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Char Oct 2018
watched in her cage with blazing eyes,
a casket was hidden
with hurt and blame
within the hearts of two

She braced
the words and actions of callousness,
the usual,

he flamed a stem of anger
in her patient heart
and carved collected wounds
in her bleeding heart,
cloaking her sunlight
within a kaleidoscope

With every fight,
their heart spoke like titanic ships,
screaming chords from broken strings
in sunken seas

with every fight,
she poured her heart and soul to him (once more),
bearing her heart
with unscripted honesty,
reflected in apologies and thought.

with his words spoken,
"I love you. We will fix this,"
tears stream down,
but she wonders if the truth is faded
with empty promises,
no action
But for now, I will keep believing in him.
P.S. Critiques on how to improve this would be greatly appreciated! i think i stumbled at the end and it's probably quite confusing
Char Jan 2019
have you ever loved someone so deep
you forgive them
for breaking you
and still —
wish them the best?
Have you?
Char Oct 2018
dawn, the epitome of I
for I rise as bright as fire
despite the abuse of life
despite the breaking point of a tighrope
in a circus

I am the moon
for I am a victim of meteors,
that punctured holes of words.

but the moon is I,
as it snatches my sleep
and reminds
me I am white,
for my soul is a vessel without substance,
a crippling facade at war.
I'm going to be posting another similar one as pt.2 ( a continuation or one in detail)

— The End —