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34/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ    A poet donning the hat of a Gazetted Assistant Audit Officer. Ex-SBI Probationary Officer '22. I self-publish on KDP. Published 10 different books and sequels …
Iris Nyx
El Paso, Texas    I'm suffering like the rest of the world so sometimes I throw up letters and feelings and they make these weird poems. I kind of …
Nisha sunt
Mark The Vagabond
Dallas, TX   
Abigail B
NH    I am a student on the edge of exploring my world.
Tyler Durden
Virginia    I hope you don't regret me
shosho Rea
Matthew Bourgeois
Iowa, Louisiana    I like music. And poetry. And...stuff...
27/F/Not Boston, Almost Hell    ✝ (also known as WistfulHope) Read, message, or whatever • My work is protected under copyright © • HP member since 8-24-14
Michigan    -nyctophilia-
Philippines    Turning thoughts into poems.
16/F/Under the Stars    "We accept the love we think we deserve." - Charlie **Perks of being a wallflower**
Cancún, Mexico    I never wish to be easily defined
The  Good  Pussy
18/F/Norfolk    i like to write about how i feel
Yvette Mushimiiyimana
United States   
only words can decribe my feelings. because some people can't understand the words that come from mouth, but from heart.
Haydn Swan
Purgatory    Come take a walk, join me in my moonlit charade, shadows play, darkness sings, the curtain opens and the act begins ...
Sydney Mae Dompier
20/F    try to find serenity within my words as I slowly learn to find myself. Copyright© 2014 Sydney Mae Dompier
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