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I'm so sorry that it's been so long
Since I've written you a song.
I've been busy painting haze
And telling stories other ways.
Dedicated to anyone who has ever liked my poems. I have been focussed on canvass work lately. Eventually, my focus will change and I will start writing more frequently...But, I have not forgoten you.
The seams between the earth and space are breaking
The stars are pouring down so hard from what's left of the sky
They're crashing down and making lights in the dirt,
flashing cheesy smiles at all the passersby

I'm much too large for my old childhood raincoat
My galoshes have holes in the bottoms and sides,
and my feet are too soaked to take another step, tonight
I'm drenched in specs of spacedust
And I've become part of the night

I've been spoken to a time or twice about life and all that makes it nice
But I've been staring at this sky for so long that I can't remember anything else
The neon signs in space keep saying different things to me and lying to my face
They're telling me to go a million different directions at the same time
And I'm lost within a spiraling circle knowing the path has no definite end in sight
I feel strange.
Half light-hearted, half heavy-handed.
You know when you get a song stuck in your head
and you can't get it out?
I hate that.
That's sort of what this feels like.

I feel better.
Less panicked, more confused.
But a good confused.
You know that feeling of warm water
running down your back
when washing your hair?
I love that.
That's sort of what this feels like.

I feel great.
And nothing.
This is just what I needed.
A warm bath and a quick nap.
I noticed the moon was hanging on a wire, right before it swung down from the sky
Dangling right before my eyes, I grabbed it
******, the worthless thing is plastic
And the stars are just the glowing eyes of strangers, telling me they're pleased to meet me

Swinging my arms through the night's sky, I get covered in ink
Black and blue on my skin from the thoughts that I think
The galaxies are writing stories on my flesh and singing songs into my mind for only my insides to hear
The lyrics are vocalized in a multitude of languages, pitches, and tones
And I feel sick now

I keep hearing your voice in the night when I look to the sky and I stare at the light
The sun has no place here, no meaning at all
She must stay hidden away and only seen when she's wanted
Winter is my favorite time of year because the nights are always longer
The funny thing about this is that my dad hated winter because the days were too short... It was one of few ways we were opposites.
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