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Brendan Holland Jul 2015
As a kid, I was always scared of thunderstorms. But as I have gotten older, I've discovered a unique beauty to them, and I’ve always wondered why this changed.
Maybe we grow to love the rain and storms, because we feel empathetic towards Mother Nature’s own pain and suffering, and it helps us to drown our sorrows in her tears.
Brendan Holland Jun 2015
You're my wave
Waiting to reel me in
Without my consent
Into dangers of
Unknown happenings.
You're calming and
Beautiful though.
Crashing up against the sand
Like when you crashed into my heart.
I'm reluctant to go back in
Knowing how a whirlpool of your
Serenity is only a cunning
You put on to distract me
Because when you finally pull me in
I can never escape.
Brendan Holland Jun 2015
Shall I compare thee to a winter's night?
Thou art just as peaceful and as serene
With the falling snow being the only light
Shining bright unlike summer's grass green
A snowflake kisses my cheek just like you
The only noises are thoughts in my head
And you breathing on my neck like you do
My thoughts consist only of what you just said
I feel your warmth like being near a fire
And I cuddle you like a blanket would
With pajamas on straight from the dryer
I want to kiss you, if only I could
You look so beautiful to me tonight
With you here, everything will be alright
Brendan Holland Jun 2015
She catches my eye
like an insomniac catches the cold
I can't see her face, only
the back.
Who is she?
I'm drawn to her like a bee
to a flower
or a bear
to a rushing river.
The flowers in her hair only
mimic her grace
and the bliss I feel
from her like the
ocean's current.
Maybe it's because she's a
She is an unknown, exotic
island I feel predestined to explore.
She is paradise,
and I'm just now getting off my plane.
Brendan Holland Dec 2014
The hardest part of loving you,
Is watching him do it better
Brendan Holland Nov 2014
From across the hall I see your lips pursed together at me
Below your sulking gaze upon my own eyes
I make a dumb joke to get you to at least smirk
You give me a smile I can only describe as wry

I don't even need gravity to fall back into your grasp
Figuratively and literally you will always have me
Because you look so beautiful with your nose scrunched up
With big brown eyes as elegant and simple as an oak tree

With words that move my heart at irregular patterns
And ideas that shape how a person should think
A touch so gentle and smooth you place on me
It breaks my heart to be away even just to blink

I feel calm with you like a fireplace in winter
Or as relaxed as someone laying out by the blue sea
But my stomach sinks like a ship when I see you with him
Because we both know that that should be me.
Brendan Holland Oct 2014
I've been asked recently,
"What are three things you want in this moment right now?"
And at that moment, I did answer them
But now looking back, I realize what I truly should have said
I didn't want anything, that moment was perfect as it was
You see, even though the sky was cloudy,
And drunk people were letting off fireworks,
And I was in the company of a girl who I laughed with
But still found it hard to look directly into her eyes
Without butterflies flying in my stomach at every word she spoke
It shows the world isn't perfect
But I'm alive in that imperfect world
And my imperfections parallel everything around me
And that means I am alive
And most importantly
And when I am living, then it is always a perfect moment.
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