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Jun 2014 · 447
Get Out
Caroline Murray Jun 2014
I ******* hate you so much
You made me open my veins
And now you've crawled inside
Caroline Murray Jun 2014
I am going to ******* say it a thousand **** times,
And then once more because
i hate you and
maybe once your gone
my migraines and
self destruction will
leave too.
Jun 2014 · 6.7k
Hating The Hateful
Caroline Murray Jun 2014
I hope you choke on the malevolent words falling from your lips in a spit fire of hate.
Jun 2014 · 396
You (10w)
Caroline Murray Jun 2014
My collar bones weren't deep enough for your lying lips
Jun 2014 · 824
cough syrup
Caroline Murray Jun 2014
my metabolism
cant keep up
with how fast
my mind races
at 3 am when
scales and razors
are all i
think of

and bleeding
never gives me
the answers
ive always
longed for

but cherry cough syrup
tastes so much better
when you've downed
half a bottle

— The End —