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116 · 12h
Out of love
Skyler H 12h
I'm running out of love
Have never had enough
One day when I'm done,
I hope what I have done
I did it out of love.
57 · 15h
Skyler H 15h
Imagine what we could be
If you weren't just a constellation in the sky
A clutter of space rocks in the back of my mind
And if it were just you and I
For you would that be alright
To feel and tell secrets and sweet lies
Is a small price to pay for human paradise

Like the stream of consciousness in your eyes
You desperately try to hide but that i know it like the back of my mind
And I remember every little thing you said about yourself
And how you like to spend your days and how your eyes they're tired but so full of life
It's like a bottomless ocean, in it
Death seems like no limit
And I'll keep my blind spirit
In your inexistence I'll go delirate

My selections of letters to you mean nothing
To me they're perfect poems written just for me
You make me question if my sanity really exists
Or do I just wanna hold someone and be a know-nothing for the hope of it all
When all this world does is fall
Written June 15th 2024
52 · 12h
slow down
Skyler H 12h
Slow down,
If we only had right now
Would you still keep me on the sidelines?
Slow down,
Whenever I try I freeze.
The way you made me feels like
My wound won't heal.
The prejudice I set against myself is exhausting
My hope flies by and I can't seem to look at the sky,
I don't know why.

Maybe if you slow down
I can figure this out
Maybe, if you slow down
I'll say my forever goodbye.

A knife so sharp it makes you feel nothing
A love so strong you can't seem to think about nothing
When I'm ripped to pieces you like to measure up,
And take my freedom away.
The bruises that paint my sky will always chase you
I'll tell you that even if it's the last word
That comes out my mouth.
Skyler H 13h
Blood on my fangs, I once saw as glitter
Rose-tinted world drowned in a hopeless filter
Crushed from the soul, heart-wrenched, lifelessly searching
No more hope where fragile seeds have been stomped
While time's sharp fangs can't seem to be stopped

As my mind is catching fire
Mentally sick, endless haywire
Too much to say, but no air escapes my lungs
No words to express what's become my world
Heavy clouds tinted undescribable shades
And ground overgrown, within it hidden venomous snakes

Shattered glass obscuring my vision, I won't look back
Infinitely dark, my face smothered in vantablack
But just then a light showed me a glimpse
A shooting star told me it's my turn to make a wish

A wish so grand it makes the ground rattle and
If it lights up a world just a little brighter than it is now
I won't turn back into the darkness I came from, a heartfelt vow
But it's just me, in reality
My entirety soaked in liberating rain and vitality
Where I wish upon a star that falls just to stop sparkling
Faster than self-made chains leave you in soliloquy, blood on your hands, burdening
Skyler H 13h
As I get to know you
Lavender grows in my heart,
The scent mends my scars
And it all feels true.

As I lay by you in the morning
You lay your ever-discovering eyes on me
After a tired night, morning and day
All I want to say is how much I cherish
Having you here next to me.

You don't need to
Make me feel like it's all okay
Or change my life in
Some unattainable way.

I promise to love you
For who you are, not who you make me -
Shining in all colors and shapes,
A precious, beaten-up jewel
I'll carry you in my front pocket  
So you can rest as long as you want to

I'll never know when
This might just end suddenly -
Still life made us meet
And it means so much to me.

I can hear the birds sing;
When you look at me, it's a heartwarming melody
A movie everyone wants to see
But you're showing it just for me, and I don't know how
I'll make it it up to you- and I'll
Grow fields of lavender just for you
And make the sky turn bright blue whenever you want it to

So we can truly understand how
Moments feel like an eternity together.
A poem I wrote for my future lover and the love I long to share with them
Skyler H 13h
Open your eyes, little child
It's no longer dark, can you feel the Sun?
Should I bring it down so you can hold it in your arms?
If it sounds good, give me a light nod

Can you hear that? Space is calling.
Come with me, we'll build a spaceship
Hold my hand close and don't drop it
Let's take it to the Moon or wherever you feel is cool

Hold your breath a little longer
Isn't the spacesuit the coolest thing, hm?
It's time to let go of the world and it's unspoken words
Let the people who made you sad stay
So, what do you say?

You'll be surprised to know
It's all vip for you
There's never-ending pixie dust
And everything you desire
Just close your eyes and picture it for me.

Woooh... The road's a bit shaky
But that's part of the takeoff
Would you like a hug?
It's good to know we'll only go up

Will you be surprised to know,
That I'm not much smarter than you
I might be a hero for you but I'm weak for me
Younger me, please love me and I'll love you too

Closed my eyes and i can feel you.
Open your eyes, little child.
a poem for our younger selves...
38 · 15h
Skyler H 15h
Birdcages, broken faces
I've lost track of time again
All in my head, doors locked, sinking in
Sinking in my own despair

Everyone looks at me so
Excitedly but I can't seem
To grasp why what is it
That you see in me all around me
I can feel the pity in their eyes

When the aurora hit my face,
All I wanted was to stay
On my own when darkness clipped
My wings, they grew back as light
And even if I'm too shy to fly
I shake my wings as they lift me up high

Green grass over me
Soft hug I can't leave
That's what I've been in
Feels like shining selfishly

All over me and I'm scared
I'm losing touch when I'm just
Regaining whatever I lost,
So long ago I can't remember what it was

When the aurora hit my face,
All I wanted was to stay
On my own when darkness clipped
My wings they grew up all light
And even if I'm too down to fly
I shake my wings as they lift me up high

As I reached the clouds
My hands shaking, I can't stop
I said to myself "this is it now"
I can't even believe in me now
But I did it I had to try
When it torments you every night
It grows more real grew less frightening
The thought of me leaving, How englightening

Aurora hit my face
All I could do was stay
Aurora when lights arise
I'll be the first in line to fly
And maybe when I take flight
I'll know how much I'm worth
And all that I deserve

When I gave my all
Their eyes won't show it but they knew
After everything I've been through
To be like me means gleaming when
The stars are taken away from your sky
Written Feb. 15 2024
35 · 12h
your coldest touch
Skyler H 12h
It's crazy, don't you think so?
I thought I'd grow old with you,
Walk down new streets with you
But it all went to nothing.

Might've been something I did
But I didn't wanna let you go like that
You closed the door in my face in the winter sunset
Now I'm in the darkness you said I led you into.

When the talking was done
I felt the coldest touch
I knew was the last I was gonna see of you
Never do you know what the future will do
A decade just flashed by in seconds, I knew
This was the last I'm gonna see of you

No more driving down the road
I'll never walk you home again
I won't see you grow since you wanted it to end
You won't see me shine but I'm not afraid of that

Could've been something you did
When you thought in a few words it could be ended.
33 · 13h
skin and bones
Skyler H 13h
Every word I've ever heard from you
Leaves a new cut like shards of glass
As I bleed away in plane sight unfound
Please, I beg you to get out of my memory
I need you gone, for you and for me

Your look like lasoos on my back
As they strike new wounds I'll never forget
I'm becoming the worthlessness you saw in me
So dumbfounded when I felt your cruel
Shatter my bones like freezing winter air
Left with no shelter to drag myself up a hill

Everyone gathers around the fire
The blazing warmth like a first kiss
Moments and moments of symphonic bliss
Where I just wanna get close and feel it
33 · 12h
Skyler H 12h
Your smile melts my heart like caramel
Your plush lips like an antidote, all I ever wanna know.
Your eyes like dark crystal mirrors tell me your every move
When I hold you we melt into one, sweet like caramel
Skyler H 12h
Years from now,
In a coffee shop downtown
Millions of miles between
Where I can't be seen

What I showed to the world before,
That wasn't true; I don't want it anymore
Why did my colors only get more blue,
When others get the whole rainbow.

So this is the night I let go
I'm okay for today, that's all I know
And I'll float this little red balloon to show
I'm not drowning anymore

It's sad to think,
The things that could've been
And the sights I could've seen
If this journey went a different way
Where would I have gone if I had
Taken a different train?

When you think you get the least you get the most
You have more than you could ever know
I know what you think you need right now is nowhere to be found
But have you thought you don't need it just yet, how does that sound?

The light I never had
Turned into flames
When shades of crimson
Painted the way.
29 · 12h
secret garden
Skyler H 12h
Roses darling can't compare
To the scent you leave.
When come close to me
I can see the brightest red, who can resist ?
Anything like this a ten

Now my hold my hand,
In the night we tread.
Roads aligned with stars and love
When it's just the two of us
It's all magic and it's all lust.

Just a step more and it gleams,
The sight of it leaves us weak
Beauty like this is something you can't speak
It's a secret garden under golden gates
With guitars and love song serenades
29 · 12h
Skyler H 12h
Hear the candle popping as it's burning
Slightest glow on the kitchen table
Tired faces lit with sorrow circle the room
Then the shared pains follow
A room with memories left behind
Empty looks watching an empty house
Once every full moon
We share each other's light
But that's all just in my mind

Photobook of moments
Burned into our conscience
We speak without words
Our looks say more than enough
We know when it's been raining on us for a bit too long
And we keep company when it's hard to hold on
If we got the chance wouldn't choose anyone else
We both feel the storm just the same
But i don't know how that works
It's all just in my head

Wondering what it's like
Always with family
A word that's hard to define
Brings so much joy or pain
A sweet relief you won't escape
Or burning hell you wish to erase?
When it's just you
You don't know what to know
Is it really destiny
Is that really family?
23 · 12h
Sweater for two
Skyler H 12h
Wind is thumping the window
Wishing it could carry us away
Night flames flicker in the small apartment
Our pictures hanging in frames
A cup of warm sugar is in my hand
The other in yours half empty as is
We just don't care
Talking away our cares

Hiding under the covers
Why can't we have a sweater for two
Heart to heart is all that we swear to be true
And if you want you can cry through the night
I'll say just as much as you'd like

Where are the good old times
When we weren't feeling this old
The time bomb in our heads is about to explode
And what we'll feel a moment from now, we don't know
If it is this unpredictable how can some still say: "enjoy!"
The smell of candied wax in our lungs,
Our eyes filled with a sense of trust.

"In your eyes can I hide?" I ask
I laughed it off like I always do, I put on my careless mask
Your warm smile lights up the dark
Blood runs in my numb heart at the sight
If this was the night we died, wouldn't be so bad, right?

I hold you closer and closer
Why can't we have a sweater for two
Your gaze warm as the rising sun, tears start to move
You look at me like it's your fault, I don't wanna do this to you
I realize the pain is forever here to stay
Once you've had enough, there's only one way:
One becomes two, two becomes one
It's the way it's always been in my heart.
23 · 12h
Sweetest thing
Skyler H 12h
I'm not good with words,
All I do is try
I'm stuck with my feelings,
Can't seem to get them out
My head is in a never-ending fight
I'm tripping over what I got
Pulling the rope from both sides,
I hope I don't lose it while
I still got you
I know I don't own you
And you don't own me.

You're all I can see
All I want to know,
A living masterpiece
A sight to behold.
My priceless lover,
Will you be forever?

You're my treasure,
Head to toe
Sweetest thing the world has known
Each moment is a diamond with you
Let's run away without no shoes
And as the water reflects our holding hands,
As the breeze and night light washes us clean
I'll let you know, my only one, my one gem
You're the one I'm here for, no one else.
21 · 12h
Skyler H 12h
Fireplace cracks the silence
We're done taking nonsense.
In the dead of night,
Sitting tensely cross-legged
On the same stained couch,
I'm about to leave now.

The wheels roll down the pavement
No one follows, only the sound of rain trickles
And I know deep down
This place isn't safe to stay anymore.

Dark street lights almost made me trip
My head is empty but the feelings are killing me
I've solved the image you made of me
Now there's nothing left of what you thought of me
But I knew in my soul it was time to let go

The new page is left open.
The book is in my hand now
And the pen was stolen from you.
11 · 12h
I Felt Love
Skyler H 12h
And just for that second
For the blink of an eye
I felt love and it was only mine
Didn't think that I'd be better off
Being whoever and showing it off
I just thought the wind is nice
The way it clinged to my hair
And the grass beneath my feet
Gave me way, filled me with fresh air

It's easy to see only what you want
When the ugliest things are hidden
Too normal till you forget what you got
When they make you wish for what you had
And the clock keeps digging it's claws
To think you're in a rush and never enough,
Only to realize wherever you're running
Is not where you wanna get. Besides, the flaws
Like golden butterflies, shine and get carried away

— The End —