piece of food,
It began to shout vigorously.

Don't be so stupid
Pathetic people like you don't deserve things like that!
Look away!
Don't even think about eating!

At this point I feel ill
I was being forced to starve myself by my own "thoughts"

I can only describe this demon to be my conscience that has turned it's back on me,
It is a messenger from the devil that overruns my every thought.
Delivering so many insults and put downs in to my head.

"You have 4 months until prom
And I'M winning this one."

Soon after that sentence circled my battered mind,
I lit a cigarette and watched the smoke as it disappeared away in to the grey, afternoon sky,
It represented my life,
I was disappearing.
But surely
Chloe London Mar 2014
Perked here on the edge of my bed,
It feels so cold.
The mattress is as sharp as a knife

that I long to plunge through my veins...


Just like the thoughts of you that run through my head,

A headache,
The only ache that takes over the pain from the blade
that continues to slice through my arm,
I am alone
I am so alone.

I pick up my phone and my eyes fill up
as my finger scrolls through the words that hit you straight in the heart,

I miss you

My heart bled
Yet I keep pushing you away
You don't understand...
You won't understand!

I lay back
My shoulder blades digging in to the metal of my bed
I'm hurting you
This has to stop
I don't mean to upset you
I just want to drop

The layout of the poem is to show how my feelings are; unorganised and messy. thanks for reading!
Feb 2014 · 446
Never A Happy Ending
Chloe London Feb 2014
You're just scared,
And I respect that.
But you're still a coward for leaving,
When the duty for Prince Charming,
Is to rescue his Princess.

Not to run away,
From the dragon guarding her,
In great fear.

You love me?
*But love is stronger than fear.
Feb 2014 · 773
Just Get Up, Dear
Chloe London Feb 2014
"You know
Sometimes it seems kind of easy to some.
Kind of... Simple, in a way.
You just kinda... Get up out of bed, y'know?
You just,
Turn your body round, and put each foot on the floor and just push up.
Like this!" she smiled.

My best friend was trying to understand, but she just doesn't get it.

To me that seemed like such a hard task to accomplish; it meant that I had to find the strength to even think of stepping out of the bed.

I mean for what?
a feeling of uselessness?

I gave up trying to think
and therefor I never found a good enough reason to motivate me.

So I lay here

Practically dead in a sense.

With no intention to move 'till the actual death.
Jan 2014 · 845
And So It Begins
Chloe London Jan 2014
And so it begins, it's finally sunk in and you're alone. Your story begins a little like this;

So you're sitting alone in a crowded room
yet it feels like you're distant from any living, breathing thing.
Everyone is laughing and having a great time,
But the only thing you can hear is the beating of your own heart.

Everything around you plays in slow motion,
like you're in a movie where the intense scene grabs your attention.

And it finally hits you,
they're gone... Forever.
And there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it.

You feel alone and in deep thought,
You can see everyone's mouths moving yet you hear no sound,
Your eyes begin to glaze over,
as the thoughts of them attack your mind and the drop of water that appears from your eyes shatters when it hits the table,
"Just like my feelings" you thought.

You stand up to go and get some air,
yet you feel so uneasy that you fall to the side.
The feeling of grief hits you hard and affects your ability to balance yourself.

You run outside and sit on the bench,
Your face buried into your hands,
They're gone and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it,
They're just... gone.
Dec 2013 · 781
This Is What It Feels Like
Chloe London Dec 2013
Stepping stones;*
That's what these different stages of my life are,
It's been almost 7 months and finally my feelings for *that other guy
have drifted away.
He was nothing special.
He never cared.

And now,
I guess it is my time...
I've met someone.

He's amazing...

He's... special,

He stands out to me like no one else
And he makes me feel whole.

He's not like everyone else,
He gives me a feeling of safety,
Of... protection.
His height towering over me like my guardian.
He is my protector.

When he laughs,
The echo of happiness surrounds me,
It embraces me.
It covers me like a duvet,
It makes me feel warm and at peace.

His voice is purely music to my ears.
The delicate sound of it lingers around my ear drums like a scent.
It clings to my heart and creates a remarkably unsteady heart beat.

When I'm with him I feel nothing but nerves and excitement.
When I get time to think I long for just one night with him.
Just one night to be with him and relax.

I long for the calm and lifeless nights, where the window is open and the air is still,
The only noise that we can hear would be the sound of my heart racing against yours. I can feel you breathe gently into my hair as you kiss my head and hold me tighter.

No one will ever know the way I truly feel about you,
You amaze me everyday with the things that you do.
You mesmerise me and I crave the same love from you that I'm desperate to give out.

Just give me one chance,
One chance.
You'll never find anyone that cares as much as I do.
*This love is unconditional.
Chloe London Jul 2013
I hate pretending,
Every day,
Telling everyone,
That I'm okay.
Chloe London Jul 2013
Whether its because of your body,
your weight,
your "friends",
the way you dress,
your sexuality,
your family ,
or your surroundings...
You've asked to read this poem for a reason and that one reason is suicidal thoughts.
Well let me ask and tell you a few things before you lift up that blade, before you go searching through the strongest pills you can find, and before you tie a knot in that rope.
You have so much to live for!
Think of at least one special person in your mind.
Got one?
They mean a lot to you, right? 
Imagine how they would feel.
Imagine if one day they thought
"hey why don't I check up on him/her?"
Then walked into your house and seen you lying there, pulseless with a note laid next to you.
Maybe that would make them do the same, maybe it would make them follow in your footsteps and go straight after you, just so they don't have to go through the misery of knowing they will never see you again for as long as they live. 
Maybe they won't take there lives,
but maybe they could be close.
Maybe they could start off self harming,
then stop eating and then start to have sleepless nights,
and if they did sleep,
they'd cry for hours beforehand,
draining themselves out in order to sleep. 
What would your parents think?
What if they weren't the reason you did it and they thought they were the main cause. 
What if they couldn't take it and they split up and messed up the whole family?
What if your friends and family were still alive but their lives were filled with nothing but despair and each and every one of them felt like their souls were ripped from them the moment you left, like they weren't really alive at all?
That would make you sad, right?
Well what if you had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Maybe for some people they're the only person there for you through this rough patch,
am I right?
Well how do you think they would feel?
After fighting with you through all of these deep and dark days and then all of a sudden you gave up without warning. Not only giving up on yourself but on them too. Maybe they don't feel exactly what you feel, or have the same depressing thoughts as you, but it's sure as hell just as soul destroying i'm sure.

Look at your body.
You think it's disgusting don't you?
Well it's not.
I'm positive that it's not.
Because male or female,
you're all beautiful in your own way.
I'm pretty sure I know at least one person who would **** to have your body and would be more than happy to show it to the world :)

See those scars?
Of course you do.
You look at them every day and it makes you want to cut more and more every time you look.
But you don't need to feel that way.
All those scars mean is that you're a tiger who has earned their stripes,
it shows that's you're strong and even though you may have wanted to burst that vein yesterday, you're still here
And those scars you made yesterday are an applause. An applause from us all that you never made it up there and you're still with us.
You may not be happy,
but that will change.

No this isn't in a style of a poem,
it's more of a cry for help.
Little do you know that reading all of your posts and for some people,
reading your thoughts and looking through pictures you've sent me hurts me so bad.
And I'm begging for it all to stop for you all.
I'm not going to say "I'm begging for you to stop", because I know how hard that is for you and you can't just you know...
I know that.
So I'm going to help you.
For whoever feels like they're alone in this you're wrong,
that's all going to stop here.
I may only seem like some girl that just wants to help.
And maybe I am to a lot of you,
but some of you know that not only do I WANT to help,
but I CAN help.
Believe it or not, to some people I have made a difference in their lives and the things I have said to them have made an impact on them.
No matter how big or small...
I'm here for you.
You don't have to feel scared or alone anymore.

This is one of the many poems I will be writing,
this one,
as you will know,
covers body issues, scars and the affects on others due to suicide. 
Before you take your life,
Just stop,
Just think,
If this really worth it?
Am I going to let this monster take over me and win?


That was a trick question, of course you're not. You're not giving in that easily.
You're worth so much more than that.
To at least someone,
you mean everything.
Don't let go, it's too soon. 
Listen here,
Im not judging you.
Im not judging on your past or present and i'm not planning on judging you in your future either (yes, you will have a future)
Just remember,
I care.
There is a light at the end of every tunnel and i'm willing to help each and every one of you find it.
I love you all, never forget.
If anyone seeks help and wants to talk, message me privately and we can talk on there or I will give you my "Kik" name.
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
I Idolise Thinspo
Chloe London Jun 2013
Chloe - 15 years of age
It all started when I knew I was eating too much 
I was getting heavier
I started to get closer to the 9st mark
I now have to buy size 12 jeans... 
fasting alone just wasn't working
It just wasn't enough 
So I gave in
And I ate
I ate loads 
I was beginning to binge..
Then after I'd stuffed myself with so much food 
I'd go into the bathroom 
I'd get a glass of water ready 
And grab hold of my toothbrush 
I'd begin to rub it onto the back of my throat
Before quickly bringing up all of my food
All of those calories pouring out of my body
Drinking glasses upon glasses of water
Then sharply stopping due to lack of breath
I stand there panting 
It felt amazing
I'm getting thinner 

I told my boyfriend
He didn't understand at first
But now he does
Now he knows that if I could stop I would
He knows that if I could physically stomach any solids
Or even liquids other that water that slide down my throat,
I would.
But now It's happening
And I can't help it
I can't change it
I have a disorder.
It's killing me
It's eating me away...

But I worship models
I worship fasting
I worship the feeling that I get when I throw it all up
But most of all,
I idolise Thinspo
May 2013 · 1.1k
If You Could See Me Now
Chloe London May 2013
I can still remember the day before it happened,
We all crowded around the hospital bedside
But it wasn't a sad moment
You were happy,
We were happy,
Even though you were weak,
You managed to seem so strong,
Everytime your eyes would close,
You'd whisper
"I'm going to rest my eyes now..."
You were slowly being taken away from us.
A day later, you passed away,
The whole day and night was silent,
Not a word slipped our mouths
We never once asked what was going through our minds
We all you know you were running through it
Running through from this open and oyster of a world
To the heavens, somewhere you can be free of pain.
For months on end your scent drifted through your house,
And the smell of toast swam through our house for weeks...
Was it you, Where you still here?

And now, 3 years later we're here and moving on
You're still in our hearts
And you always will be
I'm doing well at school now, i've just applied for Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl and Senior Prefect granda,
I've never been so nervous
I did it for you Granda
I hope you're proud of me...
I love you <3

"I still look for your face in the crowd, oh if you could see me now
would you stand in disgrace or take a bow, oh if you could see me now"
Apr 2013 · 701
Chloe London Apr 2013
It started when we got close,
When he started to open up to me,
When I started to read him like a book,
When I knew he was broken inside.
"I'm fine"
he'd tell me, 
pain in his eyes as the words struggled to free from his mouth, like he was almost...
From those words I knew,
I knew he was crying inside,
I knew it was growing stronger and rapidly taking over him.

I know now that it's ripping through him like a blade, and yet still he wears a smile...
A smile so blinding white and beautiful that the whole world freezes with astonishment.
I don't understand,
He seemed so happy to me...
What happened to him?
What has happened to the one person that I truly love?
It's destroyed through you,baby, its tore through everything you once were.
I can see it in your eyes, baby,
I'll free you from it,
I swear.
Chloe London Apr 2013
For all of these years many girls have been waiting for a boy best friend.
Someone who they can tell everything to,
Someone who they can talk about anything to,
Someone who's always going to be there for them,
To make them laugh,
To mend their broken hearts when they've been crushed ,
To support them,
To have movie nights,
To call each other every night and talk about how she is in love with his best friend
To get drunk together and lean on each other walking home
To skip school together and go on adventures in the fields
To buy countless cans of energy drinks and get hyper together
To go on long walks engaging in conversation about how he likes someone else
To have that one dance together at prom, her in her dress, him in his suit
Seems like the perfect friendship, right?

But then there's the down side,
The side that she doesn't see
The side that screams at the top of it's lungs yet she's still blind to it
He loves her
He never stops thinking about her
She's his first thought the moment he awakens and the last thought before he sleeps
She's the reason the still wakes up every morning
She's the reason he never stops smiling
She's the only reason his heart still beats.
Every time she talks about him his heart sinks yet his face still holds a smile...
If only he knew she felt the same
If only he knew how he's the only reason her heart still beats
He's the only reason she never stops smiling
He's the reason she still wakes up every morning
He's the first thought the moment she awakens and the last thought before she sleeps
She never stops thinking about him...
*She loves him.
Chloe London Mar 2013
I'm scared
What if he think he's alone in this?
What if he keeps ignoring it?
And then what if he slips?
Slips into the depth of depression I once fell into,
What if he lands on his knees and crawls down the route I once followed..
Let me help you,
I can protect you.
I'll never let you fall,
If you begin to,
I can catch you,
And hold you in my arms
... Baby it's just a wall
Mar 2013 · 419
Chloe London Mar 2013
I remember those times
Lying on my bed
Curled up in a ball
Secretely wishing I'd never been born.

I remember those times
Sitting in my room
My life was filled with nothing but darkness
Utter darkness and gloom

Yet, I also remember those times,
When I was happy,
When I actually smiled... :)
When I met him,
When he wiped the tears that dribbled onto my chin and he hugged me from behind

I remember those times,
When my heart had never beaten so fast,
When all I could think about was him
When all I seen was his face in my dreams
Wrapped up in his embrace... *Or so it seemed...
Mar 2013 · 890
This Is For You...
Chloe London Mar 2013
I knew this day would come, the day when you question how I actually feel about you, and I've had this poem prepared for a long time, due to all of our little bumps in the road. I think it's time they let us sit back, relax and enjoy the ride! I think that together we are such a good, strong couple. My feelings towards you are really starting to become prominent and they're getting stronger everyday. Everything we have been through that has either hurt us or ripped us apart has finally came to an end and now we can relax and I can build used stronger incase there is going to be any more of them. Whenever i'm with you I get a really weird knotting feeling in my stomach and it makes me want to literally dive on you:') whenever we kiss everything that's bad in my life literally disappears and the feelings I get from your embracement overpower me and fill me up with emotion. Whenever you wrap your arms around me I clasp onto you and hold on really tight, because I can't bare to lose you and I close my eyes really tightly and think of all the things I can help you/us avoid so that won't happen. Now this may get a little deep...

See, through everything that has happened I have realised that you do actually care but you don't want to show it, you're afraid that if you show it you are admitting that you're scared too and you have to be the one that seems strong for me do that I don't hit rock bottom. I've realised that I've definitely fallen for you, And it's the most scariest thing in the world, because I'm afraid of the things I would do for you. I'm very daring and if I'm passionate about something or someone I will do absolutely anything...
I would literally risk my life for you, I would do anything to make you happy, I would rather me have your pain and I would rather suffer than watch you suffer. I would take away all of the pain you will ever feel and bring it all to me, just so you have live happily. If we ever broke up I would still feel really passionately for you, and I will stay protect you and love you until the very end. I love you, and I actually mean that. I actually love you. You're my hero :) <3
Mar 2013 · 2.3k
Chloe London Mar 2013
I don't need you,
You don't flatter me,
You just fill me up and you'll sooner batter me,
You don't help me,
You cause me to lose my confidence,
I just want those high cheekbones and their prominence

I just want to be thin,
Just like all of those supermodels,
As thin as them all,
I want to look porcelain, pale and beautiful
Exactly like Felice Fawn.

"You don't need to be skinny to be pretty"
Don't listen to them, be skinny
Be strong,
Be thin,
Say no
to food
Mar 2013 · 932
Wild At Heart
Chloe London Mar 2013
I love the way you tell me that I’m beautiful, 
and the way you make me laugh like no one else. 
I love the way you move the hair away
from my eyes, and then kiss me on my head. 
I love the way  you hold me
and slowly place arms around my waist as we watch movies together and feel each and every heart beat.
I love the way you'd sing to me at random moments, 
and look at me and smile. 
I love the way you leave the smell of your scent on my clothes after we hug. 
I love the way you would send me a picture of a funny face..
along with an " I love you' message shortly afterwards.
I love the way you speak your mind and tell me about your opinions. 
I love the way you're not afraid to speak out and show your feelings. 
I love the way you text me in the middle of the day just to ask how I am
and say how much you love me. 
I love the way you talk to your friends, look back and smile at me when you do. 
I love the way your words seem to whisper into my head,
the way your voice sounds so close to me. 
it feels like I’m dreaming. 
I love the way you do all of these and the fact that you're not ashamed to do it. 
I love the way you treat me, 
and I'm glad to be yours...
Not one of my best poems, but they're just feelings and thoughts in a write up after all :)
Mar 2013 · 900
Dear Diary
Chloe London Mar 2013
I need him,
I wish I could see him everyday.
I smiled properly for the first time in days when I was with him earlier,
until my mood was swiftly spoilt...
But I think he'll find it clingy.
I think that he'll find seeing me every day pretty stupid,
But I just want to feel loved and happy,
After a long hard day of having 'what's wrong?' 'what's up, Chloe?'
'are you okay?'
and having to answer the same thing
'nothing, I'm fine'
when I really feel like I want to literally die.
He doesn't realise how weak I actually am, especially without him.
Feb 2013 · 686
Invisible In Your World
Chloe London Feb 2013
You think you can walk all over me,
You lead me on and say you love me,
You invite me over,
Cuddle me,
Kiss me,
Make me feel like I mean the world to you...
When I don't.
As soon as I leave you're back to your normal self. 
At school you ignore me,
it's asif I'm actually invisible to you.
You'd much rather speak to anyone else other than your own girlfriend,
YOUR girl,
especially when I'm down and upset.
You pretend to care and type big paragraphs yet I'm left waiting for hours for a reply.
Even when you do reply they are blunt,
like you don't even care.
Like I mean nothing to you at all.
Feb 2013 · 1.5k
Do You Feel What I Feel?
Chloe London Feb 2013
It's like laying in a bed of thorns, wrapped up in a blanket of insults and put downs that dig just as deep as those thorns would, feeling every pinch of the very tip of them lay themselves into you as you toss and turn, trying to escape the sharp and piercing life that you live in. The feeling of your stomach pulsating, echoes like a heartbeat through your battered veins as your devastating way of life leaks through into your dreams... Your nightmares.

It's like falling into a deep, dark hole, without a sense of hearing or being able to touch and feel things. Like losing your voice and you are shouting at the top of your lungs and no one can hear.


Like you've been deafened by your own isolation. Like you can't feel anything around you but the stabbing sensation of pain, anger, loneliness and the bitter words that are thrown at your weak heart.

It's like being kicked and kicked and kicked until you're all the way down, all the way to the cold, hard ground. Your delicate and dried skin beaten and bruised, the imprints of the left memories of your torment...

Back to the start, back to the very beginning when you vaguely remember when you were actually happy. When you smiled. And when that smile rocked his world. And now you're nothing, nothing but a drowned rat lying dead on the bed of a gutter. Drinking only rainfall to prevent severe dehydration. The only excitement brought to you seems to be the sharp, rushed feeling you get when you pull out that same razor blade from your ripped pocket and draw that coppery smelling substance we call blood from your already shredded wrists. That razor blade, the only thing closest to a bestfriend, it's helped to get out all of your anger and helped you to feel the true pain of your wrongs and mistakes. The pain from the blade, managing to take over the thoughts and excruciating pain from the spine shivering cold paving stones, what seems like they are scraping of off your hip bones. That razor blade, slowly taking away all of the other possible pain that may be caused throughout the taunting night.

It's like you're dead, lifeless, like you don't even matter or exist at all...
Like a little girl in a world of violence, alone and scarred by society, full of what feels like you're drowning in a river of anxiety. 

*Its like theres just nothing left to fight for.
Feb 2013 · 708
Be Mine
Chloe London Feb 2013
So it's valentines day,
Just a few things I'd like to say,
Your smile is so sweet,
It makes me skip a heart beat,

You have that little sparkle in your eyes,
You leave me breathless without having to try,
When our lips brush,
My whole body turns into mush,

One more thing I'd like to say,
Before the end of this loving day,
Please be my valentine,
From now until the end of time
Soo cheesy:')
Feb 2013 · 847
Invade Me... I'm Broken
Chloe London Feb 2013
Broken Hearts,
They lurk in the night,
The deep,deep night,
Waiting for someone,
Someone who's weak and easy to target,
Someone with a heart,
A beating  pulse,
A one, true love,
Warm blooded and breathing.

Eyes alert and flickering,
Flickering around this desolate town,
Searching for trouble,
For danger, 
For somewhere to invade.
Someone to invade...


A broken hearted girl.
Feb 2013 · 487
In The Eye of The Beholder
Chloe London Feb 2013
Girls here,
Girls there,
Pretty girls everywhere,
Yet you chose me.

Why me?
Many ridiculous thoughts
Scatter around my mind,
Why out of all of those people,
Would You chose me?

... Man you must be blind.

I only wear a flick of eyeliner
And a lick of foundation,
What makes my looks so special?
What makes you think I'm the one that shines?
What brings the brightness to my deep, dark eyes?
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
His Little Looking Glass
Chloe London Feb 2013
This is a pocket watch,
But not just any old pocket watch,
This pocket watch is detrimental,
A ticking time bomb,
When is it time to stop?

It was my great-grandfathers when he was young,
Ticking for 60 years,
Tick, tock, tick,
When is it going to stop?

The guilt of my past echo's into my system.

It lay there,
Looking into my room,
Staring straight through the window and into the world,
Staring straight into heaven,
Doing nothing but gathering dust...

Or so it seems,

Back then, to realise I was too low,
Now it came back to hurt me just to show, 

This was a looking glass into our world's...
His great-grandchildren's world's...

So, this pocket watch was like a camera,
A spy?
It was a pocket watch in disguise of my great-grandfathers eye?

I always knew he was a man of great mystery,
A man of great pride,
A man with a pocket watch,
This pocket was was surely my grandfather's old man's guide.

It wasn't used only for time,
And not only to make him look wise,
But because it helped him to see into my future,
With his grey and clear, open eyes.

He's witnessed my life now, 
He's seen my past,
So how long is this all going to last?
Now that you've seen me,
Now that you know my life is only full on fun,
I think it's time for you to rest now,
Your work here is done.

*I love you my great-grandad,
Forever and always.
Feb 2013 · 3.0k
You're Simply... Amazing
Chloe London Feb 2013
Your eyes,
Your lips,
Your touch,
I want it all,
I want you.

Your stare,
Your smile,
Your hugs,

Your kiss,
Your scent
Your voice,
Stop teasing me,

I want you,
I want it all,
Your hair,
Your skin...
*Your heart.
Feb 2013 · 834
Despicable You
Chloe London Feb 2013
I hate you, so much.
You make my life an actual misery,
You ignore me on purpose,
You turn my friends against me,
You spread lies, rumours,
Remember when you cared about me?
Yeah, me neither.
You ****** me up with your mind, decisions.
I've already had enough of your mind games.

 Not being with you made me realise exactly what I was missing, 
A free life.
I have myself to blame, you caused too much heart break for me to handle and i still went on "loving" you, loving what? A person, a monster?

...A reckless apocalyptic being.

My messages that I send you remain read but unreplied. You are no longer in my heart as a loved one, but only as a place holder. 
I will never forget you,
Nor did I say that I would never regret you,
You gave me a mean piece of mind,
I'll stay in your head,
You'll stay in mine.

Together we were a beautiful package, two people combined from the heart to the soul.  I loved you so, you loved me more. I cared for you a lot more than you think. 

Your empty heart and the way you emotionlessly carry yourself affected me in many ways including depression; causing me to spend many days feeling alone, cold hearted, being unable to feel loved or anything at all. 

You have a heart of nothing,
Nothing other than a heart of stone.
I don't want you back,
Not now,
Not ever,
You're dead to me, man, *dead to me.
Jan 2013 · 1.5k
Forever Entwined
Chloe London Jan 2013
The feeling of your slightly unsteady heartbeat against my chest
makes me feel as though you're actually mine.
Like every single part of you belongs to me.
The soft touch of your vibrantly glowing skin
brushing against mine makes butterflies flutter in my stomach,
like a whole new world of excitement,  
it makes me feel like I can't breathe and my whole universe is spinning.
When our lips stroke, tiny sparks shoot up my body and blow my mind,
causing me to close my tired eyes and cherish every moment.
When we kiss I feel the corners of your  mouth curl up into a beautiful smile,
as beautiful as a ray of sunlight on sun kissed skin that shimmers.
Every time you look at me my heart pounds out of my chest,
destined to be close to you.
Every time you look at me with those astounding,
incredible eyes I feel like I'm a part of you,
like you're a part of me.
Your seductive scent lingers on your clothing as our bodies press when we hug,
releasing a whole new drug that I crave...

Our hands clasped,
Our eyes locked,
*I think that you'll find...
forever we are entwined.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Dear Anonymous
Chloe London Jan 2013
Dear Anonymous, 
I'm writing to let you know how you make me feel and how each and every part of you affects me...

Starting with your deep and intriguing eyes..
I love  your eyes,
they're so brown and gentle,
they indulge me,
they're so mysterious and seductive.
They make me feel like I'm lost in you,
lost in them.

Your lips,
they are so soft and delicate,
they tempt me,
they stimulate all of my senses,
making me go weak at the knees. 

Your kiss,
I yield to the soft sensation of it,
it gives me a numb feeling,
like I can't feel anything but you and your touch.

Your smile,
It's so sweet and seductive,
The dimples in it melt my heart and sweeten it. Your teeth are bright and white,
shining through to my beating heart that pounds only for you.

You make me feel warm inside, 
Like i'm trapped in a world of warmth and kindness, in a world of love and mystery,
A world of feeling like I mean something,
like I mean something to someone else.

You make me feel like nothing else matters,
like when I walk down the corridors the world stops and I'm blind to everything else, the only person I see is you...

The only person I ever see is you.
The only thing my heart beats for is you.
The only feeling that ever strikes me is from you...

*The Only Person I'll Ever Want Is You.
Who can relate?:)
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Chloe London Jan 2013
So there's this guy...*

Long-brown hair,
Hair that makes my heart flutter when he flips it,
With cute  little flicks at the side,

His eyes,
Green as emeralds,
So green they could become a whole world of emeralds...
A whole universe of them.
A smile to die for,
A smile that makes my insides feel like butter,
Like its melting inside me,
Like I'm melting along with it.
Teeth so white they could blind me,
Smile lines so exquisite and flattering,
Lips so luscious and soft looking,
Blood red.

A voice so musky it causes shivers up my body and goosebumps on my skin,
A scent so **** it weakens me to the knees,
A man so kind and loyal...
I couldn't possibly deserve someone like him.
Chloe London Jan 2013
I'm caught, trapped.
In a world of trouble and temptation,
In a world of hatred and misery.

I'm alone, living this little thing we call life,
It's hard sometimes,
But you just have to get on with it,
And overcome your obstacles,
Whether they are just difficult,
Or what feels like the hardest things in the world,

I've had my little bumps in the road,yes
Yes I've been tempted and did all the wrong things,
That had me led me into the dark patches of life,

Like a demon,
Like me having the devil whispering in my ear,
Telling me how to lead a perfectly risk filled life,
Step by step,
Leading me to a hallway of suffering,
Leading me to the doorstep...
Welcome to the House of Hell.
Chloe London Jan 2013
You loved me,
But now,
What's left of that love?
Chloe London Jan 2013
Do you really know how it feels to lose someone?
To have them never want to even look at you?
To have them want you to move on ?
Forget them when they've given you so much to remember?
To have them fall out of love with you and leave you empty...

He made me feel warm when nobody cared,
He made me feel like I was actually worth his time,
He made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, the feeling that he was mine,
He made me feel like I was special, like someone actually loved me,
He made me smile everyday that I was with him...
Can we forget all about this...
C..c.. Can we?

We are only  young,
But we are very strong,
If he loved me enough why would he want me to move on?

There was some trust,
But there  was a lot of hope,
Will he give me a second chance?
Nope, nope, nope.

Now I've lost him,
Now he's gone,
Will I ever have the strength to move on?


Now do you really know how I feel now I've lost someone?
To have him never want to even look at me?
To have him want me to move on?
Forget him when he's given me so much to remember?
To have him him fall out of love with me and leave me empty...

You were everything to me Mark,
Everything and more,
You give me everything I wanted, but tell me this...
Did it feel like a chore?

I was in a relationship with you,
As happy as can be,
'Till something came along(you know what it is) to come and ****** me.

You stayed by my side,
You tried
And tried
And tried,
Can you forgive me?
Hurry and decide.

My feelings are all over,
My head is in bits,
Please tell me how you feel now,
Tell me, are you calling it quits?
Chloe London Jan 2013
You left her... Empty, worthless and abandoned,
A heart of pure stone,
She lay there, face bruised, skull fractured,
You left her mindlessly, alone.

You shoved her, ***** her, killed her,
A heart of pure stone,
Her motionless heart doing nothing
But keeping its place,
Why didnt he just pick up the phone?

She ran, and ran, until she couldn't feel her legs anymore,
A heart of pure stone,
You sprinted and caught her, right from behind,
Why couldn't he just pick up the phone?

It rang and rang, went to voicemail,
You, you and your heart of pure stone,
You flung her to the ground and began to strip her,
Why, please tell me why he left her there alone?

Now that she's gone and she's far above but looking down,
She'll make sure that smile is wiped off your face, you clown,
And as soon as that deed is done, and she's had her fun,
I suggest you pack your things, you rat-bag, and ******* run.
I wrote this around 4am... xD
Chloe London Jan 2013
My life?
It's a bumpy road I guess,
I have my ups and downs.
But, then I get the times where I fall down and crash so hard,
That it's almost impossible to get back up,
Everything always seems so dark,
And it feels like there isn't going to be any source of light for some time,
Any time...

The sleepless nights,
The hollow, sentimental emotion,
The constant feeling of not belonging,
Or not wanting to be here,
Stabs me straight in the heart,
Making all of the happiness that I had in myself disappear,
Like it never even mattered and it wasn't supposed to be there.
Like I wasn't born to be happy.

It affects me so much that sometimes i question why I'm here,
And it worries me,
Because  if I want to do something, ill do it.
What if I have suicidal thoughts?
What If they ***** me over and tell me that I want to **** myself?
And I'm scared that it'll come to that...

This feeling isn't a phase, it digs into me a little further every day,
It's so deep into me that it feels like my life is depression,
Like I was born with it,
Like I've had a disability from the start.

What if I hit rock bottom again?
What if i get hit it so hard I summon up the courage to **** this feeling,
To **** myself?
*... What if?
I'm sorry if this is slightly disturbing to any of you, but it is my true feelings in a write up, it's the only way for them to get out. I express my feelings through poetry.
Dec 2012 · 860
Chloe London Dec 2012
When you're still waiting for the snow to fall,
It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all
Dec 2012 · 755
The Fakes
Chloe London Dec 2012
It's almost at the end of a year,
So much has happened,
So much time has gone passed,
I've loved,
And I've lost,
And I've made plenty of mistakes,
But now it's time to get rid of those people in my way, *the fakes.
Not one of my best poems, but I hope you can relate :)
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Hard Love
Chloe London Dec 2012
April 14th 2002 - 15 years old

You think it's *funny,

You think it's cool,
You think you make all the girls drool,

You're cocky,
You're a *****,
How many times do you wanna ask "**** my ****?"

You think you're hard,
You think you're smart,
You think you can rip through me like a dart...

April 14th 2012 - 25 years old

Now that we're older,
Now that we're wise...
I still hate,
I still despise,

Looking straight through those  bitter-sweet eyes...

You looked like heaven,
You were just like a toy,
You were everyone's little,big,bad boy,

You were nasty,
You were mean,
But you were never every girls teenage dream.

Now that you want me,
Now that you're nice,
You made me fall too hard,treat me like your sacrifice,

I don't even like you,
I don't even care,
Get out of my face before I start to swear,

You ain't funny,
Nor are you cool,
Nor did you make ANY girl drool.
Chloe London Dec 2012
I'm just a little tree,
A little tree that struggles to live
- to live normal and grow like all of the other trees,
You ever seen a tree...
...that grows in the shadow of another tree?
Yeah, we'll that's me.
It's all puny and misshapen because it's just bending and twisting...
...trying so desperately to get some sunlight.
If somebody just cut off a few feet of that big tree...
...that little tree could grow up strong.
But no, that's not the way life works, right?
They all love that big tree, right? They're all proud of that one.
They hate the crap out of the little one next to it.
The little tree that refuses to grow right.
And you know what? Till somebody comes along and cuts down that big tree...
...that little tree is never gonna get any light. Any light.
Story of my life...
Dec 2012 · 838
Chloe London Dec 2012
It was like a force,
Something telling me to pull open that drawer,
Telling me that thing inside it,
Was something I needed.
A craving.

A sudden shoot of adrenalin darted through my body,
"I want this", I whispered.
A needle was pulled out of the drawer...
Then it stood,hovering over my weak arm,
"Come on,you can do this.", I reassured myself.

It plummeted into my forearm,
I could feel it travelling deeper and deeper,
Sure it hurt, but I deserved it.
The pain circled my arm causing me to feel drowsy,

I pulled it out...

The tonic of the vampires' liquid climbed its way out of my flesh,
The coppery smell of it drifted under my nose,
Causing me to roll my eyes back,
I laid there lifeless,
Thinking of all the senses it stimulated
It tasted like salt,
Like a bitter sweet candy land in my mouth.

**I was an addict to my own blood.
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