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"I promise"
The words bending out of your sinister mouth trailing up to your crooked eyes.
"I promise, I'm sorry"
How many times can you repeat two words?
"I promise, please. Don't go"
I can still hear the echo of my tears crawling down your shoulders while your eyes stay fixated on the lines you knowingly caused.
"Wait. I promise."
                                        "at least i keep mine. "
its been years but i can hear your voice so clearly.
 Jan 2015 Chhristoph Love
When I wake on the steps of humanity,
I see the peril, the plotting, the running and the hasty implementation of torture.
For your children, we shall give them a crate and bowl and force them to live amongst their own feces to mold them into the industrious working class we so desire,
anything looking like upward mobility from the ditches we cry in.
For your animals,
we shall embalm them richly on your wall for you,
to gaze on with fond memory the corpse of an animal you never knew wholly,
merely the discipline you enacted on it to conform to your standard.
Never knowing the child without the work,
unable as a society to accept the being as what it is beyond all the standards and labels and cross-references of psychological history used to define your character and your place in this plane of existence.
At no time capable of committing to validating the true nature of the beast in every single conscious being on Pangea,
because, listen, listen closely,
in this jazzy age of deep beats and lack of swooning amounts of emotion,
you need validation to exist.
Confirm, tune in, download your inner interface to the great program,
and you shall forever be condemned to role of worker, or corporate  building block, you lucky duck.
Feed the system as it so graciously has fed you access to knowledge,
filtered and just the right temperature for complacency bred by millenial laziness and hopelessness.
Or drop out, and matter to none.
What is it going to be?
 Jan 2015 Chhristoph Love
 Jan 2015 Chhristoph Love
I am a writer. I am a drug addict, but I am currently sober. My name is me, and I am many things and places and times and memories wrapped into my shell of attempted understanding. At this moment in my life, my very young life, I am beginning the daunting task of finding the rest of myself among the wreckage of my **** soaked memories and remembering who I was before...and who I am now in the quake of the aftermath. In regards to what I
write about, I am very selfish but sometimes I will branch out into the world of politics because corruption and disruption of the flow of kindness disturbs me to no end. I suppose one writes on personal experiences because they are what we can comment on effectively and with true emotion; so that is what I am trying to do right now. Understand my own experiences and interactions (and maybe if I can get down far enough inside, my true motivation and intention.) This is me. I'm in an early stage in my current journey (head still reeling almost two years after the drugs from all the things that have happened.) It's safe to say I'm still spun...and I hate it. If I can untangle this web around my flesh maybe I can find the why and the who and the what the hell kind of answers that keep me awake at night.
Kiss my thoughts
Listen to my lips
Hold my heart
Feel my hips
Judge my motives
Understand my actions
Get drunk off of my love
Fill me with passion

— The End —