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Mar 2016 · 196
simply philosophy
Beaux Mar 2016
everything exist past a cup of tea

Oct 2015 · 657
Beaux Oct 2015
Strut proudly backwards in zig zag lines
Never to step
Or misinform or crime
Listening to time's broken bells
Left at the Old Man's spell
Crippled by stranger eyes
Horizons built not seen or signed
Discredited and neglected
He's alive, he's alive
Oct 2015 · 635
blood stained marble
Beaux Oct 2015
the image of perfection tarnished
by human lust and will
eyes of love crumble
as does the will
image of perfection tarnished
burned and killed
who can see the blood stained marble
hanging from the limb
tiny string it does attach
broken knives do ****
Oct 2015 · 386
Angel-Faced Beastie
Beaux Oct 2015
Angel-faced beast

Breathe heavy with *
hot embers
Fists facing forward,
knuckles white
Silk dipped in milk disguised as skin

lovely you are in the fall

Burning down where my head may lay
Drag me across the desert landscape
For I am soaked in
righteous sin

For you,
sweet beastie*

are my salvation.
for my wife
Sep 2015 · 252
Vision of Redemption
Beaux Sep 2015
And then my eyes descended to my skin


Covered in scars

Whose origins I had forgotten

And I realized

I was

Aug 2015 · 796
Saturn Unseen
Beaux Aug 2015
My love is not a rose for a rose be too common
My love is not one to be described as flowers
She is but a drop of rare rain to the desert plain
Something my heart can hardly contain
My love is not a rose, no
But an indescribable thing
My love is like the unseen rings of Saturn in the spring
For my wife
May 2015 · 413
a poem for you
Beaux May 2015
To be lost in a daze
Body burns for your ways
How those eyes capture my being
Corrupted and twisted
Some call it the 6th sin
The way sometimes we behave
But all that it could be
It shall be and would be
Because you have found new meaning in me
My love, my dear
You've turned gloom to cheer
And this is your poem today
Apr 2015 · 358
Beaux Apr 2015
I have these calluses on my hand
Nearly like grown man
Yet my lover says my touch is smooth as silk
Apr 2015 · 262
Just a Glance at Her
Beaux Apr 2015
My heart bled crimson roses as she lay in silence.
Body still yet fluttering, floating above all else.
She covered what the world found beautiful and hid even more that which was herself.
That which I call beauty and whole.
Feb 2015 · 737
how existence begins again
Beaux Feb 2015
how the vine crawls up the fence
how the fence holds the boundaries
how the boundaries do not exist
how existence begins again
how the vine crawls up the fence
how the fence holds the boundaries
how the boundaries do not exist
how existence begins again
how the vine crawls up the fence
how the fence holds the boundaries
how the boundaries do not exist
how existence begins again
how the vine crawls up the fence
how the fence holds the boundaries
how the boundaries do not exist*
how existence begins again
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Cat Call
Beaux Feb 2015
cat call in the backyard
bend your back, back so slender
unveil that ****** tension
cut through it like a hot knife to butter

Oh.. slide..

prayer knees in the front yard
keep looking at me
baby girl, baby girl
wake up, I've been dreamed
roll forked-tongue down river bends

five more minutes, please

rotate in
twisted serpent in my neck
uncoil so slowly
she's dreaming
how wet

Feb 2015 · 572
Beaux Feb 2015
1.  Awake
2. Unaware
3. Couldn't Care
4. Craving More
5. "Remember that time.."
7. Death Relates
8. Orphans
9. Can't Escape
10. Camping Sin
11. Plaid
12. "Going where?"
13. I Misunderstood
14. Scared
15. Terrified
17. Best, My Best
18. Time To Fly
19. Selfish
20. Disgusted By Shy
21. meet my love, my life
22. "No heart, no head. All alone in my bed."
23. Tragedy, My Dearest Friend
24. ...............*to be continued
Feb 2015 · 1.7k
hand painted carnations
Beaux Feb 2015
hand painted
along my abdomen
aligned like the stars
you made

tears of Gods
wash them away
preferred Zeus to Athena
Feb 2015 · 427
Beaux Feb 2015
Do you learn, become, develop, or embody numb?

"Lesson's at 4."

No one shows.

How did you know?

**"The lesson at 4 was learned."
Feb 2015 · 496
Beaux Feb 2015
worn spot
on the
of a

Resembling Saturn
& its rings
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Cream in My Coffee
Beaux Feb 2015
Sweet cream in my bitter coffee
An icicle melts on the tip of porch
Steam rises, dancing, flirting with the wind
Caramel colored lover
Soul radiates the spectrum
***** curls and belly bound laughter
You're so detached.
How perfect.
Feb 2015 · 577
Hot Bath
Beaux Feb 2015
Like two cold feet hitting a hot bath
Acclimate or Remove
Readjust or Escape
Let us torture the body
What is clean?
When water becomes righteous
Flowing like honey from the Heavens

Two hot feet in a cold bath
Refill or Drain
remain to stay, no same
Ripples run from the body
Like you, they return
weaker & further apart
May this molecule be abundant

Engulfing the body. . .
*. . .now the lungs.
Feb 2015 · 236
Writer's Block
Beaux Feb 2015
Broke at 5 a.m.
Didn't like sleep much **anyway
Feb 2015 · 415
Beaux Feb 2015
A piece of me dies and lives in your presence.

You are the Raven as it was cursed black.

******* it, you're beautiful.
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Snake Charmer
Beaux Jan 2015
How quick the coiled snake does turn
To the Lily of the Valley for aid
Crumbling in Pharaoh's tomb
Snake betrays Isis
It loses its tongue
The snake be forever doomed
Jan 2015 · 309
Rest in Peace, Lee Guinn.
Beaux Jan 2015
My empty feels empty.
Being the last vibration of an echo.
Keeper of lasting words.

Be thee still here.
In the quiet of your eyes.
Sonic boom through the sky.
Carry away on whispered wind.
Navigating stars from downward sights.
Sails form from broken sky.

My empty feels so full!
Dust of Saturn's rings brush through bangs!
Breathless life! It is time!
Celestial waves glide like ice!
Pluto is warmest on the other side!

Smile for I see no light!

Smile for I am the light!

I am free! I am flight!
Through those lives cured of ill!
Finding joy forever still!
Venus off the port side now!
God's creation without a frown!

Smile for I see no light!

Smile for I am the light!
To my favorite Uncle.
Jan 2015 · 458
Revised Thoughts
Beaux Jan 2015
I'm trying to find a delicate way of saying, "You two-faced, judgmental, backstabbing, heartbreaking harlot! How dare you make me feel anything less than myself! I worshipped the quicksand you walked on until it ****** me under! Leaving me glad to gasp for air as the filth filled my lungs! Because I'd rather suffer a slow painful death than feel what I feel for you one minute longer! You oblivious woman!"

Oh, I've got it...
"I hope love finds you. Farewell."
Dec 2014 · 324
Shield Your Eyes
Beaux Dec 2014
You never truly stop being that closeted little creep who stares at your crushes during P.E.

That feeling never goes away..

Those girls still don't want you to look at them, and they sure as Hell don't want your compliments..

So you're stuck a fully formed freak for the rest of your life.

Confused by all of the "I usually don't but you're different." You think it's flattering but it's just disguised heartbreak.

Just like those girls in the locker room during P.E.
Dec 2014 · 317
the padded closet
Beaux Dec 2014


Dec 2014 · 504
The Princess Knight
Beaux Dec 2014
In the midst of all my chivalry,

I have realization,

Am I not a lady,

As woman for woman,

Explain her reasoning,

Behind such acts of hermit's bliss.

Wearing mangle armor of silver,

Poisoned apples laid by my side,

And asleep I did quickly fall,

Knight was I but also,

A princess indeed.

Cursed or bewitched,

No longer chivalrous I seem,

Left waiting for a kiss,

Amongst the trees.

Quietly I shall sleep,

Until a knight like I,

Woman for woman,

I'm alive.
Dec 2014 · 361
Black Book
Beaux Dec 2014
It's best to say everything you want to say.

Let the universe have it.

It needs them more than you.

Because those intangible love limbs wrap your soul each night.

And wake you in the morning.

Give the universe your words.

She'll love them through the night.

Buries her sorrows under the sunset.

To raise your dreams in the morrow.

That fresh morning dew is the tears of her youth.

Begotten. Belittled. Forgotten.

Give the universe your words.

She needs them more than you.

Give the universe your words.

She's fallen in love with truth.
Dec 2014 · 271
Just thinking..
Beaux Dec 2014
Sometimes I wish I was born as the man that resides within my head.

Maybe it would be easier then.

Maybe people would forgive without a second thought.

Or make excuses for my flaws.

But I wasn't.

I am to be flawless as a woman with the mind of a flawed man.
Dec 2014 · 337
What Have We Become
Beaux Dec 2014
Your eyes must be owned by a corporation
That soul so burdened by propaganda
You've got commercials running your brain
The internet runs through your veins
Rather a 'like', a 'view' or a 'share'
Living in a reality that isn't there
Add that filter to hide your tears
Post about your latest fears
Hide the things you truly hold dear
Because those things make you, You
But perhaps the blinded masses will do
Hide behind illuminated screens
Never letting them hear you scream
Passive aggressive love links now
God, society has turned to clowns
I want to touch a human soul
Yours, in fact, I'd like to hold
But you'll never see me standing here
Because I'm outside
And you're in there
Dec 2014 · 1.9k
Dime Piece
Beaux Dec 2014
I will never treat you like a ten
Because we are human
All wrapped in sin
I will never treat you so sweetly
Letting roses call out bleakly
Teddy bears stuffed with lies
But I'll sit and watch you cry
Or talk or smile or possibly die
But I'll be there throughout time
Bittersweet biting on lips
Hoping not to get the slip
I will never treat you like a ten
Because I'm human
Wrapped in my sins
Calling out with all my might
Whispering long goodbyes
Hoping Angel's wings shall break
Satan bound so filled with hate
Fingernails across the board
My thoughts are dying
Forever yours
Blessed to be the nothing you seek
Release those chains
Your soul be free
Dec 2014 · 398
Self Evaluation: Failed
Beaux Dec 2014
I was a good poet once.

Now I'm a dead girl twice.
Dec 2014 · 343
To My Lover, Mr. Poe
Beaux Dec 2014
Reading the words "nevermore."
Feeling hearts that never soar
Black wings of Poe's raven
Tried to make my own safe haven
Found the body under the floor
Heard Lenore scream "nevermore."
Couldn't close my eyes to rest
Hold my breath til my death
Hear the thump or break the boards
I might cry "nevermore."
Clinching jaw, blood is drawn
Fingers break to evolve
Cover all the missing doors
For she has called out
Nov 2014 · 464
Dead Dogs
Beaux Nov 2014
You *******.
You, ****..****.

Backwoods bury ideals of true southern comfort
My tears are no longer cleansing nor purifying
I have escaped my sanity

******* IT. YOU *******.

**** or be killed
Oh, you stupid *******.....
That's my family, my friends, my companions
Four legged fur ***** who only cared to run

YOU *******

I'll find you and the poison soaked food you offer my friends
I'm sure they smiled at you
I'm sure you were kind
I'm sure you caressed them with care
Then with that cursed devil's grin

YOU SON OF *****

I hear her now...

Her name is Gabby
Gabriel when I'm angry.
She the last one and I hear her begging mercy..


I'll do what you've done to them
See if your hunting grounds free
I hope it was worth every bit of the poison
Because it shall come back in threes.
The sad part of this is that it is true... I live in the country and, to be short, things are different here. Men have no mercy on animals at times. So, a man who was bothered my dogs on his property, had a confrontation with my father. Three days later, today, our dogs began coughing off some steaks cubes that were not even digestible. When my father called the man he simply said, "Such a shame to see them go." I never point fingers, but I will point a loaded barrel.
Nov 2014 · 392
Door Frame, Funny Friend
Beaux Nov 2014
A door frame is a funny friend.
Always entering yet exiting at the same time.
It presents anxiety and builds bonds.
What is a home with no door?
Such a funny friend you are.
Pound your fist against its content, shaking the core.
Funny friend you to strike to open up.
Leading you to joy or sadness or opportunity.
A portal to a new reality and possibility of life and love.
A mere mirror of alternative thought as you hear that hinge break free.
**** turning slowly then suddenly...
There you are. That thing that is beyond my strange friend, the door.
Nov 2014 · 166
Beaux Nov 2014
I'll stand outside when the all rain stops and pretend I'm standing with you.
Nov 2014 · 359
Beaux Nov 2014
My ******* gracefully draw across my lips.
Retracing the lines she placed there.
Fingers only mocking the sensation and my foolish coos.
My senses fall into a void filled with dreams that call her name.
Screaming hums on lover's lips.
As my eyes shut the vision reappears.
How green is the grass that grows behind those eyes?
No goddess could create such a green.
A flower in full bloom that bleeds light and sings to deaf ears.
The blind only know of her beauty for it is unimaginable.
No art could compare to the brush strokes of her heart.
Oh how heavy a head feels until it lays upon love's chest.
My goddess protects you as I do.
I inhale all the essence though little never bleak.
She gives what she gives to me.
But how I breathe so carefully when her essence be all that I seek.
Nov 2014 · 547
She is a Feast
Beaux Nov 2014
I will gormandize the feast that is she.
Body of bread and butter
No, more.. Earth-bound fingertips scatter under pressure of a diamond.
Skin soft to bear blood, how gruesome.
Thoughts all turned to coal.
Body turn water to wine
The snake's forked tongue stuttered over silence screams.
Venom which could resurrect Christ on knees.
Wasp stinging back of bird's neck.
Her soul found grapevine tangled in nests.
Body as cold as ice
She has fled on Poe's Raven's wings.
Soul displeased and assured and so scared to be.
Calling for her out that chamber window.
Hearing no "where art thou" in this distopia thy named garden.
Body removed from time.
Could it be indescribably so?
That a heart has breached that dark surface below.
Happy Thanksgiving
Oct 2014 · 408
Robin Hood (No Merry Men)
Beaux Oct 2014
Snakes don't walk,
they slither
Around the
corner of your eyes
Piercing through the first
layer of skin
You shed,
we shed lies
Come forth,
blind woman
What a waste land,
heart echos are
No hands on the
violet flowers
Slide down the alabaster
Fetch my pale of water,
Golden Arrow girl
Oct 2014 · 254
Your Eyes Only...
Beaux Oct 2014
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I am a sorry sour *******.
I'm sorry you feel sorry for my sorrows.
I'm sorry, You.

*I'm sorry. ******* it.
Please forgive me.
Beaux Oct 2014
Listen to the silence.
She's screaming louder than you know.
Her mind fading into the void.
Listen to the silence.
She sounds like a siren's tear falling.
Her body weak and frail.
Listen to the silence.
Everything she ever wanted to say is there...
She's waiting for you to listen..
Listen to the silence.
Sep 2014 · 387
Metal Gear Solid
Beaux Sep 2014
I felt the cold steel graze my lips.

Thrusting it deeper down my throat.

It was the closest thing to a **** that's every been near my mouth.

Bang bang, Baby.
Sep 2014 · 429
Hell's Gates
Beaux Sep 2014
The full force of a blow behind a balled fist.
5 fingers curled together like children of the Depression huddling for warmth.
Weathered skin ripping as atoms burst and disrupt at the powerful touch.
Aries cries out to his child: MORE.
Dividing the air that controls space's pressure and reconfiguring its flow.
Pain has no home in these halls.
Let them echo with my ****** screams from the subconscious.

....I say..
*Relieve me.
Sep 2014 · 299
Angel of Death
Beaux Sep 2014
What would you say if I was the Angel of Death?
It isn't as far fetched as seemed.
Something seems to always die.
It's my fingers; they're rotting.
My fingers are stained with your rotten flesh.
I once brought life to things.
I watched them grow.
But now I watch them die so slow.  
You'd think I'd be so sad.
But I can not find one sigh.
I told him he had to let go.
He needed me to give him relief.
I'd do the same for all sweet souls.
If they ask me so sweet.
Life isn't about how you die.
It's about how you kick rocks and cry.
He wanted this.
No one loves an Angel of Death.
Probably due to lack of soul.
Sep 2014 · 365
Beaux Sep 2014
He wore a gold band
But around his neck.

"Breathing's no fun without me." -She
Aug 2014 · 2.2k
Sweet Water Nymph
Beaux Aug 2014
My sweet water nymph
You wished for me to arrive "earlier"?!
By your side be my life.
I carry your heart through realms of chaos.
Beg my pardon for the lapse in minutes..
Reliving your love can ****.

You are thy muse.
Enchanting and mischievous and empowering is your being.
Your aura bleeds ecstasy and grace.
Calliope, Clio, Euterpe, Erato, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania...
Collapsed in a single body.
What a body.

My sweet water nymph. . .

Carrying inspiration in those stems.
We can't help but bow to you.
Give me your ripened fruit of art.
You poor soul.

. . .
my sweet water nymph
*tear me down*
Aug 2014 · 345
Beaux Aug 2014

Aug 2014 · 574
Beaux Aug 2014
**** ME NOW.
It's like a slow burning brand
cooling down in a bucket of ****** water.
Transparent life support failing me sweetly.
Sweat that even taste sweet.
Can't cover imagination's eyes.
I call upon the definition of "love"
because it is defined.
Perhaps I scream too much.
Crawl on knees to me, Dove.
Bury your lust and fears
in my thighs.
I'm the side effect
not the medication.
Aug 2014 · 460
It's Our Birthday
Beaux Aug 2014
Birthdays are usually seen as a time of celebration. It is almost as if many ask the world to thank them for their existence and there is nothing wrong with that form of celebration. I’m glad you exist. However, for my birthday (which was a couple days ago) I would like to thank every single one of you for your existence. It is you who I should thank for this life I have. Without your thoughts, whether they be good or evil or void or valid, I would not exist. And if you’ve ever taken even a nanosecond out of one of your days to think of me, thank you. You really didn’t have to, but I am so appreciative you did. My birthday is considered a time of self-reflecting and know that I thought of you. Because a piece of each one of you has made this whole that is me. You are an incredible person who is unique and ever evolving. So, happy unbirthday to you, beautiful. I love you.
Jul 2014 · 189
Beaux Jul 2014
I am okay.

No, I am not.
Jun 2014 · 612
Beaux Jun 2014
Dismissed Earth reconfigures with tongue
Binary reality simplifies through eyes
Barren body reimagined as fine wine
Hollow holds on cold text
With warmth behind false ideas
Carry out reversed scripture
Speak louder and louder
By choice
Indecency and despair
Three piece suit, satin stitches
Running sweat off worried hearts
Sweet honey suckle blood to bare
Love in a shadow box display
Echoes of an empty shell
May 2014 · 572
Beaux May 2014
It seems the tip of my forked tongue

     craves the taste of all the elements

           that create such a figure.
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