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My dear For eon's  
I searched for closure ,
Closure on  what blended us together ,
Closure on what melded us forever,
Closure on what made us care for each other up until this very moment,
But dear after so much time I had to realize the very truth,
Our closure , it was never out in the world keeping us far from each other.
It was here right here
infront of us the whole time.

It lied in us being closer in this moment than the last,
drawing each other's breath
Till the air will no longer be a concern,
Till our hearts consume each other's soul,
Till I become yours and you ,while you become mine and me that's exactly where our Closure lies.
Closure is necessary but for us closure never existed. For What's sinned shall always be redeemed and for what's lost could always be found,I will never have closure on acceptance of the thought that I lost you even if it consumes what's left of me. I suffer by my choice of choosing you against the whole world for my choice will remain the same no matter what.
Just because you can’t always see the sun and the moon up in the sky
Doesn’t mean it’s not there,  because so am I
I may not be physical anymore but believe me I’m here more then you know
Just because you can’t see me
Just because you can’t hear me
Just because you can’t hug me
Doesn’t mean I can’t see, hear or hug you
Look for the signs I send from Heaven
You’ll know it’s me
I am sending them directly to you
I’m always listening and watching over you
Never forget that and always remember
“I love you”
 May 2019 Asmitha Satesh
The world appears hollow
Even while walking around in crowd
The sky becomes dull
Even with bright sunlight
The walls become dark
Even with beautiful patterns
The fake appears beautiful
Even after knowing the real...
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