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I'm craving a new reality
My life isn't what I thought it would be
It's not the worst
However it's not the best
I know it could be so much more

I'm craving a new dream
My ambitions aren't what I thought they would be
They aren't that unrealistic
But something is definitely missing
I really would like to further explore

I'm craving a new confidence
My self-esteem isn't as high as it should be
It's not like I hate myself
But I know I'm not at my best
I really want to be something more

I'm craving a new heart
My love isn't as pure as it could be
I don't have hate in my soul
But my past, I haven't let it go
I hope that real love will find me
It's funny how we easily forget each other when we are alive
But in death, we remember everything even the faintest of sighs.
brian bernales Jun 2015
I've anguished quite a lot
From the torments inflicted unto me by this life
Though I might seem fine in their eyes
Believe me, I never was

I have endured all of this
'Cause I believe that solution will come to me piece by piece
Yet with each passing day I become less and less hopeful
Because as every day ends, my life becomes a bit blur and no longer colorful

But even if that's the case
I still have to maintain my stance
Because the only outcome of quitting this fight
Is losing the battle at night
Now I need to summon courage and strength
So I can win this battle
And see the light at the end of the tunnel
The magic in your eyes,
The "make my knees weak" smile,
The "my heart skipped a beat" moment.
The "world stopped turning" for a while.
That electric feeling,
when our elbows touch,
That comforting lie,
"I've missed you so much"
The heat of the moment,
When my hand wraps around your waist,
and I pull you close,
with the other hand on your face,
The "drumroll" leading,
to the firework kiss,
The warm embrace after,
that always makes me wish,
That if clocks could be broken,
Then so would be time,
And I wouldn't have to hurry,
In this paradise of mine,
and all these heavens,
that begin with a hello,
All disappear,
and time begins to slow,
and I try my hardest not to show you,
but no matter how hard I try,
The hell in hello,
is when you say goodbye.
No goodbyes, No goodbyes,
just hellos,
just hellos.
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