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 May 2015 BellaBloom
SG Holter
 May 2015 BellaBloom
SG Holter
Rest. You did well
Smiled when you didn't have
To. Worked when you
Didn't want to.
Rest. You

Left nothing for the next day  
That was truly
You've earned

All the trust that tomorrow
The hopes you have for it seen as
Solid matter.

Listen to the wind moving
The branches of the Tree of Time.
It sings of you.
It sings of how good you are
At Life.

Listen and
Rest. Rest
Knowing you can do it.  
You already are.
 May 2015 BellaBloom
Leal Knowone
I am your scapegoat
deconstruct your rivalries
you love to hate me
 May 2015 BellaBloom
Leal Knowone
The white squirrel runs free. Outcast for it difference. You know the story, it's all the same. We are all part of a huge unity. Refrain from your judgmental gazes of pain.
Some just want to see the world burn, mutiny of humanity.Release the sophisticated animal within the. for every beast will get its turn.
The white deer in its symbol for purity is hobbling. Sadly our symbols die. lie on barren plans. questioning sanity,insane, Refrain from your judgmental gaze, try to heal the pain.The dog has it's bite, and the bee its sting. the song birds still sing.
I see ******* kindness in a forest of forgotten memories
the vast vivid wilderness of pain, is the same as the one filled with such beautiful things. run free in your unified difference. notice the worlds significance. and all the energy it aims at your brain.
 May 2015 BellaBloom
Lexander J
She whispers in my ear, says love is worth
it's brilliant weight in gold -
for eternity, upon that hot summer's night
to her passion my heart was forever sold.

I loved her then, and I still love her now;
from the first glance we fell under,
with running blood we forged an unbreakable vow.

Except it did break.

Fast forward to the eve of early October,
she's sumptuously massaging the back of my neck -
I'd never felt something so amazing
but back then my confidence was shot, I was a nervous wreck.

Oh but, she's got golden hair that ripples
and azure blue eyes that always entices -
her voice is as rich and slick as mahogany
surrounded by a fragrance of erotically exotic spices,

with teeth almost bleach-white,
and a body I'd have died to caress in the night -
oh that cheeky little smile
that made this mundane life seem more worthwhile,
now shrouded by memories and out of sight

Because, I was a pathetic waste of space -
with my head up my ****, I considered her advances a farce,
alas our friendship ran out of pace.

Now I only dream of what could have been,
for she had the strength that I lack -

oh sweet sweet lord,
how much I'd give to have her back.

[Jet Black]
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